Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:16 AM

Chapter 766

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Thinking of this, Tian Junhao sighed deeply, sat down beside Xu Qianqian, put his arms around her fragrant shoulder, and said gently, "Qian Qian, don't cry any more. We have to find a way to deal with this as soon as possible. "

The makeup on Xu Qianqian's face is crying. She even has the heart to die when she thinks of those ugly words from netizens.

Although Xu Qianqian is a vain woman, it does not mean that she is willing to come to a live show naked in front of hundreds of millions of netizens. It is really humiliating.

What's more, she is Xia Xiaohu's fiancee, although the outside world is not clear, but almost everyone in the circle knows.

He and Tian Junhao do such a thing, that is, hongxingwai, reputation is stinky home.

"Tian Shao, what should we do?"

Xu Qianqian in the heart is very clear, want to pass this pass, must unswervingly stand together with Tian Junhao, otherwise, her career will be doomed.

Tian Junhao stroked Xu Qianqian's long hair and calmly said: "our most important thing now is to establish an image of a victim in the outside world. Tomorrow morning, we will hold a press conference, saying that we are friends and men, and we have reached the point of marriage. When the movie "outlaws of the marsh" is finished, we will get married and get the certificate immediately. "

Xu Qianqian was stunned and asked, "would you like to marry me?"

for Xu Qianqian, it is better to marry Tian Junhao than Xia Xiaohu.

Although Tian Junhao is romantic, but behind him is the Li family, a political family of China. His father is also the Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture, which will undoubtedly help Xu Qianqian in the future.

Xia Xiaohu is just the nephew of Xia Hongda, the boss of Hongda film and television company. He is ignorant, but he does not know himself. He is arrogant. He has played several plays in succession, but failed to make a name. In addition, the future leader of Hongda film and television company must be Xia Chengfeng. Xia Xiaohu is nothing at all.

If you want to bet, bet Tian Junhao is the best choice.

Tian Junhao gave her a hard kiss on the face and said, "of course I would. My father just said, "let's go to my grandfather's place."

Xu Qianqian wiped the tears on her face and said, "that's very good. But what about Hongda? My artists are still signed with them. "

Tian Junhao said: "don't worry, I'll call Xia Chengfeng and ask for your contract."

At the same time, the atmosphere in Xia Hongda's home was extremely heavy.

In addition to the three members of Xia Hongda's family, Xia Hongxing, Xia Hongda's elder brother, and Wang Lichi, his sister-in-law, are also sitting on the sofa anxiously to discuss countermeasures.

Xia Hongda's parents left early. In order to help him go to school, Xia Hongxing dropped out of school and went to work everywhere. He took care of him as a father and a mother.

From primary school to university, Xia Hongda never worried about tuition fees.

Xia Xiaohu is smaller than Xia Chengfeng because Xia Hongxing got married many years later than Xia Hongda.

In the outside world, Xia Hongda gives people the impression that he is a ruthless and capricious villain. However, for his elder brother Xia Hongxing, he has great respect and even regards him as his father in his heart.

Therefore, for Xia Xiaohu's affairs, Xia Hongda shows great concern.

Xia Hongda said gently, "brother, don't worry. I just called the company lawyer and asked about it. As long as Xiaohu doesn't upload any videos, he doesn't have any problems

Xia Chengfeng asked, "uncle, is the video from Xiaohu?"

Xia Hongxing shook his head and said, "I don't know. However, even if Xiaohu did it, I don't think he did anything wrong. "

Speaking of this, Xia Hongxing gnawed his teeth and said, "that Xu Qianqian is really a bitch. Thanks to my kindness to her, I treat her as a daughter-in-law. I didn't expect that she should do such shameless business. I'm so angry. "

Wang Lichi said, "and that Tian Junhao is not a good thing."

Xia Hongda said with a bitter smile: "big brother, sister-in-law, this is not the time to say this. I've bought you tickets to Zhuozhou film and TV city. You'll leave immediately and go to the local police station. When you see little tiger, you must tell him. Whether he did it or not, he would never admit it. Otherwise, none of us can save him. "

"I have very important things to deal with tomorrow morning, so I can't go with you. But I have arranged for the company's lawyer to accompany you. If you have anything, you must discuss it with the lawyer. "

Xia Hongxing nodded and said, "I understand."

After seeing off Xia Hongxing and his wife, Xia Hongda and his son returned to the living room.

Xia Chengfeng frowned and said, "Dad, what should we do about Tian Junhao's affairs?"

Xia Hongda snorted and said coldly, "at the beginning, Tian Jishang swore that they should be responsible for the affairs of foreign cinemas. As a result, he wasted his time and achieved nothing. Now, Tian Junhao this son of a bitch, is to make such a thing, simply did not put us in the eye. I was completely disappointed with their father and son. They're not reliable at all. "Xia Chengfeng said: "however, Xia Hongda and his son are too powerful. If they fall out, I'm afraid they will give us some trouble."

Xia Hongda said scornfully, "trouble? Hum. Today's Ministry of culture is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Unless Tian Jishang can take the post of minister of culture, otherwise, his energy is always limited. Besides, we have his handle. Even if we fall out, what can Tada Jishang do? "

Summer Chengfeng Leng Leng, asked: "Dad, what is the handle you said?"

Xia Hongda said with a smile: "Tian Jishang is an old fox and won't give people any chance to take advantage of, but Tian Junhao can't. When he was studying abroad, he attended a lot of filthy parties. At the beginning of your cooperation with Tian Junhao, I spent a lot of money to get some videos. Compared with what happened to him and Xu Qianqian, it's just a small thing to see. Once it is announced, let alone Tian Junhao, even Tian Jishang will be doomed. "

Mr. Xia said, "it's very kind of you to take advantage of the wind."

Xia Hongda shook his head and said: "if I'm really smart, I won't be fooled by Xiao Yunhai. I have to admit that he is not an easy man to deal with even if he leaves his family behind. I have arranged for many people to investigate him, but nothing can be found out. This person's conduct and manner, even I have to admire. Chengfeng, you don't have to be afraid of Tian Junhao, but you must stay away from Xiao Yunhai. He's not something we can afford. Do you understand? "

Xia Chengfeng nodded and said with a bitter smile, "I understand. Hehe, with his identity of Xiao family, I dare not touch him again. "

Xia Hongda said, "that's good. By the way, how confident are you about the business of the Oriental entertainment company

Xia Chengfeng showed a confident smile on his face and said: "ten percent is sure. Under Li Ran's advice, Li Dongfang exchanged 15% shares with the other party. All the other shareholders agreed, including Kuda, who had just signed a contract with him. However, after the merger of Hongda and Dongfang, we will give him an additional 2% of the shares. "

Xia Hongda said with a smile: "this is not a problem. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the headquarters of Oriental entertainment company. If we swallow it, Hongda will become the biggest entertainment company in China. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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