Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:47 AM

Chapter 787

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Lu Yi deserves to be born in a drama. He has a good reputation. His lines are very strong. He doesn't speak fast. He has a Hebei accent. But he has a good sense of humor.

Even Xiao Yunhai couldn't help laughing when he saw him sitting there in a serious way.

After two years of training in the crew, Huang Bo has made his own unique style. He has played a seemingly honest and timid farmer to the full.

After seeing the failure of the deception, Huang Bo's temperament changed rapidly from a farmer to a rogue without any reluctance.

Seeing his ability, Xiao Yunhai immediately thought of sun Yanjun, the film emperor. The two people's way of interpretation is too similar. It seems that the teacher did not worship wrong.

Only He Yang, who plays Xiaojun, has some difference in acting skills compared with the two. Xiao Yunhai has been stung him twice in a row. Fortunately, he finally finds the feeling, which makes him pass the test.

At lunch, he Yang was a little restless.

"Brother Huang, am I bad in the morning? Will director Xiao brush me down? "

In fact, he Yang is three years older than Huang Bo, but he is only a third tier star, and Huangbo is already a first tier star. Therefore, according to the rules of the entertainment industry, he needs to call Huangbo brother.

Huang Bo took a bite of the lunch box and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. You have no problem with your acting skills. It's just that at the beginning, it's a little nervous, but it's still very good in the back. In the studio, director Xiao didn't say you, which shows that he didn't take this matter seriously. Otherwise, with his temper, I'm afraid he would have been angry

Hearing Huang Bo's words, he Yang put down his heart and muttered: "that's good."

After a simple lunch box, after half an hour's rest, the shooting continued. It's still part of the bus, but the actors have changed to Bao Shihong and his daughter-in-law Zhang Yuan.

Wang Li obviously had a serious preparation below. No matter the lines, movements or expressions, Wang Li played very well. He was not inferior to Lu Yi and Huang Bo.

This made Xiao Yunhai feel relieved.

After all, Wang Li is the main character of the film. If his performance is covered by others, the whole play will have big problems.

Fortunately, Wang Li didn't stay in Hollywood for so many years. He still has a few brushes under his hand, especially in the depiction of his characters, which is very delicate.

Seeing his perfect performance, Xiao Yunhai nodded secretly and was very satisfied.

awesome, the speed of shooting will be much faster.

On the set, Xiao Yunhai found that his elder brother Luda was really talented and learned. He did all the work assigned to him in an orderly manner, and there was no need for Xiao Yunhai to have any worries. It's very comfortable for him to film.

A week later, Xiao Yunhai saw that Ruda had fully understood the style of the film, so he asked him to take people to shoot some less important parts.

Ruda was very excited. Although there is only one word difference between the deputy director and the director, it is extremely difficult to get rid of this word. It is very good that two out of 100 people can succeed.

Luda has been in the circle for so many years and has been with more than ten directors. Only Xiao Yunhai has given him the right to film.

He knows that this is the test Xiao Yunhai has made on him. If the shooting can satisfy him, then he will definitely have more shooting opportunities.

Thinking of this, Luda said gratefully to Xiao Yunhai: "director Xiao, thank you. I will definitely take good pictures."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "elder martial brother, don't be so excited. It's just a few simple scenes. "

Ruda looked bitter and said: "although it is a few plays, but it is the only time that I have exercised the right of director since I joined the industry."

Xiao Yunhai said: "come on, elder martial brother. Maybe, in the near future, you will have a chance to be a real director. "

Ruda's eyes lit up and nodded heavily.

The next day, Ruda took a part of the crew and actors to shoot.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that the crowd came back.

Luda finds Xiao Yunhai and gives him what he has taken.

Xiao Yunhai watched it conscientiously, nodded with satisfaction and said, "it's very good. After editing, it can be directly used in the film. Elder martial brother, tomorrow you will shoot the scene of the temple drug trade in "crazy racing car."

Luda knew that the play was an important play, and Xiao Yunhai was willing to shoot it for himself, which obviously affirmed his ability.

So Ruda pressed down her joy and said, "no problem."

In this way, with Ruda's collaborative shooting, the progress of the crazy series of films is even faster.

This afternoon, Xiao Yunhai was filming a scene in Luohan temple, when suddenly there was a noise outside.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said to a theatrical choreographer beside him, "what's going on

After the dramatist went out, he came back soon, and said happily, "director Xiao, I've come to see you after sunny."Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's pause for a moment. I dare not neglect my leader when he comes here. You know, she's the God of wealth in our crew. You can't offend her. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone burst into laughter.

After such a long time of contact, people have been very clear about Xiao Yunhai's temper.

When shooting on the set, Xiao Yunhai was an extremely serious director. He could not tolerate any sand in his eyes. One was one, the other was two, and he didn't give anyone a face.

Even Huang Bo was scolded by him for his bad state, let alone other actors.

But outside of work, Xiao Yunhai has completely changed. He doesn't have any airs to get along with everyone. Not only speak humorous, joking, but also talk about small meat jokes, it is open mouth, often make everyone laugh.

Gradually, people were no longer afraid of him. When he is free, he likes to gather around him and talk nonsense in the sky and underground.

After a while, Zhao Wanqing, wearing a big sunglasses, appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai under the guidance of Sima Qian.

The graceful appearance made Xiao Yunhai, who had not heard the meat taste for half a month, was very itchy. He opened his arms and said, "my wife, I really want to die."

Zhao Wanqing smiles and hugs him.

The rest of the crew started yelling.

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's slender waist, pointed to them and said with a smile: "I'm not holding someone else's wife. What's your ghost calling?"

Huang Bo said in a loud voice: "third brother, if you want to hold someone else's wife, you have to have the courage. It's hard to see your virtue in front of your sister-in-law. "

Xiao Yunhai said in a tit for tat: "Huang Bo, you don't even have a wife. What do you mean here. If that thing is not good, I dare not look for it. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Huang Bo said, "sister-in-law, do you think there are three brothers who bully people like this? You must avenge me. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "when the time comes, I'll introduce one for you, won't it?"

Huang Bo said happily, "that's good. My requirements are not high, just like you. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "neck, if you want to say that, you can only be a bachelor in this life."

Huang Bo said with a smile: "the third brother really can speak. I have to learn from you."

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can learn slowly. Well, this afternoon, let's go back and have a rest and continue shooting tomorrow. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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