Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:30 AM

Chapter 757

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If other singers say they are afraid of losing, people may believe it.

But if Xiao Yunhai is afraid of losing, they won't believe it.

Although Xiao Yunhai has performed a few live performances since his debut, he has made a deep impression on the audience every time. Especially in his concerts, almost every song in his concerts can be used as a competition track.

If you want such a singer to lose, even if you invite the queen of heaven and queen of China, you can't do it.

Cheng Qiandong said: "Mr. Xiao, to tell you the truth, I don't want you to sing in my heart, because I'm afraid that you will compare us with you once you open your voice, and our faces will not look good. But it's not you who can't ask the audience to sing. It's not me. Don't believe it. Ask if they asked you to sing? "


The audience immediately began to shout.

Cheng Qiandong complacently said: "you see, right."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes at him and said, "Mr. Cheng, if you ask, they will certainly say so. Because the biggest characteristic of our fans is that they are not afraid of big things

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed again.

Cheng Qiandong said with a smile: "we have an idiom called" be gracious, but I think you can't help it. ". They said, "OK?"


Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said, "but I have no preparation. Besides, it's not easy for other people's band teachers to do it here. "

Cheng Qiandong turned to ask the music director Zhang Qiaobo: "Mr. Zhang, can our band cooperate with Mr. Xiao for a song?"

With a smile on his face, Zhang Qiaobo revealed his two front teeth and said, "it is our honor to cooperate with emperor Yun. As long as there is music, there is no problem. "

Cheng Qian Dong said: "great. Mr. Xiao, you see, the music director has said that. Do you have any questions? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "still not. I'm not at ease without rehearsal. If something goes wrong, it will be a great shame. But if rehearsal, it will take at least half an hour. I'm sorry to delay everyone's time

"It's OK. We're willing to wait."

"Yunhuang, as long as you can sing, even for an hour, we are willing to wait."

"Yes. Yunhuang, have one. "

"Yunhuang, have one."

"Yunhuang, have one."

The scene fans called Xiao Yunhai's name in unison, and the atmosphere of the whole studio became extremely hot.

Cheng Qian Dong said: "Mr. Xiao, if I were you, I would not let you down."

Xiao Yunhai gave Cheng Qiandong a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Cheng, you are a cow. Well, since you are not afraid of wasting time, let me sing a song. Mr. Zhang, I'm going to write music now. Let's rehearse together. It should be about 20 minutes. What do you think? "

Zhang Qiaobai nodded and said, "no problem. Mr. Xiao, we'll wait for you in the rehearsal room of the TV station. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, please teachers. Please don't be impatient. I'll get ready. "

Xiao Yunhai stepped off the stage and showed a bitter gourd face to Zhao Wanqing with a bad smile on her face. Then she was led by a staff member to work on the music.

Zhang Qiaobo did not dare to delay time, and immediately took the band to the TV rehearsal room.

Cheng Qiandong stepped down to discuss with the director group, and then said into the microphone: "take advantage of this period of time, let's finish what we should do first. Now all 13 singers have finished singing. Please vote. Remember, only three singers can be selected, and multiple or less choices will be considered as abstention. Now, let's review the wonderful performances of 13 singers. "

In the backstage hall, Zhao Wanqing changed into the same suit and walked in.

Cai pingya stood up and said with a smile, "Wanqing, your song is really wonderful. I feel goose bumps all over my body."

Hu Guang, who once dominated the music world, nodded and said, "pingya is right. Wanqing is absolutely subversive this time. Don't say it's fans. Even if we choose, we will choose you. "

On hearing this, Zhao Wanqing said modestly, "Miss Hu, sister Cai, you flatter me. I don't dare to be one."

After all the jokes, Cai pingya said, "Wanqing, do you know what song your family is going to sing?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I don't know, but what I can be sure is that he didn't make any preparations this time."

Hou Xu asked, "do you think Mr. Xiao will sing a new song?"

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "it's very possible. Because before he came to participate in the competition, he used to sing "the hill" in front of me"What do you think?" Cai asked

Zhao Wanqing, with a straight face, said: "objectively speaking, if it is 100 points, I will give him a score of 95 points. The reason why he deducted five points was not for his sake, but because of the limited conditions at that time, he used only one piano and the score was a little monotonous. Even so, my choreographer and I were moved to tears

Cai pingya said, "then I really hope to hear this song."

One side of the Shijing Huizi snorted, a trace of disdain on his face, and said: "brag."

Zhao Wanqing gave her a cold look, but didn't say anything.

After all, Xiao Yunhai is her husband, so it's hard to praise others.

But Cai pingya did not have this scruples, contending with each other: "some people are frogs at the bottom of a well, they don't know the height of the earth. People cloud sea can write nearly 100 songs in two years, and the first classic, such ability, no second person in the world can have. Hum, unlike some people, can they write songs themselves, except for their loud talk and full of words? Even one will do. "

Keiko Ishii sneered: "Cai pingya, you are really a nuisance. Yes? In such a hurry to please others, do you want to invite songs from others. Well, don't think you can hide it from everyone

Cai pingya immediately stood up from the sofa. She was shaking with anger and looked ugly.

Zhao Wanqing took her hand and said, "sister Cai, let's not see her in the same way. If you're really angry, you lose. Keiko Ishii, you don't have to sow discord here. Sister Cai's music creation ability is well-known in Chinese music circles. Do you think you can provoke our relationship by saying so? After these two programs, I have to admit that your singing level is really very high. Unfortunately, your personality is destined to make you not far away in Chinese music. If you don't believe it, just walk and watch. "

At this time, Cai pingya thought of Xiao Yunhai's phone call in the morning, and her anger suddenly dissipated a lot. She said, "I'm also stupid. I'm angry with a singer who is about to leave China."

Keiko Ishii cluttered for a moment, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart. She asked, "Cai pingya, what do you mean?"

Cai pingya just looked at her with a kind of pity, but she didn't say anything.

South Korean singer Zheng Shaoji and Xiao Yunhai's old friend Li Xugang know something, but their relationship with Keiko Ishii is also general, and they don't say anything.

Other singers have long known the contradiction between the three, and naturally do not want to mix in. They all adopt the attitude of two not helping each other.

The whole hall suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the air seemed extremely oppressive.

At this time, the votes of the audience have been collected, and the tellers, under the supervision of government notaries, are seriously counting.

Time flies. Twenty minutes later, Zhang Qiaobai leads the band back to the stage of "singer's night".

Host Cheng Qian Dong said with a smile: "I have to say, everyone's luck is really very good. Mr. Xiao brought us a new song called "never left". Now, let's welcome this special guest singer , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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