Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:21 AM

Chapter 763

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Before that, Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Mingsheng that he would leave Hanhai's films for a while, and then take them to his own cinema after the completion of the new Huaxia cinema.

Zhao Mingsheng would not refuse his son-in-law's suggestion. In the past four months, he has reserved six films for Xinhua summer cinema, and the quality is very good.

It's just that Hanhai's stalls are too large, and there are some problems with the capital flow. If we don't collect the funds, we'll be in short supply in less than two months.

So he asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I just talked to Mr. Yu on the phone last night. Now the major cities in China have completed all the decoration work, a total of 18800 screens. As long as it can pass the inspection of various departments of the state, everything will be fine. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "very good. In this way, you will have your own shares in both Chinese and North American theaters. In the future, when a movie is shown, I don't have to ask for someone else. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, is there something wrong with the company?"

Xiao Yunhai has been wandering in his previous life for many years. Although Zhao Mingsheng disguises it well, he can still hear the feeling of relief when he speaks.

Zhao Mingsheng said, "you are really a person. Yes, Hanhai's liquidity is a little bit of a problem. If you delay it for another two months, I really can't help it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "if you don't have money, just say it. There are hundreds of millions of yuan in Wanqing's bank interest. "

Xiao Yunhai owns shares in four major industries: magic, dream, North American cinema and Jiujiu music network. It can be said that it is not too much to describe it with Rijin Doujin.

North American cinema and long-time music network alone can bring him at least one billion yuan a month, let alone fantasy and magic.

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile, "I know you are rich now, but I don't have the cheek to ask for money from my daughter and son-in-law."

They talked for a while. Xiao Yunhai looked at the time. It was about ten o'clock, so he stood up and said, "Dad, I'm busy with the audition."

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "be busy with you."

When Xiao Yunhai returned to the conference room and saw that everyone was still immersed in the script, he could not help but smile and said, "OK, everyone, the time is almost up. We're going to audition now. "

Next, Xiao Yunhai asked everyone to perform in full view of the public.

Except for an hour of lunch, the performance was never interrupted. Everyone finished singing and I came on stage until 4 p.m., which was all over.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai did not express any views, his face was also calm, and he could not see any joy, anger, sorrow and joy, which made people feel very helpless.

In particular, Lu Yi, who plays Daoge, has been given five consecutive performances by Xiao Yunhai. As for whether he has passed or not, even Lu Yi himself has not counted.

After all the auditions were completed, Xiao Yunhai saw that everyone looked at him with uneasy eyes. Finally, a smile appeared on his face, and he announced aloud: "Congratulations, all of you passed."


"Long live Xiao Dao."

All of a sudden, the conference room rang out cheers, some even shed tears of excitement.

When everyone calmed down, Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm sorry, I haven't finished my words. It seems that it's too early for everyone to be happy."


Xiao Yunhai's words, like a thunderclap, shocked everyone.

No, there are variables?

Ignoring the shock of the crowd, Xiao Yunhai continued: "everyone, after watching your performance, I have to say that the Chinese entertainment industry has indeed buried talents. In terms of acting skills, your acting skills are very good. Most of them are at the level of second-line actors, and a few even reach the level of first-line stars. Although I agree with you to join the cast, it doesn't mean you can rest assured. "

"Because I'm not sure what you're going to do on the set, I'll just sign a temporary contract that's very harsh on you. I'll take an actor who doesn't perform well. Of course, if your performance can satisfy me and complete all the parts successfully, congratulations. This temporary contract will not only give you the corresponding remuneration, but also give you a bonus of 50000 each. After the movie is shown, some of you may even become big stars. "

"I don't hide anything when I do things. I've said everything that's good or bad. There are actors who don't want to take part in the crazy series. Now, you can bring it up. I'll get a round-trip ticket

Liu Xun said: "director Xiao, you can sign with us directly. If we can play your film, let alone give us money. Even if we give you money, we will do it. "

"Yes. If you want to give up such a good opportunity, you will become a fool. "

"I'd like to sign it right away."

Xiao Yunhai was not surprised by the public's reaction, and said with a smile: "since there is no objection, please wait here. I'll ask the staff to bring the contract and the script. The starting time is estimated to be in the middle of May, and the crew is now selecting scenes in Chongqing. When you go back, you must prepare well. Because the longest shooting period of the two films is one and a half months, I will not give you too much time to adapt. The capable go up, the mediocre down, and there is no human relationship to talk about. Well, let's have a good exchange. I'll have the contract printed. "Twenty minutes later, five or six members of Hanhai's office came to the meeting room and presented the signed contract to the public.

After finishing everything, everyone left Hanhai with the script and excited mood.

That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing came to the courtyard.

Today is Xiao Changfeng's birthday. Zhao Wanqing spent a whole day wandering around many places and bought him a set of high-quality brush, ink, paper and inkstone.

Xiao Changfeng likes calligraphy, so it's a good gift.

When he came to the courtyard, Zhao Wanqing gave the gift to Xiao Changfeng and said, "Dad, this is our gift for you. Happy birthday to you."

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "Wanqing, don't buy anything for your mother and me. A family dinner together is the best gift. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, this is Wanqing who has visited many places and just gave you the choice. You can't be ungrateful."

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile, "is it? What did you do then? "

Xiao Yunhai blinked his eyes and said with a dry smile, "I am not busy making some milk powder money for future children?"

Xiao Yunling snorted and said, "compared with sister Wanqing, some people are really insincere."

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be angry: "good, you girl film, all day long know to do with me. How can I deal with you? "

Xiao Yunling quickly hid behind Zhao Wanqing, stretched out her lovely tongue at Xiao Yunhai and said, "I'm not afraid of you with sister Wanqing."

The crowd burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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