Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:56 AM

Chapter 737

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Xiao Yunhai celebrated with the crowd for a while, and then came to the stage with a smile and a brisk pace.

Originally, he wanted to take over the certificate from Laurine, but Pippen next to him said, "Xiao, it's not easy to get the certificate and the trophy. Laurine has always wanted to avenge you. Now that he has such a good opportunity today, he will certainly not miss it. Right? Laurine. "

Laurine laughed, "of course. Xiao, when your movie "Jingwu hero" beat my "game of doomsday", I was very unconvinced. "

Xiao Yunhai asked quietly, "what do you want?"

Laurine's fingers crossed, his bones clattered, and he said, "let's have a fight first. How about strength?"

With that, Laurine put out his hand with confidence on his face.

The stars and fans under the stage saw Laurine's fault and began to clamor.

Such things are common at American awards ceremonies, mainly to liven up the atmosphere. Of course, if you lose, it's a shame.

Xiao Yunhai turned to look at the host Richard and said, "is this OK?"

Charlie shrugged and said, "of course. However, you can refuse the challenge and the trophies and certificates will still be given to you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'm afraid Mr. Laurine can't stand it."

Laurine said confidently, "Xiao, it's no use in the Department of slapstick gun. Let's see the real chapter on our hands."

"As you wish."

Laurine is 1.95 meters tall and has muscle bumps all over his body. It gives people a feeling of strength when he looks at it.

However, Xiao Yunhai is only 1.8 meters, and his figure is obviously emaciated among his peers in China, let alone compared with Laurine.

Seeing that the gap between the body and the other side is so obvious, some good-natured fans are pinching a sweat for Xiao Yunhai.

Lin Hui said with a worried face: "director Xiao will be OK."

Luo Tianxiong beside him laughed and said, "you should worry about Laurine. Don't say one of them. You can't win the sea of clouds even if you have another. "

Xiao Yunhai on the stage slowly stretched out his right hand and held it with Laurine.

Laurine suddenly burst into force and said, "Xiao, shout out if you can't stand it. Don't hold on. I don't want to hurt you. "

Xiao Yunhai's face did not change at all. He said with a smile: "Laurine, can you use some strength? You don't have a meal this afternoon. Your strength is too small. "

"Ha ha ha."

There was a burst of laughter under the stage.

Laurine's eyes were wide, his right arm muscles were high, his blood vessels on the back of his hand were swollen and his veins were bulging. He said, "I'm going to try my best. I think it's better for you to admit defeat. It's not a disgrace."

Xiao Yunhai, smiling and shaking his head, stretched out his left hand, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Laurine, don't talk. What's more, the anger will be released. I think the audience should cheer you on. "

On hearing this, the fans immediately cried out.

"Laurine, come on."

"Kill Chen Zhen and you will be the first in the world."

"Laurine, use your strength."

"Come on."

In the crowd's cheering voice, Laurine's face was choked red, his eyes were almost staring out, his teeth were gnawing, and he even had the strength to drink milk.

However, the face of Xiao Yunhai did not change.

Laurine felt like holding a piece of pig iron in his hand, without a trace of flesh and elasticity.

Xiao Yunhai sighed softly: "Mr. Laurine, give up, don't say you have one hand, even if it's two hands together, you can't win me."

Laurine had already been unable to do so. When he heard Xiao Yunhai's words, his eyes brightened and he said, "this is what you said. I'm going to use two hands. If you lose, don't say I won't win. "

Without waiting for Xiao Yunhai to answer, Laurine put his left hand on it.

The audience can't help murmuring to Xiao Yunhai with two hands.

"Laurine is too much. It's obviously bullying."

"It was Shaw who said it. Laurine just listened to him."

"But I don't think Laurine's hands are Xiao's rivals."

"You see, Shaw's face is still smiling, but Laurine's face is red and his neck is thick."

Xiao Yunhai saw almost, then said: "Mr. Laurine, let go, you can't

Laurine gritted his teeth and said, "what? Did you give up? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I just want to tell you that I haven't exerted myself."

Laurine listened and said, "come on. Let me feel your power. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "in this case, I'm sorry."

Xiao Rui's mouth hurt a little, but he felt a pain in his right arm.Xiao Yunhai did not intend to let Lauryn lose face. After breaking away from his hand, he said with a smile, "Mr. Laurine, are you ok?"

Laurine looked at his shaking hand because of excessive force, and said with a wry smile, "it's OK. It's just a little bit out of strength."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's you who just used too much strength. Just wait a moment."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai easily defeated Laurine, the king of power in Hollywood, both the stars and fans on the scene clapped Xiao Yunhai.

"Xiao is so good."

"My God, one hand can beat Laurine cleanly, and Shaw's power is too great."

"Xiao is my idol. In the future, I must study Chinese Kung Fu and become as good as Xiao in the future. "

……………………………… ...

on the stage, Xiao Yunhai came to Pipeng and said with a smile, "Mr. Pippen, can I get my things?"

Pippen said with a wry smile, "of course. Xiao, you are so good. "

Xiao Yunhai took the certificate and trophy from Pippen's hand, stood in front of the microphone and said, "thank you very much for the unexpected surprise brought to me by Mr. Pippen and Mr. Laurine. However, I still hope that the surprise can be less."


"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai's first words amused all the audience.

Pippen and Laurine looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"However, I really want to thank the Oscar Organizing Committee for this great surprise for winning the best foreign language film award. If you can continue to surprise me at the best director award, I think I will consider inviting you to eat the most delicious Chinese food. "

"Ha ha ha."

"I didn't expect Xiao Yuan to be so humorous."

"This is my idol."

The audience gave Xiao Yunhai warm applause.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I remember the first time I came to America. What it brought me was a sense of freedom. All kinds of cultures intertwined and formed a very special American culture. Hollywood can become the entertainment center of the world. I think this kind of cultural atmosphere is very important

"As a director from China, standing on the podium facing the whole world, I have to publicize for my motherland. Because on the first day it entered the 21st world, it opened the door of the entire entertainment industry and opened its arms to excellent filmmakers from all over the world. "

"In a country with a history of 5000 years and a quarter of the world's population, there is no doubt about the potential of films. All the guests are the best in Hollywood. I sincerely hope that you can go to China to have a look and walk around. You will find that it is very suitable for shooting movies. Whether it is mountains and rivers, or hills and mountains, China has everything. "

"Well, that's all. I'm afraid I've said too much. It's time for the organizing committee to ask me for advertising expenses. On such occasions, I estimate that the cost may not be low. If I can't afford it, I will be in trouble. "

"Ha ha ha."

Finally, Xiao Yunhai held up the trophy in his hand and said, "thank the Oscar Organizing Committee for this award to me, thank all the creators of" Jingwu hero "for their efforts in this play, and even more thank the fans who like our" Jingwu hero ". Without your support, I can't stand here. Thank you. Thank you. In my heart, you are the best. "


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