Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:53 AM

Chapter 783

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Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily in front of Anhui TV station building.

Xiao Yunhai came alone this time, and his team all went to Chongqing, so he needed the stylist and makeup artist of TV station to clean up for him.

The talk show of Anhui TV station is called "tell the truth". It was developed by Chen Zhan two months ago. He dared to say anything and ask about anything, which attracted many viewers' attention. The audience rating was very good.

The host is a woman in her thirties, dressed up and fashionable. Her name is Zeng Jing. Although her appearance is ordinary, her temperament is extraordinary. Her aura is particularly powerful and even aggressive.

Before coming, Xiao Yunhai had seen her interview with Zhang Qijing. Good guy, he was as sharp as a knife.

When asked about something, he had no scruples about it. He had asked Zhang Xiaojing several times without any words.

However, she obviously has done a lot of homework below, because every time she finds that Zhang Xiaojing can't answer, she can give you a round immediately. It won't make people down. It's very powerful.

Because Xiao Yunhai came too late, there was no time to communicate with Zeng Jing before the program began.

At 9:40, the live broadcast of "tell the truth" officially began.

Zeng Jing, standing in the middle of the stage in the studio, said, "thank you for watching our" truth and truth "on time. Today's guest is really a great person. Although he is only 24 years old, he is already a world-class superstar. Recently, another of his masterpieces "Inception" swept the world film industry, and has won 6 billion US dollars box office, ranking second in the world film box office. Come, tell me, who is he

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

"The emperor of clouds is the best in the world."

The audience immediately yelled.

Zeng Jing said: "yes, it's him. Now let's welcome Xiao Yunhai, the emperor of cloud, with the warmest applause. "

In the audience's applause and cheers, Xiao Yun sea with a smile, with a vigorous step to come up.

First he bowed to everyone, then shook hands with Zeng Jing and said, "Hello, sister Jing. Hello, my friends, I'm Xiao Yunhai. I'm very glad to meet you in the program of "tell the truth."

Zeng Jing said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Please have a seat."

Xiao Yunhai said thanks, and they sat down.

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "Yunhai, I call you no problem."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "of course, no problem."

Zeng Jing said: "Yunhai, our program is called" tell the truth ", so in the next conversation, I hope you can say anything."

Of course, Xiao Hai nodded

A trace of mischievous flashed in Zeng Jing's eyes and said, "that's good. My first question is: are you really willing to come to our talk show "tell the truth"? Tell the truth

Hearing Zeng Jing's question, everyone looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "are you sure you want to ask this question that may make you feel extremely embarrassed?"


"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed directly.

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "I just want to hear how you will answer."

Xiao Yunhai said, "well, I'm honest. Not only your talk show, but also other programs I don't want to go. Are you satisfied with this answer? "

Zeng Jing nodded and said, "very satisfied. I'm sure you are telling the truth. Then why are you here? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was forced by your Chen Tai Chang. I can't help it. Who let him be my uncle. The key is to just come. Let's give some service fees. As a result, your TV station is really stingy. It doesn't give you any points or air tickets. Oh, I'm speechless. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words, and the audience in front of the TV set couldn't help laughing.

Chen Zhan shook his head and was helpless to his nephew.

Zeng Jing saw that the effect of the scene was so good, and there was a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes. No wonder the hosts in the industry like to interview Xiao Yunhai. Indeed, with him, the host is really relaxed. At the very least, there's no need to try to find a smile.

"Yunhai, although our program is called" tell the truth ", you can't be too honest. It's good to be tactful."


the audience began to yell.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have nothing to say about myself. I have participated in many programs, and I have turned over those things. Please ask me, sister Jing. I know everything and say everything. "

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "that's great. Let's start formally. Since inception, you seem to have disappeared. What are you up to? "Xiao Yunhai said without any concealment: "make money by advertising. You know, something happened a while ago. Except for Haoyu clothing, all other endorsement contracts were terminated by other companies. So, taking advantage of inception, my agent asked me to take a few ads

Zeng Jing said with a bad smile: "a lot of endorsement fees? Can you tell me? "

When the audience heard this question, they all came to their senses.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know."


the audience at the scene all made dissatisfaction.

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "it seems that everyone does not believe it?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I really don't know. Wanqing and I share the same agent. She and Wanqing say that I will be responsible for the work. I can't even see the money given to me by the merchants by calling it into Wanqing's account. "

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "it seems that you are really determined by Wanqing. Have you ever thought that inception would have such a high box office

Xiao Yunhai said: "it was also expected that the target set before the release in North America was $4 billion. Later, after the success of the North American cinema, I found that the goal seemed to be set low, so I quietly changed it to five billion dollars. I didn't expect that with the support of the majority of fans, I even checked so much, which was unexpected to me

Zeng Jing said with a smile: "in the praise, have you found that there are discordant voices on the Internet? Some people say that inception is a Hollywood story and should not be considered a domestic movie. What's your opinion on this? "

Xiao Yunhai said bluntly: "that they are pure nonsense. At the premiere, a senior director once said this question in front of reporters, and I gave an answer at that time

Zeng Jing nodded and said, "yes. You can take a look at the interview video at that time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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