Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:40 AM

Chapter 750

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Seeing that everyone was talking to Zhao Wanqing, Huizi Ishii, who had been watching coldly, couldn't stand it. She said faintly: "did you just win the Oscar? What's the big deal. Besides, relying on others to rub the red carpet, hum, I really don't care to do such a thing. "

The atmosphere just opened by Hou Xu was suddenly lost by a word from Huizi Ishii.

This time, even Qiao Mingkun frowned, with a trace of displeasure on his face. I thought that Keiko Ishii was too incompetent to be a man. If she went on like this, she would not be able to hold the dinner party organized by herself.

Zhao Wanqing knew the virtue of Shijing Huizi for a long time. She didn't get angry when she heard the speech. She said, "Miss Shijing is right. I didn't want to go there, but my husband didn't find a suitable partner. When he saw that I was in Los Angeles, he asked me for help. Otherwise, I would not be late. As for the Oscars, for Miss Ishii, of course, there is nothing remarkable about it. Because you are a singer, not a filmmaker. Of course, with Miss Ishii's cleverness, if you start to learn acting now, I think in less than 50 years, you will be nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar


Cai pingya and others laughed when they heard Zhao Wanqing's words.

After 50 years of performance, she has been shortlisted for best supporting actress. She is really smart enough.

Naturally, Huizi Ishii heard Zhao Wanqing's sarcasm and snorted, "Miss Zhao, don't blame me for being too frank. In recent years, if your husband didn't write songs for you in the back, you would not be qualified to sit here now. It's useless to have sharp teeth and sharp lips. Strength is the foundation of artists. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Miss Shijing is right. I was able to get to this point in just two years, and it was really my husband that I relied on. We have a saying in China called getting married from husband. I'm a woman. I don't depend on my husband. Who do I depend on. Of course, in this point, I and miss Ishii naturally can not be compared. The songs I sing, the lyrics and the music I sing are basically written by my husband. But miss Shijing's songs rely on more than a dozen different songwriters and composers, and even there are some bad rumors on the Internet. In this regard, I, Zhao Wanqing, are willing to bow down. "

Zhao Wanqing spoke in a gentle tone, without a dirty word from the beginning to the end, but it was full of guns and sticks. In particular, the bad hearsay made Keiko Ishii on pins and needles.

In order to get a top song, she sold herself to a married music producer in her forties for a week. Later, although she became a big star as she wished, it became a stain of her life.

The music producer went to prison for other things and told the names of more than a dozen female artists he played with in court, including Keiko Ishii.

At that time, it also caused a stir in Japan.

Zhao Wanqing's words, it is obvious that said Shijing Huizi's pain, let her face instant change ugly abnormal.


Shijing Huizi slapped on the table. She stood up and said angrily, "Miss Zhao, you are too presumptuous."

Zhao Wanqing said without any care: "Miss Shijing, why so excited. In our entertainment industry, which star does not have some gossip, my husband is so low-key people, from time to time by some newspapers and magazines, let alone you. It's chairman Qiao's dinner today. Even if you don't give me face, you should give the host a face. "

Zheng Shaoji next to him touched Huizi Ishii and said, "Miss Shijing, you are self-cleaning. You don't need to be angry about something you don't need. Come on, sit down. Don't let people see the joke. "

At this time, a service personnel knocked on the door and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the meal has come, can we come in?"

Qiao Mingkun secretly called and came just in time and said, "come in. Miss Shijing, it's better to fight with Miss shikouchi. Now, the meal is coming, and I propose that we raise our glasses together to wish the singer's night audience Changhong


Although the atmosphere was not suitable, everyone, including Keiko Ishii, stood up and drank up his first glass of wine.

Just after sitting down, Keiko Ishii said, "Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'll go back to have a rest first."

Qiao Mingkun knows the reason why Keiko Ishii left. He says that since you want to go, it's better. I don't know how to drink this wine with you.

Between Shijing Huizi and Zhao Wanqing, Qiao Mingkun stands by Zhao Wanqing without hesitation.

Zhao Wanqing doesn't have any problem with her fans. Although Keiko Ishii is very good in Japan, she is not known by Chinese audiences. Without Keiko Ishii, "the night of the singer" won't have any loss, but without Zhao Wanqing, it will be absolutely different. If you can't make it, the ratings will drop a lot.

What's more, behind Zhao Wanqing, there is Xiao Yunhai, a god level figure. It is a superstar who has the first person of Chinese entertainment. He has a great influence all over the world. Even the Ministry of culture dare not offend others, let alone Qiao Mingkun.Therefore, qiaomingkun asked Huizi Ishii to leave for an excuse, and asked Zhu Chengwei to send her away.

As soon as Keiko Ishii left, the atmosphere on the table suddenly changed, and everyone began to talk and laugh.

Cai pingya gave Zhao Wanqing a thumbs up and said with a soft smile, "Wanqing, you have stayed with the God of your family for a long time, which has obviously improved your speaking level. It's so powerful that you don't even spit out a dirty word. If I were Keiko Ishii, I would have to blow my lungs out

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "which one? I'm just telling the truth. "

Cai pingya gave her a blank look and said, "don't come. I didn't scold her. Before you came back, she said in front of everyone that you deliberately played big cards, and I gave a severe lesson. This man is so annoying that he doesn't see where it is. In China, it's her turn to be domineering. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "sister Cai, do you know how we offended her?"

Cai pingya shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "that's the problem. We didn't know each other at all before. How could we offend her? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "there is only one reason, envy, jealousy and hatred."

"What did your God say?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded.

Cai pingya said: "I have to say, the summary is in place."

Because the next day, the singers still needed rehearsals, so everyone didn't drink too much, and Qiao Mingkun didn't over persuade them.

Before leaving, Zhao Wanqing said to Qiao Mingkun, "director Qiao, I'm really sorry. This evening, because of my affair with Keiko Ishii, it's hard for you to do it. "

Qiao Mingkun didn't expect that Zhao Wanqing, such a queen, would be so frank in apologizing to herself. He could not help but feel more fond of her and said with a smile: "Miss Zhao is very serious. Justice is in the hearts of the people. It is clear to everyone who makes trouble without reason and who is forced to fight back. Miss Zhao doesn't need to care. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you for your understanding. Goodbye."

Looking at Zhao Wanqing's car slowly leaving, Qiao Mingkun sighed: "no wonder people can become superstars in their twenties. It can be seen from her way of life. That Keiko Ishii is far from her. "

Zhu Chengwei said with a smile, "Mr. Qiao, you haven't seen Mr. Xiao. He is a real wonderful man."

Qiao Mingkun said, "I really want to have a good chat with this talented person. By the way, which of these singers are we hiring for tomorrow night's "opposite star names"

Zhu Chengwei said: "it was originally Miss Hou's, but now it's Miss Zhao. Mr. Xiao has just won the Oscar, which is just at the height of the sun. Since we can't interview him, so can his wife. I think, for those fanatical fans, there should be a lot of attraction

Qiao Mingkun asked, "did Miss Zhao agree?"

Zhu Chengwei nodded: "agreed."

Qiao Mingkun patted Zhu Chengwei on the shoulder and said with satisfaction, "Chengwei, well done. I remember to ask the host more questions about Mr. Xiao tomorrow. I think the ratings will increase a lot. "

Zhu Chengwei said, "don't worry, I know how to do it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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