Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:56 AM

Chapter 781

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The next morning, before Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished their breakfast, their mobile phones began to ring incessantly, all congratulatory calls from friends in the circle.

It turns out that yesterday's "Inception" box office statistics, the global box office 387 million dollars.

In addition to the 162 million in North American Theaters, the total of three films in other regions was $225 million.

, China's most awesome power to 212 million Chinese currency, according to the current 1:2.45 rate, equivalent to about eighty-six million U.S. dollars.

We should know that, except for Huaxia, the number of films arranged by cinemas in other regions is not high, and only three shows have been shown. All of these have achieved such results. It can be seen how high the box office of "Inception" will be when these cinemas see the profit and increase the amount of film layout.

On May 11, "Inception" was truly released all over the world. There were 10 screenings in the whole day, which won a super high box office of $536 million. There is no doubt that it ranked first in the world box office list on that day, with a lead of US $200 million.

In addition to North American Theaters, the box office is somewhat weak due to the early release, and the attendance rate in other regions is almost 90%.

When Xiao Yunhai knew the news, he only said one sentence: "it's really comfortable to have no rival schedule."

On May 12, "Inception" regained its power, with a global box office of $515 million, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. Almost everyone looked to the towering film "war on aliens.".

Is inception going to pull it off the horse?

On May 14, the box office dropped slightly and only $468 million was obtained. However, on the following Saturday and Sunday, the box office of 624 million and 584 million US dollars was miraculously obtained. The word of mouth was even more impressive. On the film review websites of any country, the scores of fans did not drop by 8.5 points.

Universal Pictures' Superman 2, which was originally scheduled to premiere globally on May 16, canceled its plan to show only in North American theaters.

Because, after nearly two weeks of madness, "Inception" is no longer available in North America. On May 16, it only received 60 million box office tickets. It is estimated that it will be drawn down in a few days.

"Superman 2" director rice in an interview, the reporter asked him, the reason for the change of plan, is "Inception" reason.

Rice did not shy away from it, and replied bluntly: "yes. We just want to avoid it. We don't want to fight with it. "Inception" this movie, I have watched it carefully from beginning to end twice. I have to express my admiration for Xiao, a young director. The film is really, very good. "

By May 16, the global box office of inception had reached $5.016 billion, surpassing the $4.9 billion of "Jingwu hero", ranking fourth in the global box office. The whole China was crazy.

Because, in addition to the North American cinema, Xiao Yunhai's "Inception" in other regions, only five days, two weeks before the end.

There are only three films left, from low to high, which are $5.368 billion for "crazy 24 hours," "6.154 billion for star awakening," and $7.642 billion for "war on aliens.".

There is no doubt that all of them are Hollywood films, but at this time, Xiao Yunhai's two films "Jingwu hero" and "Inception" also joined the ranks, which were particularly eye-catching.

If it wasn't for the economic crisis, Infernal Affairs might have been a part of it.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's fans are all in power on the Internet.

"Brothers and sisters, it's time to test us. Cloud emperor's "Inception" is only 2.6 billion dollars away from "war on aliens". Anyway, we should push it up. "

" that's right. Huaxia has finally appeared a film that makes people proud, and it is also the work of our idol. Let's help to publicize quickly. Where have the rich second generation gone. Why don't you come out and charter? "

"I'm a bully. I didn't say anything about it. Twenty games in Yanjing."

"Lonely light rain, Qingdao 15 games."

"The universe is invincible, Guangzhou 30 games."

Not only Xiao Yunhai's fans, but also Zhao Wanqing, Zhang Xiaojing, Huang Bo, Lin Lu and other fans are also Qi Qi's fans. They have almost occupied the entire online forum.

At the same time, China's major entertainment media, websites, magazines and newspapers all share a common hatred of the enemy and make concerted efforts to call on Chinese movie fans to go to the cinema to see "Inception".

After seeing this, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and posted such a message on the home page.

"Thank you to all the entertainment media and fans who care and support inception. I know you are working hard for inception to win the world box office champion, and I am very grateful for that. But the success achieved by this means, I would rather not. "

"It's not that I pretended to be lofty, or that I was fishing for fame, but that I didn't think it would be so difficult to defeat the movie" war on aliens. ". For me, it's just a matter of time before I get to the top of the world box office. If you rely on this cheating way to win, it's really hard for me to accept"We Chinese people, win to win openly, win to let the whole world convinced. Lose also want to lose magnanimous, not this time, we will continue to work hard next time. Therefore, I hope you will have a correct view of the world box office list. Here, I can assure you that before the age of 30, Xiao Yunhai will be on the top, and Chinese films will be on top. "

Once Xiao Yunhai's post was released, it immediately detonated the whole network.

"The cloud emperor is domineering, it is my super idol, which director in the world dares to say so."

"The emperor is right. We don't need to win by cheating."

"Cloud emperor, come on, you are the best."

"Emperor Yun is my forever idol, and I expect him to be the first in the world."

"Before I was 30 years old, I would like to know how many works of yunhuang will enter the top ten of the world box office list in recent years."

"It goes without saying that there will be at least five."

"Yunhuang is different from other directors. If other directors see us contributing to the box office like this, they will be very happy. They will have fun in their dreams. On the contrary, Emperor Yun asked us not to do so. The gap between the two can not be justified

"Don't you understand upstairs? People with strength have arrogance. The emperor can't see it on the surface, but in fact, he is proud to the bone. A person who goes to the position of a world superstar by virtue of his talent will not allow his honor book to be stained with any stain. Emperor Yun's conduct and style are admirable. Such artists are the idols we should support most. "

What makes Xiao Yunhai unexpected is that his post has not only won the approval of netizens, but also the number of fans has soared by more than 20 million.

Some of the people who had once blackened Xiao Yunhai also had to give Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up, turning from black to pink. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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