Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:52 AM

Chapter 740

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The stars and fans on the scene laughed at Richard's stupefied appearance.

In fact, Richard just pretended to be effective.

Seeing everyone's good reaction, Richard said with resentment: "Xiao, I want to ask you, have you paid the advertising fee to our Oscar organizing committee? Do you know how much your ad is worth? "


"Ha ha ha."

Richard said, quickly returned to smiling face, said: "but I also want to thank you for what you have done. Because you taught me a good way to make money. In the future, if someone asks me to host a program, I must find some advertisers and tell them that I can advertise him in the program as long as the price is right. Ha ha ha, I'm so smart. "

The camera focuses on Xiao Yunhai, who has just returned to his seat. Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai gives a thumbs up to Richard on the stage.

The audience burst into laughter.

The last award, best picture, is still in the palm of grey zone. It can be said that this film is the biggest winner of this year's Oscar ceremony, and it's almost black to the end.

The second winner, of course, is Xiao Yunhai's Jingwu hero. All three nominations were awarded, which was a total victory.

After the Oscars ceremony, Xiao Yunhai gave the three trophies to her agent Mo Yina, who asked her to take them back to the villa first. The six crew members stayed, and they needed to attend the Oscar dinner.

However, before attending the dinner, Xiao Yunhai was interviewed by CCTV reporters.

"Director Xiao, congratulations on winning three Oscars for Jingwu hero. You have become the youngest Best Director in the history of Oscar. How are you feeling now?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "naturally, I am very happy."

"Mr. Xiao, have you ever thought that all three nominations will win the prize?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. What I am most sure of is the best action design, followed by the best foreign language film award. As for the best director, I have not even thought about it. So I didn't respond for a moment when director bickervin called my name

"Mr. Xiao, are you using real Chinese Kungfu when your playing cards hit glass and wooden chairs at the party?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. The reason for this performance is to take advantage of this good opportunity to publicize our Chinese Kung Fu. "

"Director Xiao, do you have anything to say to our Chinese fans? You may not know that although the Chinese time is more than 7 o'clock, the enthusiasm of the fans is extremely high. According to statistics, there are 63 million fans watching live video on Xianyue

Xiao Yunhai said in surprise: "so many. Thank you for your support to Jingwu hero. Fortunately, I won three awards this time. Otherwise, I really feel that I have no face to face Jiang Dongfu. Thank you very much. "

After finishing the interview, Xiao Yunhai came to the banquet hall of Oscar.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yunhai, many stars took the initiative to greet him, while Xiao Yunhai accurately handed over the names of all the people, which surprised everyone.

After a turn, Xiao Yunhai soon saw Zhao Wanqing in a corner.

At this time, a young man is talking incessantly to Zhao Wanqing, while Zhao Wanqing shakes his head helplessly there.

Xiao Yunhai walked quickly past, hugged Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder, and said, "wife, what's the situation here?"

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the other party quickly reached out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Randall, a Hollywood director. Congratulations on winning three awards at the Oscars and your Kung Fu performance. It's really amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "thank you for your praise. Mr. Randall, can I help you with my wife

Randall said, "Mr. Xiao, I'd like to ask Miss Zhao to make a foreign love movie. It's just that Miss Zhao doesn't seem very interested. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Randall, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. My wife is participating in a music competition. It is estimated that it will take at least three months, and then she may have to rest. Because we're going to have a baby. "

Randall was stunned and said, "that's a pity. Ah, that's not what I mean. I sincerely wish you all here. To be honest, my movie is really good. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your attention. I'm sorry."

After sending Randall away, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "didn't you explain to him well?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "I don't mean to talk about children."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "is there anything I'm sorry to say? By the way, what about elder martial brother and brother Zhang? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "my senior brother was called away by director Bickerman. It seems that he is talking about the Lord of the rings. Lin Lu is translating for them. Brother Zhang and Lin Hui, like me, have been favored by some directors and are discussing the film. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, way: "hope they can succeed."Just then, a middle-aged man in a suit and well dressed came to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Vincent, President of the original record company."

"Original record company?"

Xiao Yunhai had never heard of the record company. Although he was surprised, he still shook hands with him politely and said, "Hello, Mr. Vincent. It's nice to meet you. I don't know. What can I do for you

Vincent said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I'd like to formally invite you to join our original record company."

Xiao Yunhai was slightly stunned and said, "Mr. Vincent, with all due respect, I don't seem to have heard of such a music company in America?"

Vincent nodded and said, "of course. Because of this company, we just set up a month ago, and no singer has joined us. "

Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile, "Mr. Vincent, if you were me, would you join such a new company?"

Vincent said: "it depends on the future of the company. Mr. Xiao, I am not only the president of the original record company, but also a major shareholder of wonderful music network

Xiao Yunhai was surprised. Wonderful music is one of the four most famous music websites in the United States. Its market share accounts for 22%, and its monthly income reaches billions of dollars. It's amazing.

As long as before, there is no entertainment company behind wonderful music. It is very simple.

Now it's natural that it's going to set up a company.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear that he will enter the North American music world sooner or later, and it is no doubt impossible for him to go out on his own.

If you can join a music company, it is also a good choice for Xiao Yunhai. The key is what kind of conditions the original record can give him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Vincent, how do you know me?"

When he heard that Xiao Yunhai did not directly refuse, Vincent knew that there was a way to do it. His smile on his face was even stronger: "Wen bin and I are full of very good friends. He recommended you to me and showed me your performance video. It was really great. Especially the two English songs you sang, combined with that kind of dreamy dance, will definitely make a big difference in Hollywood. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "no wonder it's brother bin. Mr. Vincent, you should have investigated me before that? "

Vincent nodded and said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, I have to say that you are a very legendary figure. It took only three years to reach the status of an international superstar, which was unbelievable. I know that our original record company can't accommodate you. Therefore, what I said about inviting you to join us is more appropriate for us to cooperate with each other. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says, "how to cooperate?"

Vincent said: "Mr. Xiao, you are a talented musician. You can write almost classic songs, and you can hardly use any resources of the company. Therefore, I think we can sign a record contract. You can handle the music production, while the original sound company is responsible for the MV shooting, promotion and distribution of the records. What do you think of the profit, which is divided into three parts

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "this is a good proposal. However, I do not want to be restricted, and I have to has the final say on all my affairs.

Vincent said with a smile, "of course. I don't dare to force you to do something you don't want to do. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that would be great. Tomorrow, you can send someone to contact my agent directly

Vincent picked up two glasses of champagne from the waiter's tray, handed one of them to Xiao Yunhai and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

Xiao Yunhai touched him and said, "happy cooperation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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