Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:37 AM

Chapter 752

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Zhao Wanqing didn't hide anything about it: "it's true. At that time, it was the Oscar organizing committee. Because of too many invitation cards, there were organizational problems, and many stars took too long to walk on the red carpet, so they decided to cancel the red carpet show including Zhang Xiaojing and Lin Hui

"After receiving the news, Yunhai was very anxious and immediately contacted the person in charge of the red carpet. However, no matter what he said, the other party was not allowed to, and finally provoked the cloud sea to be furious, and scolded the other party severely in the phone. I clearly remember that the whole scene was quiet. All the stars who were chatting with each other stopped and looked at the sea of clouds in surprise. Maybe they were all there thinking that this Chinese is really not afraid of death and dare to scold the organizers of the Oscars. "

Lin qiuman asked, "what happened later? As we all know, Zhang Xiaojing and Lin Hui finally took the red carpet. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "although Yunhai had a dispute with the other party, the other party still did not agree. So Yunhai hung up the phone and was ready to take us outside to tell reporters around the world about it, and even planned to sue the Oscar organizers for racial discrimination against us in court. There are only eleven or two Chinese artists going to participate in the golden cup award, while there are hundreds of European and American artists. However, they just cancelled the red carpet show of brother Zhang and sister Lin. this is really unreasonable. What moved us was that big brother Li Xuanwu and four or five Chinese artists stood up at this juncture. At that moment, I almost cried

"Good job."

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV set clapped excitedly when they thought of the scene at that time.

Lin qiuman sighed: "brother Li Xuanwu's good work shows the integrity of our Chinese nation. And then? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "then, the vice president of the Oscar organizing committee came to us in person and apologized to us. Then we decided to extend the red carpet show time, and we didn't go out. Otherwise, things may really end badly. "

Lin qiuman suddenly realized: "so it is. No wonder when I was watching the Oscar red carpet show, I found that it took more than ten minutes than before. You're great. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "elder brother Li Xuanwu, they are the best. Yunhai was also very moved at that time and invited Chinese actors from Hollywood to get together the next day. It seemed that they had drunk a lot. "

Lin qiuman said: "in foreign countries, Chinese compatriots should unite. Otherwise, they will be looked down upon easily. Wan Qing, we talked about so much about our work. Would you mind talking about your private life. You're really curious about both of you. Did I say that? "

"Yes." They all cried out in unison.

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "we have nothing to say. You can ask me."

Lin qiuman said, "in your heart, what kind of person do you think Mr. Xiao is?"

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "if you insist on summarizing in one sentence, I think he is a very contradictory person."


"The main reason is that his work attitude and life attitude are two extremes. First of all, he can't describe his work no matter whether he's shooting movies, movies or music. He's totally nitpicking. He treats his work extremely harshly, does not allow any stain. And in life, he is a total jerk and doesn't care about anything. Eat as long as you have enough, clothes as long as you can wear, almost no requirements. So I said, he's a very contradictory person

"Have you ever had a fight in your life?"

"Since we knew each other, we haven't had a quarrel, let alone quarrel. Yunhai is a very magnanimous person and never gets angry about some trifles. What's more, he's very funny, he likes to joke, and he's a bit cynical

"Is he a romantic man then?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a smile, "he has nothing to do with romance. When I was in love, no matter it was Valentine's day, birthday or any other festival, I didn't send anything to me. I haven't received roses yet. However, after marriage, he has changed a lot. On my last birthday, she not only gave me roses, but also invited me to a candlelight dinner. To be honest, I was really surprised.

Lin qiuman said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is really a wonderful man. Did he ever do anything that moved you?

Zhao Wanqing said, "yes. Last year, didn't I get hurt? When he heard the news, he immediately put down all his work and ran to take care of me. The reason why "Jingwu hero" was filmed is not only because of people's voice on the Internet, but also because he was worried that I would be injured again. Therefore, in order to stay in Hengdian, he made this film. Now think about it, my injury was worth it, otherwise Jingwu hero would not have been so successful. "

Lin qiuman said with a smile, "Wanqing, Mr. Xiao is really good to you. Next, let's leave the question to the audience. What do they want to know? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded.

Lin qiuman said, "the girl in the red coat."

As soon as the girl heard this, she quickly stood up and took the microphone from the staff and said, "thank you, sister man. Hello, my name is Li Mei. I'm your loyal fan and the iron powder of yunhuang. I'm very curious about your private lives. Emperor Yun often says outside that you are his leader and that you are in charge of all the money. Is this true or intentional? ""Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed at the question.

Zhao Wanqing also showed a smile on her face and said, "first of all, I want to thank you for your support and love for our husband and wife. Without you, there would be no present for us. As for this question, it's interesting. As I said before, in life, he is a Maha. My family is big and small, almost all things belong to me, including money. However, in the event, or he made up his mind, and his eyes were very sharp and precise. For example, we know that the dream special effects image company, which he thought was good, invested and built

"Hello, sunny. I'm a fashion designer. I want to ask, do you never buy clothes for the emperor? Because I found that every time I saw him, he always wore Haoyu clothes. Won't you buy him some other clothes? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a wry smile: "I would like to buy him some nice clothes, but every time I invite him to go shopping, he will not hesitate to refuse. I would like to tell you a secret. In the past two years, he received some advertisements, largely for the convenience of life. "

"Like Haoyu clothing, from my husband's endorsement to them, he has not worn other brands of clothes from all over the world. There are other watches, shoes, belts and other products that he has been using all the time. It can be said that in the whole entertainment industry, he is absolutely the best one, and no one can compare with him. "

Lin qiuman said with a smile: "I think so, because no star can do this. He he, I have to say, Mr. Xiao is really a maverick. "

Zhao Wanqing corrected: "you should say he is a wonderful flower."

"Ha ha ha."

Another fan asked, "do you have any hobbies? Does he like to go out or stay at home? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "he is a typical homestead man. He doesn't like to go out. His life is very regular. It's a habit to practice boxing for two hours every morning. My favorite is tea. In the entertainment industry, when people talk about things, they basically go to coffee shops. But my family is not interested in coffee at all. The better the coffee is, the more difficult it is. So, now people talk to him, basically they go to teahouses. "

Lin qiuman next to him said, "is his usual social intercourse much?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "in my impression, if it's not an ordinary party with friends, it's basically no social intercourse. My family has a lot of problems. It seems smooth to speak, but actually it's smooth inside. What I don't like most is social intercourse. When people ask him to do business, they either come home or go to teahouses. They seldom go out to drink. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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