Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:49 AM

Chapter 743

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When they returned to the villa, it was already more than eleven o'clock.

Mo Yina, who came back in advance, did not have a rest, but had been waiting in the living room.

After seeing everyone back, the brokers quickly handed over their mobile phones.

It turns out that the news that "Jingwu hero" won three Oscars has been spread all over China.

Good friends in the entertainment industry have called them congratulatory calls, of which Xiao Yunhai has the most, 40 or 50.

It's 11 o'clock now. If you call back, I don't think you'll have to rest tonight.

As a result, Xiao Yunhai returned to his bedroom and only called his family to tell him about the situation, while others sent a message directly to the family.

Who knows, the short message just sent out not long ago, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang up. Open a look, it is Yu Yuexian's, quickly picked up.

"What? As soon as I was on the Oscar for best director, I started playing big names

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "my sister, it's 11:30 p.m. here in Los Angeles, and I have to fight every minute to fight for the next generation. How can I have time to call back. You don't have to worry about the villains. Just bear with me. At most, when your nephew is born, I will ask you less money. "

On hearing this, Yu Yuexian immediately laughed on the phone and said, "don't talk nonsense with me. A phone call can involve a child. You are really good. Congratulations, the Ministry of culture's home page has just released congratulations on Jingwu hero's winning three Oscars. Now, your ban has been lifted. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "for me, it doesn't matter whether it is solved or not. Anyway, I have already planned for the next work. "

Yu Yuexian said: "you boy's mentality really makes people have to admire. In fact, I know that it's very late there. I didn't want to disturb you, but your brother-in-law has something to do with you, which brings you a phone call. Wen bin, come on. "

Man Wenbin took the phone and said, "Yunhai, did Vincent look for you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "yes, we talked about speculation. Listen to him. You introduced me to him

Man Wenbin said, "yes. I tell you, even if you don't want to enter his company, you'd better not offend him. This guy's identity is very important. His father is a super capital giant on Wall Street. He controls more than one trillion dollars of wealth. He has great energy in politics and business. I didn't expect this guy to find you tonight so fast. Otherwise, I would have called you earlier. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said:" Damn it, this guy is such a cow. Hehe, that's great. I have promised to cooperate with his record company, and the stronger he is, the better it will be for me

Man Wenbin said with a smile, "that's good. This Vincent is an anomaly of their family. He is very nice and loyal. You can get in touch with him. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I see. Thank you for reminding me."

After the phone call, Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Wanqing what man Wenbin said.

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "this is really good news for us. At the very least, you don't have to worry about the collapse of the original record company. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it doesn't matter to me if it doesn't collapse. We're just working together. However, since he has so much energy, I will get along well with him in the future. If we encounter something in America that we can't solve, we can ask him for help

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "when did you become so utilitarian?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is not utilitarian, but wisdom. Wife, spring curfew is worth a thousand dollars. You will return to China tomorrow. It is estimated that you will not meet each other for many days. Let's not waste time and get down to business. "

Zhao Wanqing asked: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai hugged her and whispered in her ear: "do you still need to ask? Of course, it's man-made. "

After a while, the big bed creaked.

A night without sleep.

At this time, thousands of miles away in Yanjing, Tianhua film and television media company conference room, no less than 20 people.

If there are reporters there, they will be very surprised.

In addition to Xue Tianhua, there are also Chu Heng, the president of pengpai entertainment, Wu Zixu, Ge Wuyou, Qin Tao, Lin Yongzheng, Wu Jun, Guo'an, sun Yanjun, Li Xun, Zhang Hong and Miao Xiaoyun It can be said that there will be a small award ceremony for all the stars.

Wu Zixu said first: "the shooting period of our film" battle of Chibi "will take at least five months, and the preparatory work is in full swing. If there is no accident, it is estimated that it can be started on May 20. I know that everyone is very busy this time. Mr. Wang Guoan is going to shoot Yongzheng Dynasty, and Mr. Sun Yanjun is going to shoot the outlaws of the marsh. Other teachers have their own things. You can rest assured that I will arrange a good schedule to ensure that there will be no conflict with other cast members. Do you have any questions? "Wang Guoan said, "director Wu, why do you want me to play Cao Cao. Don't you think if I do it again, the audience will be bored? "

Sun Yanjun nodded and said, "I'm also worried about this problem."

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "you two old guys have played Cao Cao and Liu Bei incisively and vividly in the TV series. After several times in the entertainment circle, where do you want me to find someone who can replace you. I would also like to tell you the good news that this play will not only be shown in China, but also will be launched in all major cinemas around the world. Therefore, we must make it well, but we can't disgrace Huaxia film. Mr. Xue, Mr. Chu and Mr. Peng, I don't know what's going on with the funding for the film? Is there any problem? "

Xue Tianhua laughed and said: "don't worry, the shooting fund of 1.2 billion yuan will be divided into four different time periods and will be put into the account of the crew to ensure that everything is safe and sound. As for the post production of special effects, it can be handed over to the special effects team who just graduated from the dream special effects company. I believe there will be no problem. "

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "that's good."

Qin Tao, who plays Zhuge Liang, suddenly asks, "director Wu, who plays Zhou Yu? I don't seem to see him on the list. "

Qin Tao, who is in his forties and graduated from Shanghai Film Academy, has made a lot of classic films and TV plays in the past 20 years. His character and acting skills are highly praised in the circle.

However, he is not a golden cup film emperor, but a double star of the Berlin and Venice film festivals won by Mo Kaixuan's film "king of Qin wins politics", which also has a certain international influence.

Wang Guoan also said: "yes, director Wu, I lost hundreds of thousands of competitors, why not in the top, can't be found a suitable actor. Let me make it clear that you must find me an actor of equal strength, or I will not agree

The others all nodded in succession.

In the battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu is the absolute protagonist. He is graceful, elegant and has both literary and martial arts. If he is not entrusted with a human being, the whole play will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, Wang Guoan and Qin Tao attached great importance to it.

Wu Zixu said with a bitter smile: "Zhou Yu's role is really hard to find. However, I have the best candidate in my heart, but I'm not sure whether he will come or not."

Lin Yongzheng asked, "who is a cow? Even director Wu will not move. "

Wu Zixu said: "Xiao Yunhai, director of Jingwu hero, who has just won three Oscars. With his acting skills, if he can take over the role, I believe there is absolutely no problem

Lin Yongzheng was stunned and said: "this master is really suitable, but it is also the most difficult to please."

Dong Piao Piao said: "director Wu, I heard that my elder martial brother is going to make two films recently. Maybe I don't have time to take over our play."

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "I know this, too. But I'll try anyway. In my heart, Xiao Yunhai is the best choice to play Zhou Yu. "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "when he returns home, we will go to his home to talk. With our old face, I don't believe he's willing to refuse. "

Li Xun said, "I agree with Mr. Sun. Yunhai is a guy who pays attention to feelings and loyalty. With so many of us in the past, the possibility of success is very high. "

Peng Huaibin on one side said with a smile: "if you can invite Mr. Xiao, it will be a good thing. But, director Wu, how much do you think we should give him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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