Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:03 AM

Chapter 776

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Xiao Yunhai walked into the banquet hall. At this time, dozens of people had come to the banquet hall. They were basically big stars with names and surnames in the entertainment circle.

Xiao Yunhai knows a lot of Tianwang Tianhou artists, such as ye Yongren, Liang Hui, Ge Wuyou, Huang Qiusheng, Huang Peiqi, Chen Huan and Yao Na.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Huang Qiusheng laughed and said, "I'm wondering. Wan Qing, the big leader, has arrived. Why didn't you come? It turned out that you were in the back. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at what you said, I'm an upright man. How can I be a follower? At least, I'm an assistant."

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Congratulations to you in the dream of global fire

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ye, this is a little early. It's not certain that we can get good results in other areas. "

"It took just six days to collect 1.8 billion dollars from North America. If the film quality is not hard, how can we conquer European and American movie fans. You know, they are much more picky than Chinese fans. "

Yao Nanjiao said with a smile: "Yunhai, I have a fancy to a bracelet. It's not expensive. It's only a drop in the ocean compared with your box office. Do you think it means something

"No problem. But... "Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhao Wanqing, who came by, and said with a smile:" it is the leader of my family who really controls the financial power. As long as she agrees, it will be 8 million, not to mention 1.8 million, which is just a matter of one sentence. By the way, wife, we must save a little money. Remember, we have to save milk powder money for our children. "

Yao Na a listen, smile scold way: "the front said is quite generous and heroic, how to get to the back, the momentum is getting weaker and weaker."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "he owes the bank tens of billions now, and the interest of a year alone needs several billion. Don't talk about one inception, even if it's ten

Yao Na asked in surprise, "what did you do? How can you owe so much money? "

Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhao Wanqing said something wrong, and even said, "of course, it's a big thing to do."

Yao Na was about to ask. Huang Qiusheng, who had already known Xiao Yunhai was a shareholder of Xinhua Xia cinema line, turned aside the topic and said, "Yunhai, I heard that you took over director Wu's" battle of Chibi "and prepared to play Zhou Yu. Is this true or false? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's more true than pearls."

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "I'm used to being the director of the whole production team, and then I go back to be an actor. I wonder if you can adapt to it? But don't fight because of the disagreement with director Wu. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "definitely not. I'll do whatever director Wu says. I'm definitely the best actor in the new century who listens to the director's words. "

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

When everyone was chatting, ye Yongren suddenly touched Xiao Yunhai and said, "look, the National Teacher Mo Kaixuan has arrived."

Xiao Yunhai followed Ye Yongren's gaze and saw an old man in his sixties with a thin face but a hale and hearty old man came in.

Followed by several famous stars, is the shooting "Jingke stabbing Qin" actors.

Among them, there are Xiao Yunhai's good friends Deng Yue and Zhang Xinyi.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Deng Yue's eyes brightened and said, "Mo Dao, I saw my friend, and Xinyi went to say hello."

Mo Kaixuan looked at Xiao Yunhai's direction, nodded and said, "of course."

Deng Yue and Zhang Xinyi came to the public hand in hand. They first said hello to the other heavenly kings and empresses. Then Deng Yue looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "fourth, your inception is going to be crazy. Are you going to break the box office record of "war on aliens"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I do. Unfortunately, there is little hope. By the way, I haven't settled with you yet. What's the matter with you two? You went on a tour to get married. "

Zhao Wanqing next to her took Zhang Xinyi's hand and said, "Sister Zhang, why do you want to make such a decision?"

Zhang Xinyi said: "the main thing is to see your wedding with sister Yu. It's too complicated. We don't want to worry about it. In addition, we received Mo director's "Jingke stabbing Qin", so we simply came to a tourism marriage. "

Yu Yuexian said, "Xinyi, then I have to say something about you. What a wedding means to a girl, you should be very clear, how can casually perfunctory

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. The most important thing is that I didn't receive the gift money. The gift money you used to spend is over now. You can't get it back. But I want to thank you for saving me a lot of money. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "Xiao Yunhai, if I didn't know I couldn't beat you, I'd have to beat you up. It's just too irritating."

Zhao Wanqing echoed: "I also have this impulse."

Deng Yue said with a smile: "fourth, you can rest assured that we will give you this opportunity. After a while, we will hold a small wedding and invite some close friends to come. By then, you can't suck up. "Xiao Yunhai said: "then you have to be psychologically prepared. It is estimated that Wan Qing and I will not be free that day."

Deng said more magnanimous: "it's OK. If you don't arrive, you'll be satisfied. "

Yu Yuexian nearby shook his head and said, "you two can't help but be good friends. You are really like birds of a feather. Your skin is thicker than the wall."

Xiao Yunhai and Deng Yue looked at each other and said at the same time, "thank you for your praise."


"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Wanqing and Zhang Xinyi can't help laughing at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's all from a troupe, can't you have some tacit understanding?"

Just then, a refined voice came.

"Deng Yue, Xinyi, is this Mr. Xiao Yunhai

Xiao Yun looks for fame. Mo Kaixuan comes over with a glass of red wine on his face.

When there were outsiders, Xiao Yunhai naturally wanted to keep his demeanor, and took the initiative to stretch out his hand and said, "Mo Dao, hello."

Mo Kaixuan shook hands with Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are really young and promising. I'm ashamed to say that I've been shooting movies all my life, but the total box office can't compare with some of your films. It's really like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't be polite. I still have a lot of shortcomings and I need to learn from my predecessors. "

One of them was recognized as the first director of China in the past, and the other was a young talented director who was about to surpass each other. Their conversation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Yongren, Chen Hui, Huang Qiusheng and others also stopped talking and put their eyes on them.

Mo Kaixuan said with a smile: "old, there is nothing to teach you. I have seen all the films made by Mr. Xiao. They are really wonderful. No wonder they have achieved so much. Only in the depth of the film has yet to be explored. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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