Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:18 AM

Chapter 765

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When they came to the computer, Zhao Wanqing opened the video and Xiao Yunhai watched it from beginning to end.

The video is not long, only about three minutes, but the video of Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian fighting in bed is clearly shot.

The other side in the two people's key parts of the mosaic processing, but the appearance and expression is very clear.

After watching the video, Xiao Yunhai gave an evaluation.

"This Tian Junhao looks very powerful. Unexpectedly, it's a hot gun. It only lasts for three minutes. It's really bad."

Zhao Wanqing didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would be such a reaction. She couldn't help crying and laughing. She said, "husband, are you such an evaluation?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what do you want me to say. Can we say that the level of this stealthy filmmaker is good and has the potential to be a director. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said with a smile, "don't talk about such sarcasm. If they are heard by Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian, they will not be angry with you. "

"Angry?" Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm afraid Xia Xiaohu is the one who died of anger. I suspect that this video was shot by him. If it's not about themselves, no one will do things so absolutely. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "I think it's him, too. This video has been browsed by netizens for tens of millions of times in just half an hour. It is estimated that all of China knows it. Tian Junhao is not easy to say, but Xu Qianqian's acting road is probably over. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Xu Qianqian is guilty of her own crimes and cannot live. The only way for her to eliminate her influence is to marry Tian Junhao and show the mass media that she and Tian Junhao are friends. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "there is no such possibility. She and Xia Xiaohu are unmarried husband and wife, and people in the entertainment industry all know. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then give me evidence to prove that they are unmarried husband and wife. Wife, don't be silly. In law, as long as you don't get a marriage certificate, even if you live together for ten or twenty years, it is still not a husband and wife. As long as the time comes, Xu Qianqian will not admit it, no one can take her. Moreover, if this video is really shot by Xia Xiaohu, he will be in great trouble. At the very least, one accusation of serious damage to the reputation and image of Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian can send him to prison for a few years. "

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "No. If they do this kind of thing that I am sorry for Xia Xiaohu, if they bite him in turn, it will be too much. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "wife, I dare to bet with you that Tian Junhao will certainly do so."

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Turn it on. It's Huang Bo.

"Third brother, have you seen the video of Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. The picture is very clear and has the potential to be a director. "

Huang Bo laughed and said, "brother three, you are too bad. I tell you, the police station has just arrived at our production team and spent half an hour in Tian Junhao's room. Before leaving, he also took Xia Xiaohu away, saying it was a routine inquiry. I reckon he did it in all likelihood

"Why?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Huang Bo said: "Xia Xiaohu is a five-day crew. Because Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian's affairs were exposed by some media, Xia Xiaohu was angry and quarreled with Xu Qianqian several times. Yesterday, Tian Junhao found a reason to let Xia Xiaohu film outside. I guess that's when Xia Xiaohu found someone to install the camera. Not only Tian Junhao, but also Xu Qianqian's house. "

"This evening, Xia Xiaohu, who should not have come back at this time, suddenly appeared in the crew. Who else can you say is not him? Hehe, this guy looks very smart on weekdays. Unexpectedly, he is a big fool. When he comes back, isn't he here without three hundred taels of silver? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can't stand it on anyone. However, Xia Xiaohu did not hesitate to offend Tian Junhao, but also wanted to explode this video. It can be seen that he is still somewhat bloody. How are you on the set? "

Huang Bo said with a smile: "Tian Junhao tried to get me into trouble again and again, but he was beaten back by my teacher. Don't worry. Everything is fine here. In another four or five days, my part will be over. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Our movie will be on the 15th of May, and the script has been sent to you. Think about it. "

Huang Bo said confidently: "third brother, you can rest assured that I will not let you down."


On the network, at this time has been noisy up, all the major forums are the evaluation of this matter.

"Damn it, I don't know if I don't see it. I'm scared when I see it. It's so exciting."

"I can't see that Xu Qianqian is really talented. The face, the figure and the technique are absolutely beyond the ordinary women's ability. "

"If only my wife could be as good as Xu Qianqian."

"That Tian Junhao is really useless. It won't work for three minutes. Let me go, at least for an hour. "

"It's said that directors and actors often engage in subterranean activities. The rules, now it seems, are indeed true.""I heard that Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian played Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian as adulterers and prostitutes in Outlaws of the marsh. I didn't expect that the real version also came. Hehe, it's really good. "


Zhuozhou film and Television City

Tian Junhao, with a gloomy face, is talking to his father Tian Jishang on the balcony of the hotel room. On the sofa inside, there is a crying Xu Qianqian.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't really expect that to happen."

Tian Jishang said in a deep voice, "what are you going to do with it?"

Tian Junhao said: "I've already thought about it, and I'm ready to announce that we're two men and women friends."

Tian Ji Shang said: "Xu Qianqian is Xia Xiaohu's fiancee, and the wind review is not very good. I'm afraid your mother won't allow her to enter our house."

Tian Junhao frowned and said, "Dad, I have no other choice. Either my career with Xu Qianqian is over, or I will marry her home directly. Now that I'm just starting, I don't want to give up. "

Tian Jishang sighed and said, "it's up to you. Did Xia Xiaohu do this? "

Tian Junhao's eyes flashed a glimmer of cold light, gnashing his teeth and said: "it must be him, I will never let him get better."

Think of their video and Xu Qianqian crazy spread Huaxia, Tian Junhao some crazy.

What's the most important thing about a star? It's face.

Let alone famous artists such as Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian. They are just some unsophisticated artists who rent a decent suit of clothes and participate in various activities for the sake of face.

Now, as soon as this video comes out, the face of Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian is lost, and their popularity in China is estimated to be much higher than that of Xiao Yunhai.

Tian Jishang said, "you can handle Xia Xiaohu's affairs by yourself. Take Xu Qianqian home in two days. Because of this video, your grandfather is very angry. Explain it to him

"I see, Dad."

Tian Junhao finished the phone, walked into the room and saw Xu Qianqian, a little disgust flashed in his eyes.

Xu Qianqian, no matter her appearance, figure or temperament, should be regarded as the top among the women she plays with. It's not too much to describe her as someone else's special object.

But in Tian Junhao's heart, Zhao Wanqing is his goddess.

Compared with her, Xu Qianqian is far inferior to her in any aspect.

He just regarded her as a firearm friend in bed. He could play with her. If he really wanted to marry her, Tian Junhao did not want to marry her.

But now the situation is better than people, this video out, even if they are not willing to, but also must be together with Xu Qianqian.

Otherwise, not only himself will be ruined, but even his father will be affected. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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