Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:32 AM

Chapter 755

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After dinner, Xiao Yunhai followed Cai pingya and Zhao Wanqing to the studio of "singer's night" of Jiangsu TV station.

In the phone connection last night, Xiao Yunhai has made it clear that he will come to the scene to cheer up Zhao Wanqing, so Zhu Chengwei comes to the studio early.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Zhu Chengwei rushed to meet him, shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Xiao, we are meeting again."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Zhu Taichang, I said that" the night of the singer "could be popular all over the country. You see what I said is right."

Zhu Chengwei said: "it's all due to the wonderful singing of 13 singers. If Mr. Xiao can come, the ratings will be better. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Zhu Taichang, don't make my idea. I really don't have time."

Zhu Chengwei said with a smile, "in this case, I can't persuade you any more. Mr. Xiao, I think you can go to Miss Zhao's lounge. How about that? "

Last night's "face-to-face stars" ratings broke through 20% for the first time. The reason is obvious, because the topic of discussion has been around Xiao Yunhai. Now that the host is here, Zhu Chengwei naturally won't let this opportunity to increase ratings slip away.

Xiao Yunhai was very clear about Zhu Chengwei's idea and said, "good."

Because only 15 minutes left before the audience entered, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the lounge together.

Into the inside, Xiao Yunhai looked at it and said with a smile, "although the sparrow is small, it has five internal organs. Jiangsu Satellite TV is really thoughtful. Why, my pictorial is still on the wall. "

Zhao Wanqing handed him a bottle of water and said, "what? Not at all. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "this pictorial is not my most handsome one."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, how can I not remember what you have the most handsome pictorial?"

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "this is my secret, I won't tell you."

The conversation was completely captured by the photographer next to him.

Just then, there was a loud noise of footsteps outside.

"Hurry up, hurry up, my idol is coming."

"Wang Yu, you dodge and block me."

"Let's go. I'm sister Wanqing's agent, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai asked: "wife, how is this going on?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Soon, their door was pushed open by a group of young men and women.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, everyone screamed.

Xiao Yunhai turned to Zhao Wanqing and asked softly, "who are they?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "they are all the agents of our singers. Ladies and gentlemen, what are you doing here? "

Zhao Wanqing's "agent" Yin Ruoyu, holding two music albums in her hand, said, "sister Wanqing, we are all loyal fans of the cloud emperor. Let's ask the emperor to sign for us."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good, no problem."

Xiao Yunhai signed their names and took photos. Finally, he said, "if there is anything wrong with my leader in the future, please help me a lot."

Yin Ruoyu said, "yunhuang, you can rest assured. Sister Wanqing's affairs are ours. I'm sure we can handle them properly for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you."

After the crowd left, Yin Ruo Liu said, "sister Wanqing, let's go to the hall, and the lottery will start immediately."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said to Xiao Yunhai, "you can wait here by yourself. I will come when I go."

Five minutes later, Zhao Wanqing came back.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "how about it? Which one did you get? "

Zhao Wanqing shook the number plate in her hand and said triumphantly, "the last one."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "good luck."

"By the way, aren't you going to sing the fairy tale? How suddenly changed into "the legend of the hungry wolf." Xiao Yunhai asked, pointing to the song list on the screen.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't you mean to subvert it? I think this song will give you a surprise. "

Xiao Yunhai thought that a female singer in her previous life had also sung this song on the stage of "I am a singer". At that time, she performed wildly, and her performance seemed to have won the first prize, so she said: "the essence of this song is two words, wild. I think you'd better start with a few wolf howls in order to get ahead

Zhao Wanqing's eyes brightened and said, "yes. Why didn't I think of it? So, I'll go to the band and change

Xiao Yunhai said: "you are busy with your work."

Soon, the recording of "singer's night" began.

The host invited Cheng Qiandong, a famous singer from Xiangjiang. His awkward Mandarin is really funny. He only read two paragraphs of advertising words, which made the audience laugh.

The first one to sing on stage was Xiao Yunhai's old friend Li Xugang. His luck didn't seem to be very good, and he won No.1.However, this guy's singing skills are really not that good, the adaptation of the music is also very good, and even finally added a paragraph of his own, won everyone's warm applause.

The second is Rick, the representative of black music. He chose a very popular English song, but he added a long Chinese rap in the middle, which was very fast. A foreigner who can speak Chinese like this has indeed made great efforts.

What Xiao Yunhai hears is nodding frequently, way: "good fierce."

At this time, Zhao Wanqing pushed the door and came in.

Xiao Yunhai a look, immediately Leng there.

Zhao Wanqing's long black hair has turned brown. She wears a black round neck T-shirt on her upper body. Her strong chest holds it high, which makes her extremely sexy. A pair of black bell bottomed trousers and a pair of Hentian low legs are worn on the bottom of the body.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai got up, took off his coat, put it on her, and said, "don't freeze, just catch a cold."

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing immediately let out her anger and said, "I know."

With that, Zhao Wanqing sat on the sofa, nestled in Xiao Yunhai's shoulder, and looked at the TV on the wall.

After eight consecutive singers finished singing, Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, what do you think of everyone's singing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's also useful to say that they are all masters. Hehe, fortunately I didn't come. Otherwise, I would not have been beaten by them. "

Zhao Wanqing glanced at him and said, "can you say something ambitious?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. After seeing the wonderful performance of all kinds of masters, if I was allowed to play, I would be in the top 13 at worst. What about? Have ambition. "

Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said, "the photography teacher is videotaping. Can you stop it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter. When the festival catalogue is finished, I'll buy him a drink to make sure that this section will be cut off. Teacher, am I right? "

According to the rules, the photographer is not allowed to speak, so he can only reply by nodding.

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "how about it?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "I think it's the right choice not to talk to you. Sister Cai is on the stage to see how she sings. "

With the passage of time, the singing of the twelve singers was completed.

Zhao Wanqing stood backstage, ready to perform.

Xiao Yunhai was escorted by several staff and came to the studio scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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