Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:48 AM

Chapter 79

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According to the rules of the entertainment industry, the director usually eats with the deputy director, the leader of the lighting, art, camera and other departments, while the actor and actress sit together with some important supporting roles.

If conditions permit, these people will eat in restaurants. As for the other staff and actors, they can only eat the lunch box brought by the crew. That's the difference in the status of the crew, it's cruel.

Xiao Yunhai, as an important supporting role and special character of the crew, is naturally with Qin Yunyi and CAI pingya. In addition, Xu Hongjun, Huang Bo, Xia Xiaohu and Xu Qianqian form a table and sit down in a clean hotel nearby.

They didn't change because they had to shoot in the afternoon and make-up was too troublesome. It did not cause any attention, after all, they are too much in Hengdian film and television city.

After filming the whole morning's play, everyone was tired and hungry, and they had no time to talk and chat. They ate one by one. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai was not polite. After a while, he eliminated three bowls of rice.

Only Qin Yunyi has a lot on her mind. She has a bite to eat. Until Xia Xiaohu and Xu Qianqian went out after dinner, he didn't even finish half a bowl of rice.

As the heroine, Cai pingya naturally wants to have a good relationship with the hero, so she opens her mouth and says, "Mr. Qin, please eat quickly. You have to film in the afternoon."

Qin Yunyi ah, see is Cai pingya, this just reluctantly smile way: "I know, thank you."

Cai pingya knows what's on his mind, but it's hard to say anything.

However, Xu Hongjun did not have any scruples. He put down the empty bowl, wiped his mouth, and said bluntly, "Xiao Qin, do you know what your biggest problem is?"

Qin Yunyi heard Xu Hongjun's words and knew that he wanted to help himself. He was very grateful in his heart. He quickly said respectfully, "please give me some advice."

Xu Hongjun said: "I think your biggest problem now is that you don't have the character image of Chu Liuxiang in your mind. Our actors usually get the information about the role from the script, such as age, experience, personality, daily habits, and so on. Then we outline the image of the role in our mind, and then rely on this image for our words, actions and feelings. But you didn't even form Chu Liuxiang in your mind. How could you play it well. You say I'm right. "

The old opera bone is the old opera bone. In one shot, it tells the key point of Qin Yunyi. In fact, Xiao Yunhai has seen this for a long time. It's just that this kind of words can only be said by old people like Xu Hongjun. They are old, have high status and are highly respected in the circle. No one can say anything to the younger generation.

If Xiao Yunhai and CAI pingya say so, Qin Yunyi must be unhappy. Why do you dare to come and instruct me.

Qin Yunyi patted her thigh and suddenly realized, "teacher Xu is right. That's the problem. What do you say, Mr. Xu? "

Xu Hongjun said with a smile: "naturally, the image of Chu Liuxiang you play is constructed from the novels and scripts. In this regard, no one here, including he Dao, is better than the original author. what you think? The sea of clouds. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard that Xu Hongjun asked him about his head, it would be inappropriate not to speak again. So he put down his bowl and said, "I'll talk about Chu Liuxiang. If it can help Mr. Qin, it would be better."

Qin Yunyi said with a smile, "what kind of Mr. Qin is not Mr. Qin. If you can look up to me, just call me Daqin. "

Cai pingya chuckled and said, "that's not good. You know you are younger than me. After that, I'll call you Xiao Qin. "

Qin Yunyi said with a bitter smile, "sister Cai, you'd better give me some face and call me Yunyi."

Huang Bo also broke in and said, "no matter what you say, Yunhai and I call you brother and sister on the right."

Several people's conversation, all of a sudden opened the atmosphere on the table. And all the people became active. After all, they are all from the same crew. If you don't look up or look down, you can't be polite all the time.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Cai pingya and said to himself, "it's not easy to be a queen of the song world. A word will enliven the atmosphere on the whole table."

Xu Hongjun said: "OK, Yunhai, you still talk about what kind of person Chu Liuxiang is in your eyes."

Xiao Yunhai said: "for Chu Liuxiang, when I created him, I infused him with a spirit of immortality. He is super intelligent and extremely intelligent. Even if his martial arts are not as good as his opponent's, he can always rely on his wisdom to avert danger and make every effort. In one word, I would describe him with the eight words "elegant, smart and casual"

Xu Hongjun asked, "Yunhai, if you were allowed to play this role, how would you play it?"

Qin Yunyi smiles. He knows that Xu Hongjun is in disguise and asks Xiao Yunhai to instruct him, but he doesn't feel ashamed.

Xiao Yunhai thought of Chu Liuxiang, who was performed by an autumn official in his previous life, and said, "if it was me, I would add a folding fan to Chu Liuxiang and shake it twice to show his natural charm. His martial arts have almost no characteristics except lightness. Then why don't we give him a handsome Kung Fu, for example, a kind of finger flick skill, which can be called finger flick skill. In this way, Chu LiuXiang's external features will be more impressive. Of course, you can also design some chuliuxiang's quirks, such as touching your nose from time to time when you speak, so as to resonate and feel cordial with the audience. The most important thing is that Chu LiuXiang's eyes should perform auraXiao Yunhai talked a lot about Chu Liuxiang, a former official in autumn. The more Qin Yunyi listened, the brighter his eyes became. At the last tap on the table, he called out, "I understand."

"You don't have much, thank you Yunhai." He Jin suddenly opened the door and came in.

Qin Yunyi nodded and said to Xiao Yunhai, "thank you, brother. I owe you a favor. Come to me if you have anything to do in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother Qin, you are serious."

In the afternoon, Qin Yunyi made great efforts to make Chu LiuXiang's unrestrained and unrestrained performance incisively and vividly. As a result, all people's views on Qin Yunyi have taken a 180 degree turn, praising Qin Yunyi's acting skills, and Qin Yunyi is very grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

When Xiao Yunhai returned to the hotel, it was already more than 11 o'clock in the evening. Actors often get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, wear underpants and skirts in winter and cotton padded trousers and cotton padded jacket in summer. But even so, they still can't stop people's crazy pursuit. They all hope that they can shine brilliantly under the flash in the future and satisfy their own deep-seated vanity. For this, they can pay any price, including their own body and dignity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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