Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:13 AM

Chapter 769

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Li Dongfang took a deep breath, reluctantly showed a smile to his daughter, and then called Gan Yulu.

"Yulu, did Xia Hongda do anything during my coma?"

Gan Yulu said: "he held a press conference in the afternoon to merge Oriental entertainment company and Hongda media company."

Li Dongfang sneered: "what he thinks is very beautiful. At the beginning, fortunately you kept one more hand, otherwise this time it would be really troublesome. Yulin, thank you

It turns out that Oriental entertainment company is just an empty shell, the most valuable thing has been in the hands of Gan Yulin.

To ask what is the most valuable, it is undoubtedly the artist.

More than 80% of the artists in the Oriental entertainment company did not sign a contract with the company, but all of them were signed by Gan Yulin.

In addition to the party concerned, even Li Ran is not clear about this.

Therefore, as long as Gan Yulin does not betray Li Dongfang, Li Dongfang can throw away the shell of Oriental entertainment company and start a new business in the shortest time.

In the morning, Li Dongfang fainted, not because Xia Hongda bought the Oriental entertainment company, but because he could not bear that Li Ran, who was regarded as his son, betrayed him.

Gan Yulin said, "do we need to talk about this? You can rest assured in the hospital, the company's affairs are left to me. Well, since Xia Hongda likes our company so much, we can sell him the rest of the shares. "

Li Dongfang said with a smile: "Yulin, Xia Hongda, this old fox is not so easy to cheat. As long as you reveal such a little bit, he will be on the alert immediately

Gan Yulin said confidently: "I have informed all the artists who have signed with me that they will not tell Xia Hongda this secret. But if it's going to work, we need to give them a large part of the money we've got. "

Li Dongfang said, "try it."

Two days later, Gan Yulin came to a villa with a happy face and met Li Dongfang who had just been discharged from hospital.

Gan Yulin took out a pile of contracts from her bag and said, "Dongfang, Xia Hongda has been cheated. He spent eight billion Chinese dollars to buy all your remaining shares in Oriental entertainment. "

Li Dongfang was surprised, took up the contract, looked at it carefully, and said, "it's impossible. How could Xia Hongda make such a low-level mistake? "

Gan Yulin said, "it's Li Ran."

"What's the matter?" Li asked

Gan Yulin said: "the reason why Li Ran betrayed you is that Xia Chengfeng holds the handle to let him go to prison, so he has to work for them. In fact, Li Ran knew about the contract between us and artists for a long time. But he pretended that he didn't know it, and cooperated with me inside and outside, so that Xia Hongda was 8 billion

"What about others?"

"I went abroad. I gave him a billion dollars, enough to ensure that he will live a smart life abroad. When he left, he asked me to tell you that it was his lucky life to have your uncle

Li Dongfang's eyes turned red and murmured: "Li Ran is a good boy. Yulin, I have some problems with my health. The doctor told me not to work too hard. In the future, you will be at the helm of the new company. "

Gan Yulin said in a hurry: "how can this work?"

Li Tingting came down from the upstairs and said with a smile: "Auntie Gan, as long as you are my stepmother, what will you do?"

Gan Yulin's face turned red and looked at Li Dongfang.

Li Dongfang smiles at her and nods. Gan Yulin's eyes shed tears of happiness.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing bet on the last day, the entertainment industry can be said to be surging.

At 9:00 a.m., witnessed by hundreds of media reporters, Xia Hongda announced that he had completely acquired the entire Oriental entertainment company.

Who knows that before everyone can relax, Li Dongfang announced the establishment of a new Yulin film and television company in front of numerous media in the same hotel. At the same time, most of the artists of Oriental entertainment company had changed jobs to join in.

At this time, all the people knew that Xia Hongda was trapped by Li Dongfang.

Xia Chengfeng was angry and handed over the evidence of Li Ran's crime to the police station, but after searching the sky, he did not find where Li Ran was.

The acquisition war of Oriental entertainment company ended with Xia Hongda being punished for 8 billion yuan and Li Ran fled abroad.

At 10 o'clock that evening, Zhao Wanqing returned to the villa from Tianlai records company.

Just opened the door, saw Xiao Yunhai in pajamas, arms around, a face proud of standing at the door, a pair of color squint eyes can not stop looking at her body.

Zhao Wanqing naturally knew what he meant. She bit her lip and said, "what are you doing here? Go away."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, we can be willing to gamble and admit defeat. We can't play shameless and make people laugh."

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "don't you know that it's women's nature to play roughshod and unreasonable? It's none of my business whether you like to laugh or not. "Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes, shook his head and sighed: "ah, I won't bet with you after killing."

Seeing his pathetic appearance, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help but chuckle and said, "OK, I'm kidding you. Tonight, I'll give you a discount. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, embrace Zhao Wanqing's Willow waist, way: "wife, I love you to death."

Zhao Wanqing's face is going to turn red

Xiao Yunhai picked up Zhao Wanqing and said, "I have prepared a lot of clothes for you."

An hour later, the clouds dissipated and the rain dissipated. Xiao Yunhai hugged the exhausted Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "stealing chicken doesn't make rice. Wife, do you think Xia Hongda and his son will be mad with anger

Zhao Wanqing said: "Xia Hongda bought Li Dongfang a company shell with 8 billion yuan. If it was me, I would be angry and go directly to the hospital."

Xiao Yunhai said, "who makes him uneasy and kind. However, this guy Li Ran made me a little different. He would rather go into exile than betray Li Dongfang. It seems that, in response to the old saying, no matter how bad people are, they have their own flash points. "

Zhao Wanqing frowned slightly and said, "Xia Hongda and his son, Uncle Li Dongfang and nephew are full of intrigues. Either I harm you or you harm me, they are not good people. No wonder their reputation is so bad. I dare not make friends with such people

Speaking of this, Zhao Wanqing suddenly raised her head, looked at Xiao Yunhai, and said with a smile: "but think back, their full of bad water seems to be in your expectation. Husband, from this point we can see that they are not as good as you

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles. I'm not bragging. If I do some bad things without bottom line, no one is my opponent. However, as a super idol of the 21st century, I don't do such hideous things. "

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said, "I know you are good. What time will you leave tomorrow

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll go to Chongqing first and have a look at the crew. Then, from Chongqing to Los Angeles. After the film is released on May 4, I will go back to China and arrange for the film to be shown on the Xinhua summer cinema

Zhao Wanqing said: "when you go to America, you must pay attention to safety. Do you know? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry. I'm going to promote the film, not war. It has nothing to do with security. It's you. Be careful of Keiko Ishii. I'm afraid she'll take revenge on you. "

Xiao Yunhai's blocking of Keiko Ishii has spread in the entertainment circle. Some said it was not appropriate, some said it was very pleasant, and some said Xiao Yunhai bullied the weak. There are all kinds of comments anyway.

Under pressure, Japan's Dongmu entertainment company had to promise to wait for Keiko Ishii to participate in the singer's night and bring her back to Japan.

Xiao Yunhai worried that Shijing Huizi's dog leaping into the wall would be detrimental to Zhao Wanqing.

So, this afternoon, Xiao Yunhai called Gao Xiangfeng and asked him to send three or four bodyguards to protect her secretly.

Fortunately, the recording time of Jiangsu Satellite TV is not long, and Xiao Yunhai is just in case.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I can sleep in the hotel for one night at most. I'll be back the next day after recording. I'll be OK."

They talked for a long time before they went to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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