Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:04 AM

Chapter 775

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In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai did not make any publicity in addition to putting the movie trailer on the Xianyue video network.

Because all the major media in China have helped him, from the Internet to TV stations to newspapers and magazines, every day there are news that inception is selling well in North American cinema. The expectation value can be said to be too high.

Even if Xiao Yunhai takes us to all the satellite TV stations all over the country, the effect is just like this.

Zhao Wanqing's fourth issue of "singer's night" finished recording on May 8 and won the third place, which ranked fifth in the total score.

Today's "singer's night" has become the most famous variety show in China. The audience rating of the first three episodes reached 13.3%.

Whether it is the singers who are participating in the competition or those who are eliminated in the competition, their popularity has improved a lot. In particular, those foreign singers have millions of fans in a short time.

Seeing that this program is so popular, those foreign musicians who just entered China and those singers with low popularity all found Jiangsu Satellite TV, hoping to join in.

This is in sharp contrast to the previous lack of attention.

Time flies, and the tenth of May is coming soon.

As the largest cinema line in China, new China cinema has more than 48000 screens. The opening ceremony of such a colossal building is naturally extremely powerful.

As the center of the whole theater line, Yanjing's new Huaxia cinema is magnificent. The long red carpet extends from the door to the intersection, and safety fences are set up on both sides. Countless reporters stand in their respective positions with cameras, cameras and DVS. Fans in the distance gather early to talk and wait for their idols to arrive.

The opening ceremony of a new cinema line is much more grand than the golden cup award ceremony.

As long as they are in the entertainment industry, they will be more or less related to the cinema. Therefore, not only the artists, but also many company presidents and government officials are coming.

From 10 o'clock on, guests who came to celebrate began to appear on the red carpet in an endless stream. The worst were the first-line stars, and the other second-line and third-line were not qualified to come here at all.

Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting, two managers of the new Huaxia cinema line, stood at the gate of the cinema to welcome the guests.

Wearing a professional dress, Hu Yaoting has been outside for an hour. Her two slender legs are almost unable to stand. Her smile on her face is also very stiff at this time.

Taking advantage of the gap, Hu Yaoting turned her head to Yu Hai beside her and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Yu, I find that we are simply too stupid. On weekdays, I worked hard and hard until the opening of the cinema line. As a result, I still have to suffer this crime here. If you look at Xiao Dashao, you don't have to worry about anything. You don't have to ask about anything. You can do whatever you want. It's really comfortable. Ah, it's a different life for the same person. "

Yu Hai nodded and said with deep sympathy:" those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. The two of us are laborers, the people who work for Xiao. Fortunately, we can still get some benefits, otherwise we have to die. Well, I really envy and hate him now. "

Hu Yaoting said: "but then again, I admire him. If it had been for ordinary people, with such a large industry, I am afraid it would have been widely publicized. But he was not only hiding from everyone, but also the company. Only a few financial supervisors have been sent here, which is really reassuring to us. I guess, up to now, I'm afraid he doesn't know who the general manager we've hired. "

"But, I have to say, it's really comfortable to cooperate with such people," Yu said with a smile

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "yes. Look, your daughter and son-in-law are here. "

Yu Haidao: "even if they come, what can they do? It's impossible to replace me. I want to find a place to sit down and have a rest. Ah, I'm a little too old to hold on to. "

In the cheers of the fans, Yu Yuexian came to his father with a smile and said hello to him. Then he hugged Hu Yaoting and said, "Dad, Mr. Hu, didn't Yunhai come to welcome the guests?"

One side of man Wenbin said with a smile: "Moon Fairy, is this still necessary to ask? Because of that guy's virtue, he is not willing to come here to kill him. "

Yu Haidao: "yes. Before that, President Hu and I both called him, but he flatly refused because he didn't want to appear in public. No, it's really unreasonable for an old man and a beautiful woman to stand here. "

Hu Yaoting said: "I now stand on both legs are about to soften."

Yu Yuexian spread his hands and said with a smile, "whoever asked you to cooperate with him is called Zhou Yu's fight against huanggai. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to get hurt. I tell you, don't say it's Xinhua summer cinema. Even his own magic and dream special effects companies, he can't go several times a year. "

Hu Yaoting was surprised and said, "can't it? Is it true? "

Yu Yuexian said, "this is what Wanqing told me. There can be fake."Yu Hai said with a smile: "the heart of Xiao Da Shao is really big enough."

Yu Yuexian sighed: "in fact, the reason why he set up these companies is only for his own films. He is the one who can really be called a filmmaker when he is under 40 years old in the entertainment industry. "

Hu Yaoting said: "if you don't love movies from the bottom of your heart, how can you make so many excellent movies that are popular all over the world. Not to mention anything else, the six-day movie Infernal Affairs made him billions of dollars, enough for Hu's three-year hard work. Now "Inception" seems to be more powerful, North American box office has reached $1.8 billion. Watch it. Tonight is a real global show, estimated to be at least $600 million. I regret why I didn't choose to study as a director. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "this boy is a demon. No matter how much we learn, we can't reach his level. "

Man Wenbin said, "look, here comes the demon."

A few people looked, saw Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing clasped hands, smiling to both sides of the fan wave, while walking towards them.

Soon, they came to everyone.

Xiao Yunhai first said hello to Yu Hai, Hu Yaoting and man Wenbin. Then, with an exaggerated expression, he said to Yuexian, "sister Yu, how come you are getting younger and more beautiful after so many days' absence."

Yu Yuexian ignored his words, took Zhao Wanqing's arm and said, "Wanqing, did your husband say that when he saw every woman?"

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and said, "it seems that I have said it many times."

Yu Yuexian said with a sneer, "Xiao Dashao, when you praise me, can you be creative? Platitudes are really boring. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu, you hurt my heart too much. What I say is from the bottom of my heart. "

Yu Yuexian cut and said, "you'd better go and talk to other women. I'm not as gullible as they are. Wanqing, let's go in. "

Zhao Wanqing saw Xiao Yunhai's bitter gourd face, forced to smile and walked with Yu Yuexian to the cinema. Before going out a few steps, they all burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head and sighs: "it is true that people are not old-fashioned, and the world is in a hot and cold state."

Hu Yaoting said, "Xiao Dashao, you are right. I have a deep understanding. Some people only care about their own natural and unrestrained happiness, do not care about their own company, even start business, are lazy to welcome guests. Do you think it's all right? "

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and said with a smile: "people should act according to their ability. It's better to do less or even not to do things beyond one's ability, so as not to help others. Just like me. It's OK for you to ask me to make a movie and sing a song, but if it's a management company, it's really a bit overwhelming. Uncle Yu and sister Hu, you two can do a lot of work. I'll just wave flags and shout for them in the back. "

Finish saying, wait for two people to have any reaction, quickly slip in.

Yu Hai looked at his back, shook his head and sighed: "it's really hard for people who don't know him to believe that he will be the young master of the Xiao family, not to mention that he is a world-famous director and a 100 billion dollar millionaire. It's really rare to have such a relaxed attitude. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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