Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:24 AM

Chapter 761

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In a cafe in Yanjing, Mo Yina is discussing with a middle-aged man about Xiao Yunhai's role in battle of red cliff.

This is the first negotiation since Mo Yinna became Xiao Yunhai's agent, so Mo Yina attaches great importance to it.

"Mr. Yin, can you represent the investors of the battle of Chibi?"

Mo Yina took a sip of coffee and asked with a smile.

Yin Zhihang nodded and said, "of course. Ms. Mo, director Wu and Mr. Xiao have reached an agreement to act in the battle of red cliff in private, and then there is only the payment. How much do you think is appropriate?

Mo Yina's eyes flashed a shrewdness and asked, "how much have you investors prepared for us? You know, this is not an ordinary queen of heaven, but a real international superstar coming out of China. "

Yin Zhihang said with a smile: "of course we know Mr. Xiao's influence. "The battle of Chibi" is divided into two parts. We can pay him 100 million yuan. What do you think? "

Mo Yina immediately shook her head and said, "definitely not. This is the first time that Yunhai has received an outside play since he became famous. The 50 million yuan pay for a film is obviously not in line with his value. "

Although the two plays of Mr. Yin chifen are not special, they are not "xiaobizhi". All in all, it's part of a normal movie. 100 million is already the highest in China. "

Mo Yina said with a smile: "anyway, these are the two plays. There is no artist in Huaxia who will be paid according to the part. Mr. Yin, I'll give you a final price, 160 million. "

As soon as Yin Zhihang's face changed, he said, "it's impossible. We can't afford to pay 160 million

Mo Yina said: "but my cloud sea can definitely bear it. Let's say, with him, the box office in Europe and the United States is basically guaranteed, and his status as a major North American courtyard shareholder can solve many problems for you. Whether it's publicity or screening, it's going to be a huge bargain. "

Yin Zhihang frowned: "Miss Mo, we are very aware of Mr. Xiao's energy in Hollywood, but the 160 million film pay is too high, which will affect the shooting of our crew."

Mo Yina thought for a while and said, "I'll give you another idea. Since Yunhai is willing to act in the battle of red cliff, it shows that he still attaches great importance to this play. We can use the money to get a share of the box office

Yin Zhihang's eyes brightened and asked, "how much?"

Mo Yina said: "according to the share of investment. 160 million accounts for almost 10% of the total investment, so we need 10%. What do you think? "

Yin Zhihang looked at Mo Yina with a strange look and said with a smile, "Miss Mo said so much, I'm afraid it's for this purpose."

Mo Yina said without concealment: "this is the best result for us. If it's not appropriate, give us 160 million. "

Yin Zhi fairway: "I need to call for instructions. Just a moment."

Mo Yina said with a smile: "you are free."

Then he picked up the coffee and sipped it.

Ten minutes later, Yin Zhihang sat back and said firmly, "120 million or 6 percent of the box office is our ultimate bottom line."

Mo Yina laughed and said, "Mr. Yin, the 6% box office share is too low for you?"

Indeed, even if "battle of Red Cliff" can sell well in the world and make a profit of 4 billion, it would be very good. According to the 6% share, Xiao Yunhai got 240 million Chinese dollars at most. This is undoubtedly out of proportion to the risks he has taken.

Yin Zhihang shook his head and said, "the 6% share is not low."

Mo Yina said: "six percent, we will never agree. Eight percent is our final offer. If you succeed, you can't

Xiao Yunhai gave her the bottom line of 5%, so Mo Yina can make the decision.

After a series of heated discussions, the two ended the negotiation with a 7% share of the box office profit with a median value.

When Mo Yina left, she shook hands with Yin Zhihang and said with a smile, "I wish us a happy cooperation."

Yinzhi waterway: "happy cooperation."

Xiao Yunna came to an agreement.

Xiao Yunhai severely praised Mo Yina.

Next, Xiao Yunhai began to prepare his own crew. In just one day, he finished all the departments of the crew.

Director of the film department of Yanda Academy.

This Ruda has good ability and extraordinary conversation. Xiao Yunhai communicated with him for less than half an hour and decided to use him.

Xiao Yunhai will give the two scripts to Luda, let him have a good look, and then go to Chongqing to find the scenery. It's best to finish all the locations needed for the two films.

Ruda was surprised to hear Xiao Yunhai's words.

After graduation, he has been an associate director in the circle for more than ten years. He has worked with numerous directors. He has never seen a shopkeeper like Xiao Yunhai. He needs the assistant director to take people to look for the location. He really trusts himself.In the literary circle, there is no artist who does not want to be a star, and no vice director does not want to be a real director.

Xiao Yunhai is famous for his promotion of deputy director. As long as he is interested in him, he will have the opportunity to direct the play immediately.

After he became an excellent director in China, he soon became an excellent director.

Even a young man in his twenties who has just graduated has a chance, not to mention Ruda, who has a lot of experience in film making.

Therefore, Luda listened to Xiao Yunhai's instructions very seriously, and even took out a notebook to record it. He was not embarrassed because he was his senior brother, which made Xiao Yunhai very satisfied.

Three days later, Luda took a dozen crew members to Chongqing.

The crew is done, and the next step is to select the actors for the movie.

Xu Xu called Wu Guoan and other actors to see all their roles in the film and TV series.

Lu Yi, 42 years old, is from Hebei Province. He looks old. He has performed sketches and plays on the stage before.

Later, seeing the market downturn, he entered the film and television industry in 1994. With his extraordinary skills on the stage of drama, Lu Yi soon became famous and became a contracted actor of a second-class film company.

Unfortunately, he is not young, and his appearance is not good. Although his acting skills are solid, he does not mix much fame. He is a second-line actor, barely. You know, there are not a thousand second-line actors in China, and there are 800. Now, after foreign entertainment companies enter China, the number will be more.

Fortunately, this guy doesn't have much ambition. He just wants to make some money by filming, so that his two children can go to school. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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