Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:27 AM

Chapter 759

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"The cloud emperor is so fierce that I can hardly hear it."

"The singing skill of the emperor of cloud is just a blast to heaven."

"The original 13 singers, I already feel that the cattle can't do it. I didn't expect that as soon as the emperor of cloud made a move, everyone knelt down. There was no comparability at all. "

"You know, the emperor and the band only cooperated for 20 minutes."

In the backstage hall, the singers who participated in the contest were also in a state of explosion.

Cai pingya shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "I also said that he chose the wrong song. Ha ha, now that I think about it, what I just said is really funny."

"There are so many things in this song that it tests almost every aspect of the singer. I dare say that "never left" will become the standard of Chinese music singers in the future. If you can sing it well, the rest of the songs should be no exception. "

Hou Xu clapped and nodded: "yes. Hehe, I'm glad he didn't come to our program, otherwise we would all be his foil

Rick looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was bowing to his fans and band on the TV, and said, "is this the strength of the cloud emperor? No wonder it's terrible to be the emperor of Chinese music. "

"I don't feel as if our superstars in America can match him," sighed mace

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's singing, Li Xugang's face changed countless times. Finally, he sat down on the sofa and said to himself, "Li Xugang, you still want to compare songs with others. Ha ha, it's too much for you. You can't do this even if you practice hard all your life. "

At this moment, he completely eliminated his ambition to win or lose.

Other singers have their own thoughts, only Zhao Wanqing is full of pride and pride.

In the studio, Xiao Yunhai gave the band a thumbs up and said, "thank you for your help. Now I understand why Jiangsu Satellite TV will invite you to play live. In a short period of ten minutes, it is really amazing to be able to play the music to this level. May I suggest that we give a big round of applause to the musicians on the stage


"Hua Hua Hua."

More than 1500 fans applauded in unison, and members of the band stood up and bowed to everyone.

After the applause, Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Cheng, I think we should introduce these hard-working teachers in the interval of program recording. You see, we don't know any other teachers except director Zhang Qiaobai. This is really inappropriate. What do you think? "

Cheng Qiandong nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao is right. I will propose to the program group. Well, dear viewers, this is the end of our program today. Thank you for watching. We'll see you next time. "


fans got up and left the studio. Many young fans came to the stage and asked Xiao Yunhai to sign their names.

Xiao Yunhai felt troublesome, so he asked the photographer to take a group photo for everyone.

After a while, Xiao Yunhai and Cheng Qiandong come to the hall together.

As soon as she entered the room, Cai pingya began to have a hard time.

"Yunhai, you are too bad. If you sing like this, what shall we do in the future? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Cai, are you praising me? I'm sorry. I'll take it all. "

Hou Xu said: "Mr. Xiao, your song is really wonderful, and the difficulty is also extremely high. In the whole Chinese music world, it's rare to be able to use your tune to perfectly interpret the song from the beginning to the end. Great. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Hou is flattered. Although I'm cheeky, I'm a little embarrassed to say so. By the way, have the votes been counted? "

Cheng Qiandong looked at the time and said, "it is estimated that it will take another 10 minutes."

At this time, a middle-aged woman in her thirties came in in in a hurry. Seeing Keiko Ishii, she rushed to her and handed her a mobile phone. She said in Japanese, "Huizi, something happened. The headquarters called."

Keiko Ishii looked stunned, took the mobile phone and said, "I am Keiko Ishii."

Since both Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing can't speak Japanese, they don't know what Keiko Ishii is talking about, but her face is getting worse and worse. Occasionally, she looks fierce at Xiao Yunhai.

After calling, Shijing Huizi came to Xiao Yunhai and angrily said, "did you do it?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what is Miss Shijing talking about? I don't understand. "

Keiko Ishii's eyes shot knife like eyes and said, "you don't pretend to be confused. You threatened our Dongmu company to let me go back to Japan, didn't you?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is what happened. Yes, I had someone call your company. Yes? Do you Dongmu want to give up you? That's pitiful of you

"What do you want?" Ishii asked with gnashing teeth

Keiko Ishii is a star performer, yes, but because of her personality, she also offended many musicians in the circle. In addition, she can't write songs herself, so she hasn't released an album for two years.It is precisely because Keiko Ishii's situation in Japan is not very good, so he chose to come to China, hoping to start a new stove and make a good start.

It's a pity that Jiangshan can't change her nature easily. Huizi Ishii, who doesn't know how to speak properly, still doesn't change her nature. She just offends Xiao Yunhai to death. Especially in front of Xiao Yunhai, he scolded his grandfather, which absolutely touched the scale of Xiao Yunhai.

With his current status in China and even the world's entertainment industry, it is not a difficult thing to ban a Keiko Ishii.

Hearing Huizi Ishii's words, Xiao Yunhai's eyes were sharp and he sneered: "Miss Shijing, don't you think there is something wrong with this? My husband and wife have never offended you or even met each other in person. But you not only spoke ill of my wife for no reason, but also dared to insult my grandfather in front of me. He is ninety-two years old this year. You can't insult him. If I don't give you a lesson, I don't have the face to see him. "

Xiao Yunhai's main reason for saying this is to tell the other ten singers that she didn't kill Keiko Ishii because she was too much.

Sure enough, hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, people who do not know the inside story look at Shijing Huizi's eyes and become a little different.

China always talks about respecting the old and loving the young. It's hard to say anything bad about a 92 year old man. No wonder Xiao Yunhai is so angry.

Shijing Huizi's agent humanitarian: "Mr. Xiao, for Miss Ishii's misconduct, I sincerely apologize to you on behalf of our Dongmu company. Please don't forget the villain, and spare us this time. "

She can't help but bow to Xiao Yunhai.

Dongmu company is a well-known company in Japan. There are more than 20 artists on the front line.

Japan is too narrow, its population is far less than that of Huaxia, and its economy can not be compared with each other. Therefore, Dongmu company has long aimed at the Chinese market. Since three years ago, they have asked the company's artists to learn Chinese.

This year, after the removal of entertainment barriers in Huaxia, Dongmu company immediately established a branch in Huaxia. Last time, Japan acquired part of Huaxia cinema, including Dongmu company's shares.

Although Keiko Ishii is also a big star in Dongmu company, its value can't be compared with Xiao Yunhai's special effects company.

Without Keiko Ishii, Dongmu's development in China will not be a big problem, but without the dreamlike special effects technology of making movies, the loss to them will not be a little bit.

Therefore, when Wu Hao told Dongmu entertainment company that it was necessary to drive Keiko Ishii back to Japan in order to reach a cooperation agreement, Dongmu senior management immediately realized that it was Keiko Ishii who had offended people. In Japan, such things are not one or two.

As a result, Dongmu high-level immediately called the agent of Shijing Huizi and told them to ask Xiao Yunhai's forgiveness anyway. Otherwise, the result will be to return home.

Shijing Huizi's agent learned the seriousness of the matter, quickly found Shijing Huizi, this just appeared now this scene.

Seeing his agent apologizing to Xiao Yunhai, huizidon Ishii didn't get angry and kicked the agent to the ground and swore: "do you need to apologize to him? Hum, I can't afford to lose this man. Xiao Yunhai, don't think that you are powerful enough to do whatever you want. I tell you, I'm not easy to provoke

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "since I entered the performing arts circle, I have always been kind to others. I never take the initiative to cause trouble, let alone do whatever I want. However, it doesn't mean that Xiao Yunhai is a bully. "

Cai pingya said, "Yunhai, there is nothing to say to such people. Since she has the ability, let her use it well. "

Zhao Wanqing took Xiao Yunhai's arm and said, "sister Cai is right. Honey, let's sit down. In a moment, the director and the agent are coming. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and sat beside Zhao Wanqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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