Published at 11th of May 2022 05:49:01 AM

Chapter 777

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Any artist who hears Mo Kaixuan's words can hear it. Mo Kaixuan is saying that Xiao Yunhai's films have no depth.

What kind of character Xiao Yunhai is, of course, he heard it clearly and clearly. He secretly said in his heart that what ye Yongren said at the beginning was not wrong. This Chinese national teacher was not very broad-minded.

"Mo said. The movie made by Yunhai is very simple and easy to understand whether it is from the original idea or the plot. Ha ha, the main reason is that I am still too young, experience is not enough, cultural heritage is not enough, the view of things can not reach the depth of Mo guide. Even if you give me another ten years, I'm afraid I won't be able to make a movie as profound as your "rebirth."

Mo Kaixuan's "rebirth" is a Chinese rural theme film, which is full of many low-level color things such as ignorance, ignorance, feudalism and superstition. It has not been shown in China directly, but it has been praised by people abroad and won several international awards, which has aroused the strong dissatisfaction of domestic movie fans. If not for Mo Kaixuan's unusual identity, I'm afraid it would have been blocked by the entertainment industry.

Xiao Yunhai alone took out such a film to talk about things. Although his tone was mild and his face was modest, he had a needle in his sleeve and his words were extremely sharp.

People around can not help but secretly praise, literati are literati, curse are so implicit, a dirty word does not spit, but it makes people uncomfortable.

Some people who had been worried about Xiao Yunhai's loss were also slightly relieved.

Mo Kaixuan's face sank, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was filled with anger.

For many years, since he became a national teacher of Chinese films, no one has ever looked up to him. Even the presidents of entertainment companies have always respected him.

I didn't expect to be humiliated by a young man in front of the public today. It's unreasonable.

Recently, "Inception" has become popular throughout North America. The major entertainment media have promoted Xiao Yunhai's status infinitely. Some media even call him the first person in the film directly. This is just like beating him in the face.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to see who is the first person in the film.

Unfortunately, Mo Kaixuan overestimated himself and underestimated Xiao Yunhai.

Even without the Xiao family relationship, Xiao Yunhai's energy is far from Mo Kaixuan's.

He not only has a strong capital, the world's first special effects company, cinema lines covering North America and all over China, but also has more than 200 million fans all over the world. No matter what, Mo Kaixuan is far from comparable.

Xiao Yunhai naturally did not want to be angry with him. It is just that the other party is an elder. If he is not allowed to come down in public, he will inevitably let people gossip. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai only chose this way, the appropriate size, heat grasp.

Under the pressure of Mo Kai's anger, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xiao seems to be dissatisfied with me."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "there is no such thing. Mo is an elder and a recognized national teacher in the entertainment industry. When I was a student in Yanjing Film Academy, my teacher often showed your films to let us watch and study, and analyze the meaning of every shot you want to express. Therefore, Yunhai has always admired your talent in film. "

Xiao Yunhai's words are so profound that ordinary people can't hear them.

Mo Kaixuan asked Xiao Yunhai whether he was dissatisfied with him. Although Xiao Yunhai denied it, the answer was not the same. He emphasized Mo Kaixuan's ability and did not mention his personality at all. It was rather like praising and belittling.

Even Mo Kaixuan, an old fox, thought for a while before he understood Xiao Yunhai's meaning.

He looked at Xiao Yunhai with a modest face, and his danger level to him directly increased by countless grades. If he had known that this guy was so difficult to deal with, why should he come to find him unhappy.

Mo Kaixuan reluctantly showed a smile and said, "Mr. Xiao has a great eloquence, which makes me have nothing to say."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mo can point out the problems in Yunhai's films frankly. To be honest, Yunhai is really grateful. Even my teacher didn't say that. It's not that Yunhai doesn't want to change it, but it can't be changed. "

"We have 5000 years of Chinese history and profound cultural heritage. Let alone those foreigners, we all have too many things to understand. In order to gain a firm foothold in the world, the first thing is that the films made should at least be understood by foreigners. "Xiaocui" directed by Jiao fangtao uses the story in our classic masterpiece Strange Tales from a lonely studio. After his large-scale adaptation, it caters to the foreign market, which is a success. I think he is the right choice. "

Mo Kaixuan frowned and said, "do you want our traditional culture? Blindly catering to foreign fans will only make domestic movies narrower and narrower, and eventually disappear. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "don't be too heavy in the introduction. There are two versions of Jiao's "Xiaocui". The whole Chinese version is written in vernacular. How can it get narrower and narrower. In my opinion, if we want to make Chinese culture go to the world, we must advance it slowly from shallow to deep. If it doesn't take ten years, it will take 20 years. If it doesn't work in 20 years, it will take 50 years. With the efforts of our generation of filmmakers, one day, Chinese culture is bound to take root and sprout in the whole world and shine as a dazzling light. If you don't try, don't change, and want to instill Chinese culture into the minds of foreign movie fans, it will inevitably lead to failure. ""Good."

A loud voice came from behind Xiao Yunhai.

People turned to see that it was Liang Qianqiu, Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture, Xiao Yuanyang, director of the film and Television Bureau, and other government officials.

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao's words are good, no wonder he can play such a big world in the world film world."

Xiao Yunhai cast a glance at Mo Kaixuan, whose face was gloomy as water. He said modestly, "Minister Liang flattered me. It's just a family's words."

Liang Qianqiu gave a smile and a glimmer of appreciation flashed in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Mo Kaixuan and said, "Mo director, long time no see. I heard that you are shooting "Jingke stabbing Qin", I don't know when it will be released? I'm your fan. "

Hearing that Liang Qianqiu admitted to be his fan in public, Mo Kaixuan's face suddenly changed from Yin to fine and said happily: "if there is no accident," Jingke stabbing Qin "will be released in the summer season in August. At that time, we will ask Minister Liang to criticize and correct him. "

Liang Qianqiu said with a smile, "then I'll wait and see."

When Xiao Yunhai saw that Liang Qianqiu could easily bring the atmosphere back, he could not help thinking: "it is really extraordinary that Liang Qianqiu was able to take the position of vice minister of culture in his forties. In a few words, Mo Kaixuan is really powerful. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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