Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:19 AM

Chapter 764

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After eating and cutting the cake, Xiao Yunhai ate and asked, "ling'er, what are you busy at school all day?"

Xiao Yunling said with a smile: "more than 20 of us have organized a cartoon club and prepared to produce a comic book, but now there is no creativity. Brother, you are so smart. Help me and give me an idea. "

In this world, comics and animation are absolutely children's favorites. Whether in China or abroad, parents are most willing to invest in their children.

Disney can become one of the top eight Hollywood film companies, animation occupies a very important position.

According to statistics, in the past five years, Disney has made a total of 26 animated films, which have won about 20 billion US dollars at the box office, and one of them even became the world box office champion at that time.

Last year, the most popular cartoon in China was "little fairy and great wizard" broadcast by the central children's program, with the highest ratings reaching 24%.

This shows that the children of the world love cartoons.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai put down the cake in his hand and said, "have you ever thought about making cartoons when you have published comic books?"

Xiao Yunling said with a wry smile: "brother, we haven't even finished the first step. Where can we think so far?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have a good idea, but I don't know if you can do it with your level."

Xiao Yunling's eyes brightened and patted his chest of considerable scale and said, "brother, our level is absolutely not said."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this story, I named it" transformers. ". In the distant universe, there is a planet far bigger than the earth, on which lives a very special metal life body, Autobots... "

in the previous life, marvel company of the United States can be said to be world-famous. Their super heroes such as Hulk, Raytheon and iron man, whether comic, animated or movie versions, have swept the world. Have you made any profit Know how much.

In this world, Xiao Yunhai has made a detailed investigation and found that Marvel Comics still exists, and has the vast majority of superheroes in previous lives. For example, spider man and Hulk have also been made into films, and achieved very good results.

However, there are still two important works of "the iron and steel" and "Transformers".

For iron man, whether it is a cartoon or a movie, Xiao Yunhai has never seen it, so he can only choose to give up.

On the contrary, "Transformers" was Xiao Yunhai's favorite when he was a child. No matter it was a cartoon, an animation or a movie, he had seen it many times, and the plot was clearly recorded.

Therefore, he took "Transformers" out.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's general introduction, Xiao Yunling said in surprise, "brother, how long is your brain? It's really wonderful."

Zhao Wanqing, on one side, said thoughtfully, "my husband, this is a very good script. Besides trying to make it into a cartoon, are you going to make it into a movie

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I want to do cartoons, cartoons and movies. However, the meal to eat, the road to step by step. First do the cartoon, if the sales are good, then do the cartoon, and finally it will be the turn of the film. "

Xiao Leshan sighed: "I know now that you are young. Why can you make so much money. I have a desire to see your story, let alone other people. "

Xiao Yunling said: "brother, you hurry to write the story, I can't wait."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I need to go to North America to promote the film in two days. I don't have much time. Well, I'll try to finish it tonight. Make one first, and the later one depends on the situation. However, the copyright must be 100% owned by me. As for the profits from comics, each of us will account for 50%. At that time, don't give me the money. Give it to you directly. It's a reward for you. "

Xiao Yunling jumped up happily and said, "long live brother."

Chen Xiuzhu interposed: "I'll give you ten thousand yuan at most. The rest must be given to me. I'll give it back to you after you get married, so that you don't go out and spend money."

Xiao Yunling listened, his face immediately pulled down, Du mouth way: "no strength."

With a smile, Chen Xiuzhu got up and said, "OK, you can play for a while. I'm going to dance in the square."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Mom, do you want to go dancing every afternoon now?"

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said, "yes. By the way, I almost forgot one thing. When are you going to write us some songs for dancing? We don't use enough music now. There are few suitable songs except your little apple

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

That night, back to the villa, Xiao Yunhai began the creation of transformers. With his amazing speed, it took him only two hours to finish the first movie.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai followed Xiao Yunling to Huaxia Academy of fine arts and met her classmates.Seeing Xiao Yunhai, everyone was naturally excited. He signed and took a group photo, which became his fans' meeting.

After struggling for a long time, he began to talk about transformers.

Xiao Yunhai directed everyone to design the model of the Autobot, and said some precautions. After confirming that there was no problem, he left at ease.

Because Zhao Wanqing has been busy making music, Xiao Yunhai went to the courtyard for dinner, and then returned to his villa.

When I got home, it was already more than nine o'clock.

Generally speaking, Zhao Wanqing should be in Tianlai at this time. I didn't expect that today was an exception. She came back early.

Hearing the voice of Xiao Yunhai opening the door, Zhao Wanqing, who was surfing the Internet, came out of her bedroom and said, "something happened to Tian Junhao."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "what matter?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "steal. Love."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he laughed directly and put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder and said, "wife, can we not be joking? Why don't you steal love when you're not married

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "but that woman is engaged."

"Who is it?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Zhao Wanqing said, "Xu Qianqian."

Hearing this name, Xiao Yunhai was shocked and stopped suddenly. He said in disbelief, "no, it is. What does Xia Xiaohu eat? "

Xu Qianqian took over the role of Pan Jinlian the next day after Xiao Yunhai was banned because of Zhao Wanqing's role as Pan Jinlian.

A while ago, those unscrupulous media have spread a burst of rumors about the two people, but Xiao Yunhai did not believe it.

Because Xu Qianqian's fiance Xia Xiaohu also plays a role in it. With him on the set, it's impossible to let his fiancee mess around.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai thinks that these news should be made by reporters or by the crew on purpose. Naturally, the purpose is to publicize outlaws of the marsh.

But now suddenly heard Zhao Wanqing say two people have an affair, Xiao Yunhai is unavoidably surprised.

Zhao Wanqing said: "the video of their making love in the hotel room has been sent to the network. Are you serious or not?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Damn it, who did this? Xia Xiaohu? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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