Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:58 AM

Chapter 779

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Before leaving, Liang Qianqiu, Vice Minister of culture, held Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "Yunhai, you're a great boy. Compared with those Hollywood blockbusters, the movie has been shot to this extent. Come on, the leader of Chinese film. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "Uncle Liang, you must not wear such a big hat for me. I'm afraid I can't wear it

Liang Qianqiu patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't be modest in front of me. If you can't wear it, no one can

With that, Liang Qianqiu got on the car.

After Liang Qianqiu left, Xiao Yuanyang said, "Yunhai, the old man is very satisfied with the construction speed and quality of your new Huaxia cinema. I heard that he praised you a lot when we held a meeting this morning."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "boss, do you know how much money we spent to complete the task with quality and quantity?"

"How much?"

"a total of 27 billion yuan was allocated to me, which was 9 billion yuan. It's all my hard-earned money. "

"Why so much?"

"We let people work day and night, and of course we will do them good. However, it doesn't matter. When my nephew is born, the joy money will be halved. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "by what?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "who let his grandfather cause me to spend so much money?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "you can think of beauty. Anyway, the money is not in your hand. When my son is short of money in the future, I will ask him to go to your house and ask for WAN Qing. I don't believe it. Wan Qing doesn't want to give it. "

Xiao Yunhai scoffed: "how to say that you are also the director of the Bureau of film and television. Is it a loss of identity to make such a thing?"

Xiao Yuanyang said, "I don't think so. It is only natural that a nephew asks his uncle for money. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "elder brother, you are really thick skinned. During this time, you should pay attention to it. It's not easy to have a child, but there's no accident? "

Xiao Yuanyang has been married for ten years and always wants to have children, but he just can't get on.

The couple went to many hospitals and visited many doctors. They said that everything was normal.

Just when they had lost their confidence, the god suddenly opened his eyes and Xiao Yuanyang's daughter-in-law was pregnant a month ago.

All of a sudden, let the whole Xiao family very happy, heard that Xiao Yuanyang received the notice, directly knelt on the ground, crying.

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Xiao Yuanyang solemnly said: "of course. My mother-in-law is a doctor. She lives in our house directly and takes care of your sister-in-law. She is absolutely safe. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good."

Xiao Yuanyang asked, "you and Wu Yifa have established a cloud Game Network Co., Ltd., haven't you?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, why? Is there a problem with this kid? "

Xiao Yuanyang said, "it's not. In the capital Prince party, Wu Yifa's reputation is very good. Although he has been doing business, I have never heard of him using the power of his family for his own benefit. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's good. As long as he is decent, we have a foundation for cooperation. To tell you the truth, I am optimistic about the development of this network company. Compared with magic and fantasy, I think its potential may be greater. Look, as long as there is no problem in the middle, Yunyi will surely be able to shock the world in the near future. "

Xiao Yuanyang looked at him in surprise and said, "I didn't expect that you are so optimistic about this project. It's really surprising. OK, it's getting late. I'll go back first. "

After Xiao Yuanyang left, Xiao Yunhai returned to the gate of the cinema and saw Zhao Wanqing surrounded by reporters.

"Miss Zhao, as the heroine of inception, what do you think of this film?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "it's wonderful. From a fan's point of view, if I was asked to rate, I would give it 9.3. "

"Miss Zhao, do you know that director Mo Kaixuan and Mr. Cao Dingzhong came out for an interview in advance?"

Zhao Wanqing felt a thump in her heart, but there was no change in her face. She shook her head and said, "I don't know. Yes? What did they say? "

A reporter said: "Mo said in the interview," Inception "is not a domestic film at all. Except that the actors are Chinese, the background and story are no different from Hollywood blockbusters. What do you think of it? "

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "a thousand people will have a thousand different views on the same thing. My husband's film is a pure commercial film. As long as the audience likes it, it is our victory. As for Mo's remarks, I will tell Yunhai what he says

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this question, I can answer you now."

Xiao Yunhai said, while walking forward, reporters automatically gave him a way.

Xiao Yunhai came to Zhao Wanqing and laughed at her. He put his arm around her waist and said, "Mo's eyes are very sharp. Yes, this is a Hollywood movie. To tell you the truth, "Inception" is actually one of my experiments. The purpose is to test whether Chinese directors and actors can make a Hollywood like commercial blockbuster. Obviously, we succeeded. ""Do you know what this means for Chinese movies? I tell you, this means that we Chinese directors have the ability to copy Hollywood's success, but Hollywood can't copy our Chinese movies. Because the Chinese culture is too profound, foreign directors have no possibility to make an authentic Chinese film. "

"Dear journalists, there is a saying in our ancestors that" the sea embraces all rivers, and there is a big capacity. ". Don't bother about what Hollywood is, nor what Japanese movies, Korean films or other countries' movies are. If we can help us, we need to extract the essence and choose the dross to absorb selectively. It is unrealistic for foreign movie fans to accept Chinese movies all at once. There are many literary and artistic films that our domestic fans can't understand, let alone those foreign fans. Is it because they don't understand, that we just sit there and wait? "

"Obviously, it won't work. We need to change, we need to innovate. Xiaocui, directed by Jiao fangtao, is a very good example. You can think about it. When dozens, hundreds or even thousands of such films are popular in the world, then our Chinese culture has been pushed out. Over time, our original domestic movies will naturally come to the world stage. "

Xiao Yunhai's long speech quickly received applause and cheers from reporters.

"Director Xiao, how much box office do you think your film can get?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it depends on whether domestic fans support it. To tell you the truth, I am now small heart is plopping jump, afraid to go back to the Internet, see all the bad comments. I guess I have the heart to jump. By the way, did you hear the comments from the fans who saw the first movie? "

One reporter said, "yes. I interviewed a lot of fans in a row, and they all said it was very enjoyable

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good."

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me what you think of Miss Zhao Wanqing's performance?"

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he directly laughed and said, "two words, perfect. Ha ha, this reporter friend, I think your EQ should be strengthened. In front of my leader, if I ask me such a question, I will say something bad. I will kneel on the washboard when I go home. "

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the reporters immediately burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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