Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:38 AM

Chapter 751

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The next day, Zhao Wanqing took part in the rehearsal of the song, discussed with the band about cooperation, and came to participate in the interview program "face to face with stars" at 9:00 p.m.

In the studio, host Lin qiuman said, "good evening, everyone. I'm Qiu man, the host of face to face stars. The guest we invited today can be said to have a great future. First of all, she is a film queen and won the golden cup award for best actress twice. Her TV series have been popular all over Asia. Secondly, she is a singer. Her latest album has sold 24.6 million copies, with tens of millions of fans. Now she has the courage to challenge herself and participate in our "singer's night". You must know who I'm talking about, don't you? "

"Zhao Wanqing." The audience yelled.

Lin qiuman said, "yes. Let's give our warmest applause to welcome our brilliant debut after sunny day. "

In the applause and shouting, Zhao Wanqing appeared on the stage with a smile. First, he went to the middle and bowed to everyone. Then he hugged Lin qiuman and said, "Hello, sister man."

Lin qiuman said with a smile, "Wanqing, how are you? I'm glad you can come to the live studio of" face to face with stars ". Please say hello to everyone first

Zhao Wanqing said naturally: "good evening to all the audience friends in front of the TV. I'm Zhao Wanqing."

The applause of the audience rang again.

After they sat down, Lin qiuman said, "Wanqing, have you seen my program before? Tell the truth. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister Qiu man, you'd better change your question. If I tell you the truth, I'm afraid I'll hurt you. "


"Ha ha ha."

"It's so funny after sunny."

"If you are close to the ink, you will get black. I've been with the emperor for a long time, and I've become a lot more interesting after clearing up. "

The audience couldn't help laughing.

Lin qiuman shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "this sentence of yours is more hurtful."

Zhao Wanqing said, "I was just joking. To be honest, I've seen two issues. One is that you interviewed elder martial sister Yu Yuexian, and the other was Deng Yue from our "step by step" crew. I know the way you talk. So, before I came, I had already thought about it. As long as it is not easy to answer questions, I will not answer them. "

Lin qiuman said, "it's hard for me to do this program. Come on, shall we begin? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "haven't we already started?"

Lin qiuman said with a smile, "Wanqing, do you think your tone of speech is more and more like Mr. Xiao?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "have you? Maybe. "

"Well, no kidding. Go on, I think we're going to end the show. " Lin qiuman skipped the topic and asked, "do you know? I was very surprised when I learned that you had come to the program "singer's night". I think it's a bit risky to do so in your current position in the music world. Have you ever thought about losing? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course. And I also know that even if I can win the king of songs, my career will not be greatly developed. On the contrary, if I lose, I may lose my popularity. But in the end, I came for only one purpose, that is to exercise myself. At the same time, I also want to prove one thing to you. I am not only a star, but also a singer. "

"Well said."

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, the audience immediately burst into a warm applause.

Lin qiuman said, "so you think singers and stars are different?"

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "not bad. In my husband's words, the so-called stars are all added by artists. They attract people's attention through various ways. They stand out from the entertainment industry with their distinctive characteristics. They become the focus of discussion and focus on publicity. "

"Actors and singers are subtractive. They don't like hype, they don't like to do something special to attract people's attention and make themselves on the news headlines. For them, the work is the king. They will try their best to sing a song or play a good movie, and let the audience be moved by their songs or roles. "

"So, my husband told me that if you think you are called a big star by someone, you must not agree. That's cursing you. If you are an actor or singer, it is a high recognition of your job. "

"Sister man, do you think what my husband said is strange? No way. His way of thinking has always been different from that of people. "

Lin qiuman frowned: "Mr. Xiao's words really give people a very strange feeling. Because those who enter the entertainment circle, they all want to be stars and become the focus of attention. They think that stars should be the best actors. But if we think about it carefully, we will find that what Mr. Xiao said seems reasonable. Forget it, I don't want to. Let's have a show first. Did you discuss with Mr. Xiao when you came to the singer's night

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course.""And what is his attitude?"

"No support, no objection, everything is up to me. He gave me an analysis of the gains and losses of taking part in the competition, and let me decide whether to participate or not. When I told him that I had to take part in the singer's night, he agreed without saying a word

"So simple?"

"That's it."

Lin qiuman said, "Wanqing, have you found that your mouth has never left Mr. Xiao since the beginning."

Zhao Wanqing a Leng, way: "have you?"

"Yes." She was answered by a live audience.

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile: "it may be that he has influenced me too deeply."

In the data monitoring room of Jiangsu TV station, Zhu Chengwei, deputy director of the station, came in with a red face and asked, "Xiaowen, what's the ratings of the program?"

He had just been drinking a lot of wine with several advertisers, so he walked a little shaky and talked with a big tongue.

Even so, Zhu Chengwei still hasn't forgotten the rating problem of "face-to-face stars", which shows how conscientious he is.

Seeing Zhu Chengwei's appearance, Xiaowen quickly stood up, helped him to a chair, and said, "Mr. Zhu, the audience rating of this evening is very good. It has risen from the initial 7% to 12%, breaking the record of our program since it was launched."

Zhu Chengwei clapped his hands and said, "that's great. Hehe, the popularity after the clear is really strong. "

Xiaowen nodded and said, "yes. If I were an audience, I would watch it


"It's because it's too low-key and the news is very few, which makes people feel a little mysterious. And the more they are like this, the more curious we are. This should be what people call the curiosity seeking heart. "

Zhu Chengwei said with a smile: "yes, you are right."

In the studio, Lin qiuman asked some routine questions according to the procedure, and then said, "I heard that a very unpleasant thing happened the day before yesterday when you were attending the Oscar ceremony. Even Mr. Xiao was furious in front of several ten Hollywood stars. I don't know if there is such a thing? If so, what is the cause? "

At that time, there were too many people who saw this incident, so the news was spread in the circle. All kinds of news spread all over the world, and I didn't know which was true or which was false.

Now that Lin qiuman asked Zhao Wanqing, everyone immediately raised their ears to hear the truth of the matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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