Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:52 AM

Chapter 76

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At 10:00 a.m., the launch conference of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" officially began.

At today's press conference, almost 70 or 80 media came. In the film and television industry, it's a medium-sized one. In addition to the male and female protagonists and several old actors, everyone is not a big star, so the attention naturally is not much.

The number of people's seats has already been determined by the crew. Xiao Yunhai's position is on the right side of He Jin, close to him, followed by the hero, heroine and important supporting roles, Huang Bo ranked sixth. As for those old opera characters, they are arranged on the left side of He Jin.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai could not sit in this position because of his fame and role. However, as the author of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang", he Jin finally arranged for him to be here.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Li Xu called out: "Dear reporters, the launch conference of the legend of Chu Liuxiang has officially begun. You are free to ask questions. "

As soon as Li Xu's words fell, a reporter immediately got up in a hurry and asked Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Xiao Yunhai, this time, your" Legend of Chu Liuxiang "has been moved onto the TV screen by he. I don't know how you feel about it."

The reporter's question made the actors on the stage and the reporters at the bottom were stunned for a moment, and then all of them looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was asked, with some strange eyes.

Generally speaking, the first person to be asked is the director, followed by the leading actor and heroine.

Although Xiao Yunhai has the identity of an original author, he is only a supporting role in the crew, so no matter how it is calculated, he can not be the first.

"This reporter has a bad heart."

If a newcomer who has never entered the circle, he may not know the hidden rule. If he sees someone ask him, he will reply happily, and then he will offend the director and the leading actor in a muddle headed way.

But how could Xiao Yunhai, who had spent his whole life in the previous life, make such a low-level mistake.

He Jin's brow frowned. Xiao Yunhai, as far as he knows, doesn't seem to be a person who wants to become famous by any means. How could it be possible to do such a thing.

Besides, Xu Hongjun and other old actors were also very surprised. They doubted that this young man, who was favored by many predecessors, really bought the reporter with money, which was too outrageous.

Huang Bo appears to be extremely worried. He believes that his third brother will never be so stupid and make such a thing. Someone must have set him up on purpose.

Only Xia Xiaohu showed a trace of clear expression. It seems that his cousin Xia Chengfeng made a move. If he doesn't, he will die.

Even at this point, Xiao Yunhai remained unchanged. He looked at the reporter named Wu niansheng and asked, "who asked you to ask me questions first? Where are you going to take me? Where to lead? Where do we put our crew? What kind of heart do you have in mind

Although he didn't know who was framing himself, he knew that no matter how he answered this question, he would follow the path of the other party.

So the best way to answer is to pierce this layer of window paper and put everything on the surface.

Otherwise, it will be the exclusion of all the cast members waiting for themselves.

Xiao Yunhai did not wait for the other party to answer, and continued: "do you know why you should first ask the director questions at the opening meeting? I tell you, because the director is the center and soul of the whole crew. You are not only disrespectful of he Dao, but also disrespectful of our whole "Legend of Chu Liuxiang"

At this point, Xiao Yunhai suddenly stood up and leaned forward. His eyes were like swords. His incomparable momentum broke out suddenly. He rushed to the reporter like a tide. The whole person was sharp and sharp, and asked in a sharp voice: "I am the author of the legend of Chu Liuxiang. Only the internal staff of the drama group and a limited number of people from Minsheng publishing house know about this matter, even I am old I didn't tell my teacher or my parents. Where did you learn that? I've never met you, and I haven't offended you. Why do you want to target me like this? You tell me why? "

Xiao Yunhai's words changed the other party's face. He didn't expect that a young newcomer should be so powerful. In a flash, he broke Xia Chengfeng's trap and his elaborate design. In the shortest time, he found out the flaws and attacked himself. Even the old actors who have been mixing for decades can't bring them out.

Just when he was at a loss, Xu Hongjun took over and said, "do you still need to ask. This guy must have collected money to frame you like this. Purpose? It's just trying to get you out of the crew. "

When he Jin heard Xiao Yunhai's words, he Jin knew that Xiao Yunhai had been blackened. He stood up and pointed at the reporter angrily and said, "you can be a journalist. It's just a disgrace to the journalist industry. Which unit are you from? "

"Fashion city. Well, I'll write to your editor in chief, strongly condemning you for this behavior. "

A good press conference was made a mess by an unscrupulous reporter. It's no wonder he Jin got angry.Ordinary journalists who are extremely united, but this time no one stood up to speak for this reporter.

"What a shame."

The vast majority of entertainment journalists have done such things as collecting money and getting rid of them. However, they all do it in the dark, leaving no trace.

And just like this just so blatantly in front of the public, dignified to do such a thing, is really never happened.

Such journalists are hopelessly stupid.

The reporter of the fashion city newspaper couldn't stand the eyes of everyone and left in a gray mood.

Director He Jin looked at his back, snorted, and then said, "the press conference continues. If you have any questions, please ask them. "

A middle-aged reporter stood up and said, "Hello, director he. I'm wang Haining, a journalist who has known about entertainment for a long time. According to the information I have received, in this group, the main actors are students from Yanjing Film Academy, as well as singers like Miss Cai pingya. Do you think such a lineup can perform the play well? "

He said that he had no confidence in the problem. These students of Yanjing Film Academy are the best in the Academy. The reason why I chose them mainly focused on them, that is, every one of them has an outstanding performance. This will be seen when the play is broadcast. As for Miss Cai pingya, to be honest, she surprised me during the audition. I didn't expect her as a singer to be able to control the role so perfectly, which really impressed me , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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