Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:49 AM

Chapter 786

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Xiao Yunhai nods and says goodbye to Zeng Jing. He follows Chen Zhan to the airport.

At four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai arrived at Chongqing airport. Assistant Sima Qian and deputy director Ruda came to meet him.

Xiao Yunhai got on the bus and said to Luda, "elder martial brother Lu, why did you come here in person?"

Ruda said with a smile, "the director is coming. I, the deputy director, will report to you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are so many fastidious."

"It should be."

Ruda cleared his throat and gave a general account of his work in the past half a month.

After listening carefully, Xiao Yunhai nodded his head with satisfaction and said, "elder martial brother Lu, your preparations are indeed very full."

"It's just that you spend more money," Ruda said

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "what we fear most is not spending money, but that money can't be spent. That's the most troublesome thing. Are all the actors here? "

Ruda said with a smile, "everyone is here before the 12th. These days, they have been walking the theater, and none of them has gone out to play. Ha ha, because you signed temporary contracts with them, so everyone's spirit is very tense, and the pressure is also great, for fear that they will be expelled from the production team. I think you should lower the pressure on them so that it doesn't backfire. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know what to do."

When several people arrived at the hotel, it was already 5:30. Xiao Yunhai went to his room to have a rest for an hour. After a series of boxing and washing, he went to the restaurant to eat.

Just walked to the restaurant door, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Third brother, why are you here now?"

Xiao Yunhai turns his head and looks around. Huang Bo and Wang Li are walking in their own direction. It is Huang Bo who speaks naturally.

Xiao Yunhai nodded to Wang Li, said hello, and then said to Huang Bo: "it's very good to be able to come here today. What about? Two leading characters. Lu, how do you listen to the effect

Huang Bo said confidently: "absolutely no problem. You can go to the set and have a look."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I hope so."

The three entered the restaurant, where more than ten actors were eating. When they saw Xiao Yunhai, they all stood up and said hello to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai pressed his hands down slightly and said, "you are welcome. The world is big and the earth is big. Eat your fill first

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed in unison and sat down one after another, but their eyes could not help but put on Xiao Yunhai's body, which made Xiao Yunhai very uncomfortable.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai called on the crew for a meeting. In the afternoon, he watched the set with deputy director Luda, director Shen Liang, and props group leader he Yan.

Especially the Luohan temple, Xiao Yunhai is the most careful.

It has to be said that Ruda and others are worthy of being old people in the film industry. Their work is very meticulous, and they can hardly find any unnatural places.

Xiao Yunhai was very satisfied with this, and said in his heart, "the world is indeed full of talents, but most of them have been buried."

The next day, "Crazy Stone" and "crazy racing car" were officially launched.

Because this is the first time in the history of the entertainment industry that a director opens two plays at the same time, Xiao Yunhai's launch conference has attracted more than 200 journalists.

"Mr. Xiao, why do you want to make two films at the same time? What to do, isn't it a bit of a joke? "

At the press conference, a reporter directly stood up and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I know that there have been a lot of rumors on the Internet about the two films being filmed together. It is said that Xiao Yunhai is too proud to know his family name after making several big selling movies. Some say that Xiao Yunhai did this to make a gimmick and gather people's attention. There is also a saying that Xiao Yunhai is dying, and his box office myth has ended Boy, I haven't shot my play yet, and many people have already started to sing bad

"My answer to that is that I have the ability and confidence to do both at the same time. The reason why they as like as two peas are two plays, which are similar to twins, are almost alike in the way they are photographed or in the background of stories. Therefore, I divided the crew into two parts, one for crazy stone and one for crazy racing, independent of each other. Therefore, if you want to make them perfect together, there will be absolutely no problem. "

"Director Xiao, it seems that the actors you choose are not very famous. Besides you and Huang Bo, it seems that there are no other artists above the first line? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't think fame and strength are necessarily proportional. China's entertainment industry is so big, and there are tens of thousands of actors. Is there anyone who is not talented? Of course not. There are not only, but also many. The actors I choose are not famous, but they have real abilities. If you don't believe it, you can go to the cinema to see their wonderful performances when the film is showing"Director Xiao, will you play a role in it?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. In crazy stone, I'll play an international thief. As for "crazy racing," I'm going to guest star as the manager of a marketing company. Both characters are very interesting and very interesting. "

"Huang Bo, it's said that you will take part in both films, don't you?"

Huang Bo said with a smile, "that's right. In crazy stone, I play a stupid thief, and in crazy racing, I play the leading role, which is very challenging

"It's like the first time you've played a leading role in a movie. Do you think you can hold on?"

Huang Bo said with a smile: "absolutely no problem. Besides I believe in my own strength, there is another reason that I believe in the vision of director Xiao. Since entering the entertainment industry, he has never made a mistake in the actor. After I saw "crazy racing", I also felt that the protagonist and I really fit in too well. It was almost tailor-made for me

……………………………… ..

after the one hour boot press conference, Xiao Yunhai did not waste any time and immediately took everyone to shoot.

The first scene is the Daoge played by Lu Yi with Huang Bo's black skin and he Yang's Xiao Jun to cheat on the bus.

The bus arrived early in the morning, and the station was very cooperative after hearing that the famous yunhuang needed their help. Without saying a word, he asked a driver to take the bus.

The shooting of this play is very smooth, and even some of them are beyond Xiao Yunhai's expectation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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