Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:55 AM

Chapter 738

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At this time, China's online has been crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha, Emperor Yun has won the Oscar for best foreign language."

"The emperor of the cloud is powerful and domineering."

"Jingwu hero" has won the recognition of the world's film elites, and the domestic film has finally lifted its eyebrows. "

"Ha ha. Who knows how powerful the emperor is. Just now that Laurine can't compare with him in suckling strength. Our Chinese Kung Fu is really the best in the world. "

"Yes. Originally in the movie to see Laurine is very powerful, at the beginning also for the cloud emperor pinch a sweat. I didn't expect that Laurine was a wax gun head, and he didn't have the slightest threat to the emperor. "

"Laurine used to be a bodybuilding coach. He can do hundreds of push ups with one arm, which is more powerful than ordinary people. I don't know how many times. It can only be said that he was unlucky to meet the emperor

In an ordinary courtyard, Cao Huaqian, Minister of culture, nodded slightly when he saw that Xiao Yunhai had made a positive publicity for Huaxia at the Oscar ceremony.

"It's worthy of being the son of the Xiao family. The overall situation is very good."

Cao Qianqiu thought of winning the best foreign language award, and then called Xiao Huahai for the best foreign language award.

Like Cao Huaqian, Liang Qianqiu is watching the award ceremony.

When I heard the sound of the mobile phone, I opened it and saw that it was Cao Huaqian's, so he quickly picked it up.

"Minister Cao, call me so early. Do you have any instructions?"

Cao Huaqian said with a smile, "where is the instruction. Lao Liang, did you watch the Oscar ceremony just now

Liang Qianqiu showed a sudden look and said, "yes, Xiao Yunhai has won two awards in a row, which greatly increases the momentum of our domestic films. Minister Cao, I think it's inappropriate for us to ban him at this critical point. "

Cao Huaqian said, "I think so too. The reason for calling is to communicate with you in advance. I want to withdraw the ban on Xiao Yunhai. What do you think? "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile, "I totally agree. Minister Cao, I'll bring this up when the morning meeting is held. "

Cao Huaqian nodded with satisfaction and said, "OK."

On the other side, the home of Tian Jishang, Vice Minister of culture.

"Bang", a brand-new notebook computer was angry Tian Jishang to throw on the wall, completely scrapped.

Li Rong's face was gloomy and terrible. She did not blame Tian Jishang's behavior. She said, "I didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai, a little bastard, has become such a big climate."

Tian Jishang took a deep breath and forced his anger down. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Xiao Yunhai has been able to win two Oscars, breaking the record in the history of Chinese film. It's impossible to ban him. I estimate that Minister Cao may issue an order to lift the ban this morning. "

Li Rong frowned and gnawed his teeth and said, "that's too cheap for him."

Before, Xiao Yunhai pit Tian Junhao hundreds of millions of dollars, has let Li Rong hate his teeth itching.

Last month, in front of dozens of artists in China, Xiao Yunhai said that she was suitable to play Pan Jinlian at the meeting of "outlaws of the marsh".

Therefore, when she heard that Xiao Yunhai's ban order was to be lifted, Li Rong was naturally not happy.

Tian Jishang had completely recovered his composure and sighed: "there is no way. Xiao Yunhai is the son of the Xiao family. He has a distinguished status. Now he has become the winner of the best foreign language film Oscar and has a strong influence all over the world. In this way, we have lost the best time to deal with him. Rong'er, recognize the planting. We have lost. "

Li Rong's political consciousness is not low, naturally understand the meaning of Tian Jishang, but in his heart is really unwilling, said: "do not give me a chance, otherwise, I will certainly not let him go."

At the Dolby theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, various Oscar Awards have been released one after another, "gray zone" has become a dark horse of this award ceremony, winning four awards in succession: best editing, best score, best supporting actor and best actor.

At the award ceremony, Chinese artists also made good achievements.

Xiao Yunhai won the best foreign language film award, Luo Tianxiong won the best action design award, and Li Xuanwu won the best supporting actor award. It can be said that this is the best achievement that Chinese artists have achieved over the years.

Time flies, after a few songs and dances, the award ceremony finally ushered in the last two awards, the best director award and the best film award.

Although Xiao Yunhai nominated the best director award, he did not expect much from this award. Because he knew very well that unless the sun came out from the west, he would not have won the prize.

Therefore, when the two heavyweight guests, big director bickervin and actress Laura, announced the winner of the best director, Xiao Yunhai just talked to Zhao Wanqing in a quiet voice, and didn't care what they said.

"The best director at the 32nd Academy Awards ceremony was the Lazio director of grey zone."

"Boom."All of a sudden, the entire crew boiling up, all the main creators cheered together.

The movie "gray zone" won five awards, which made them feel like they were dreaming.

Lazio, who is 56 years old this year, still couldn't help but burst into tears. After hugging all the main creators of the crew, he went to the stage.

In the middle, director bickervin continued, "I'm sorry I forgot to call another director on stage. Yes, it's double yellow this year, and that director is Xiao, who made 4.9 billion dollars at the box office

Hearing that two directors won the prize, all the people on the scene were confused.

"Damn it, can't it.

"This year was a surprise."

"It's just that there's so much going on."

Indeed, "gray zone" just won $600 million at the box office in the United States, while "Jingwu hero" is a pure Chinese movie. I didn't expect that their directors should all win the prize. It's really amazing.

Xiao Yunhai's ears have always been sensitive. Although he is talking to Zhao Wanqing, he still hears the last word "Xiao" said by Bickerman.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "wife, have you heard someone calling my name?"

Zhao Wanqing didn't hear anything at all and said, "do you have it? I didn't hear anything

Xiao Yunhai raised his head and looked around him. He found that all the people's eyes were looking at him. He could not help asking in surprise, "what happened?"

Zhang Xiaojing in the back heard bikewen's words, but he still couldn't believe it. He said, "Yunhai, director bikewen seems to announce that you have won the best director."

Xiao Yunhai is stunned and then looks at bikewen on the stage.

Bickervin laughed and said: "Xiao, don't watch it. Come on stage and accept the award. You and Lazio have won the best director award at the same time. Hehe, it seems that our young best director has not recovered

When he heard the best director, Xiao Yunhai said that he was really charming.

Xiao Yunhai stood up, first with Zhao Wanqing to a kiss, and then with an excited face of Zhang Xiaojing and others hugged, this with the French director Lazio on the stage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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