Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:34 AM

Chapter 754

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The next morning, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished washing, hand in hand, ready to go to breakfast.

Just out of the door, just met Cai pingya.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "sister Cai, I haven't seen you for a long time. What kind of panacea are you taking? How can you look younger and younger?"

Cai pingya glanced at him and said, "don't come. I'm half old. I'm not young. Yes? My daughter-in-law is coming here alone. I'm not sure. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "if it's any place. With sister Cai here, I'm 10000 at ease. Isn't this on the way? Just come and have a look. After a while, I will be busy

Cai pingya said with a smile, "you have a little conscience. Otherwise, I must persuade Wan Qing to give you a break. "

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said, "are you kidding me. I'm a good man of the 21st century. Leave me, where are you going to find her another man as good as I am. "

Cai pingya shook her head and said with a wry smile, "I really believe you. You can't find such a thick skin anywhere

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "OK, sister Cai, don't quarrel with him. In terms of his face, we ordinary people are no match at all. Did you have your meal? Let's go together. "

Cai pingya nodded and said, "OK. Xiao Da model, would you like to have breakfast with you

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't want to go, but for the sake of your sincere invitation, I'll give you this opportunity to get close to me."

As soon as Cai pingya heard this, she took Zhao Wanqing's arm and walked to the restaurant. As she walked, she said, "you're right. We can't say anything about him."

Zhao Wanqing said, "you just know."

The arrival of the three immediately attracted the attention of other singers, especially Xiao Yunhai, who just won the Oscar for best director.

Xiao Yunhai swept around and found that there were six stars in the restaurant, including Li Xugang and Lin Yuying who had conflicts with Xiao Yunhai, and several foreign singers, including MAEs, Rick, Zheng Shaoji and Keiko Ishii. The others either didn't come or left after dinner.

Who is Lin Yuying afraid to see? Xiao Yunhai must be the first to bear the brunt.

Because her handle is still in Xiao Yunhai's hand.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Lin Yuying did not dare to neglect her. She stood up and said with a dry smile, "Mr. Xiao has been gone for a long time."

Lin Yuying always thinks highly of herself and is domineering. Other people obviously didn't expect that she would be so humble to Xiao Yunhai, so they couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

For this woman, Xiao Yunhai's status at this time has been completely ignored by him.

The main reason is that their status in the circle is too different and there is no comparability.

Of course, since a beautiful woman said hello, Xiao Yunhai could not show her face. She nodded and said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Lin."

After that, she went to eat with CAI pingya and Zhao Wanqing.

Breakfast in this hotel is self-service, with fried dough sticks, steamed buns, bean milk, milk and other foods.

Xiao Yunhai took it three times before he sat down and ate.

For Xiao Yunhai's appetite, Cai pingya has seen it before, without any surprise on her face, but other singers still see it for the first time.

Mace touched Rick and asked curiously, "can he eat all that he wants?"

Rick took a sip of milk and said, "I don't know. It's still early anyway. Can't we see it clearly?"

Mace nodded, eating and looking in the direction of Xiao Yunhai.

After a while, her face showed a look of surprise, because Xiao Yunhai had eaten up most of the things.

Rick on one side was also stunned and said, "that's amazing. Are all Chinese kung fu masters able to eat like this

Although Rick's voice was not big, Xiao Yunhai heard it clearly, so he looked up and laughed at him and said, "Mr. Rick, you are right. We warriors can eat. My grandfather is ninety-one years old, and he can still eat five catties of beef for a meal

"China is a wonderful country," mace said in disbelief

Next to the Shijing Huizi disdained to skim his mouth, said: "really a pig."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai's face suddenly darkened. He put his chopsticks heavily on his feet and stood up. His voice and color were fierce and he said, "where are you from? How dare you chew your tongue in front of me. "

Shijing Huizi's words are really too bad to hear. In front of Xiao Yunhai, he scolds his grandfather as a pig. It's strange that Xiao Yunhai can bear it.

Zhao Wanqing also stood up and glared at Keiko Ishii.

Keiko Ishii also realized that she had said something wrong, but she was arrogant. Instead of apologizing to Xiao Yunhai, she said, "who are you scolding?"

Zhao Wanqing has been intolerable to Keiko Ishii and said, "you are deaf. It's you who are scolded. Keiko Ishii, you remember that in China, you can eat food at will, but you can't talk nonsense. "Keiko Ishii snorted and said, "I said that. What can you do?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like sharp arrows. He looked at Huizi Ishii coldly and said, "if you have no education, you dare to come to China to be wild. I think you'd better go back to Japan as soon as possible, so as not to be disgraced. Well, you should be glad you're a woman, or I'll have to beat you up. "

When has Keiko Ishii ever suffered such humiliation, her face is hard to see the extreme: "Xiao Yunhai, you just won the Oscar? Don't show off in front of Keiko Ishii. I'll tell you, I'm not going to eat that. "

Zhao Wanqing scoffed: "Keiko Ishii, my husband won the Oscar because of his real ability. what about you? If I were you, I would not have the face to see people. "

Shijing Huizi stares at Zhao Wanqing fiercely, and says grimly: "Zhao Wanqing, you wait. Sooner or later, I'll make you a bitch."

With that, Keiko Ishii left without looking back.

Xiao Yunhai is still angry and asks Zhao Wanqing, "which company is Shijing Huizi?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "Japan Dongmu entertainment company, I heard that the power is very big."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and took out his mobile phone. He called Wu Hao and said, "boss Wu, can you help me find out if the Dongmu entertainment company is cooperating with us?"

Wu Hao didn't think about it. He said, "yes. Dongmu is one of the largest companies in Japan. It makes dozens of movies a year, often using special effects. Therefore, they sent several technicians to follow us, but we have not signed a contract. What's the matter? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you go to tell the leader of Dongmu company that you want to cooperate with us in a dream, let Keiko Ishii go back to Japan. Otherwise, any movie made by Dongmu, whether magic company or dream company, will not cooperate with them. At the same time, they don't want other special effects companies that use our technology to do even one shot for them. "

Wu Hao said, "OK, boss Xiao, I get it."

After notifying Wu Hao, Xiao Yunhai called Yang Bin of Jiujiu music network again.

"Brother Yang, did Keiko Ishii of Japan publish songs online for a long time?"

Yang Bin thought for a moment and said, "it seems. What's the matter? "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "help me block her."

Yang Bin is very clear about Xiao Yunhai's temper, and knows that Huizi Ishii must have angered him, otherwise ordinary things would not have made him so angry.

Think of here, Yang Bin did not ask a word, way: "understand."

Hang up the mobile phone, Cai pingya next to her said: "Yunhai, do you want to block Keiko Ishii?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said coldly, "China will not have her foothold again. I will let her roll back to Japan."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zheng Shaoji on one side was startled. He didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai was so cruel and powerful.

Even the person in charge of the network for a long time is obedient to his words. He or she is better to stay away from Keiko Ishii, so as not to affect the fish in the pond.

Li Xugang looked at Xiao Yunhai with a complicated complexion. He could not help but sigh: "it's too overbearing to ban a top Japanese Diva by blocking it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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