Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:42 AM

Chapter 748

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They exchanged numbers, and then came to Xiao Yunhai's study together.

Xiao Yunhai printed out a copy of "Crazy Stone" for him, and signed an extras agreement, and then went downstairs.

Seeing the document in Wang Li's hand, Li Xuanwu's eyes brightened and his face showed a happy smile. He patted his shoulder and said, "Ali, come on."

Wang Li nodded his head.

When other actors saw this, they didn't know what had happened. They looked at Wang Li with envious eyes and said, "this guy is really lucky."

Half an hour later, Li Xuanwu took everyone away.

Xiao Yunhai asked Wu Zixu and others to come to the study, turned on the computer and said, "teachers, what do you think of the script?"

Wu Zixu said with a smile, "when did Xiao Yunhai's script disappoint people. This "Crazy Stone", although I only read a general, but already understand the meaning of it. This kind of multi line narrative has never appeared in China. As for the "crazy car" and it is the same, several clues go hand in hand, people feel very interesting. If it's done, the box office should not be wrong. "

Wang Guoan sighed: "these two films are full of black humor, and the structure is very ingenious. In particular, the movie" crazy racing car ", which is one clue after another, makes people dare not relax at all. If it's not true that there is no suitable role for me, I'm afraid even I would like to play it

Xiao Yunhai said: "thank you for your praise. Let's talk about actors. I have given Bao Shihong, the hero of "Crazy Stone", to Wang Li, who came here today, and Huang Bo, who is in charge of black skin. I will play the role of the thief Mike. "Crazy racing" is directly played by Huang Bo, the hero Geng Hao, other roles, have not yet found a suitable actor. In this way, let's first talk about the thief head Daoge in "Crazy Stone". He needs a full mouth of Hebei dialect. Who do you think is appropriate? "

Sun Yanjun asked, "Yunhai, do you have any requirements for actors?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no requirement. As long as the image and acting skills are appropriate, others are not in the scope of consideration. Of course, we should have a good character. "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "well, I'd like to introduce you to a man named Xie Qun. He is 40 years old. He is from Hebei Province. At 18 years old, he went into the circle and has been filming for more than 20 years. He is an old character. I think he's a good fit

Wang Guoan said: "I'll tell you one too. His name is Lu Yi. He is 42 years old. He has a typical Hebei dialect. He used to talk about sketches. Later he became a drama actor. He joined our profession five years ago. I've seen his plays and have a deep foundation. He should be good. Laosun, I'm not fighting with you. I just want to give Yunhai a choice. "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "I'm not so stingy. What's more, Xie Qun, our friendship is not so deep. We only drank wine once. "

Xiao Yunhai wrote down the names of the two people and said, "teachers, do you still feel good?"

Wu Zixu thought for a moment and said, "when I was shooting" Xiao Ao Ao Jiang Hu ", li long, who played the leader of Taishan school, was good. He could speak several dialects. He should have no problem playing Daoge

Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai quickly added him in.

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say about the actors, Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, it's them. When I go back home, I'll find the three of them to audition. The next character is Xie Xiaomeng. His image needs to be fat and obscene... "

in this way, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Zixu talked for two hours. With the help of Wu Zixu and others, several suitable candidates have been found for each role.

As for who to choose, it needs Xiao Yunhai to seriously consider.

After finishing all the roles, Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "thank you for your recommendation. You've really helped me a lot. "

Wu Zixu said, "Yunhai, when are you going to go back to prepare for the crew?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "inception will be premiered in the whole North American cinema on May 4. It is still more than half a month from now. I'll get rid of the publicity problem of the film tomorrow morning, and I'll give it a good promotion when it's near the premiere. "

"Tomorrow afternoon, I will go back home with you to set up the production team as soon as possible, and then find a competent deputy director to take the crew to find a suitable shooting site. The actors of the two films should also be determined in this period of time. I'll get the two movies together

Elder martial brother Li Xun said in surprise, "No. Yunhai, you want to shoot them together. Is that ok? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what can't be done? The film has no high requirements on the shooting site, so it can be put in one place. As for the makeup department, photography department, production department, drama department and other departments of the production team, two departments should be set up directly to let them perform their respective duties. The one that is well prepared will be the one to be shot first. If we can form an atmosphere of healthy competition, it will be better. The shooting efficiency must be extremely fast. Maybe we can finish shooting in a month. "Wu Zixu felt a little unreliable and said, "Yunhai, is it OK for you to do this? How can I listen to it

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "guide Wu, don't worry. Others may not be able to, but the sea of clouds is certainly OK. In the management of the production team, Yunhai is much better than any director, including you. "

Then, Wang Guoan explained Xiao Yunhai's management methods in the legend of Zhen Huan.

Wu Zixu said with a bitter smile: "this kind of money stimulation method is really good. However, only you, the director and investor, can use it. It is not appropriate for us to be simple directors. At the very least, the producers can't get through. Hehe, in this way, the cost of shooting will cost a lot more? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "neither. Although it seems that it costs several times more money to do so, in fact, it is not as much as we think. Because after the efficiency is improved, the shooting cycle of the whole film and TV series will be shortened. This part of money alone can save a lot of money. Like last year's "Langya Bang", the crew was killed a month ahead of schedule. I asked people to calculate, that is to say, it cost more than 700000 yuan. "

Sun Yanjun raised his thumb and said, "you cow. Mr. Ge, "if you are the one" is also shot like this

Ge Wuyou nodded and said, "yes. However, this way is very demanding for actors. Anyway, I'm very tired. After this scene, you can't breathe. The next scene will start. Fortunately, I still have two brushes. Otherwise, I won't be able to hold on

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Ge, you are too modest. Among all the actors at that time, I think you are relaxed. Hehe, it's very late now. Let's have a rest early. Director Wu, don't worry. With these suitable actors, I can't delay the battle of red cliff. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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