Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:43 AM

Chapter 790

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At six o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai sent Zhao Wanqing to Chongqing airport. When he came back, it was already more than seven o'clock.

So Xiao Yunhai and Li Bing casually found a shop on the side of the road and had a breakfast.

On the bus, Li Bing suddenly said: "boss Xiao, your rescue action last night was really handsome."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, way: "what save people?"

Li Bing said in surprise, "don't you know? Last night, you went shopping with Miss Zhao and saved a five-year-old girl on the way. The video has been spread all over the Internet. "

"I don't know about it."

Xiao Yunhai thought of the van that had been following him and said to himself, "it should be the

pictures they shot."

Li Bing said with a smile: "you are all treated as heroes by netizens now."

Xiao Yunhai said: "in that case, everyone will take action."

Li BingDao: "it's just that most people don't have that ability. At that time, if I didn't jump into the car, let alone run

As they speak, they rush to the set.

Just got off the bus, Xiao Yunhai was surrounded by dozens of media reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, what did you think of the moment when you saved the child?"

"Mr. Xiao, you are so fast. Do you use Chinese lightness skill?"

"Did you feel frightened after saving the child? What else would you do if you did it again? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "Dear journalists, I'm sorry, I have nothing to say. As long as he is a normal person, seeing that situation, he will certainly not stand idly by. I just did what I should have done. I'm sorry, please don't disturb us

With the help of the crew, Xiao Yunhai walks to the studio.

At this time, a reporter suddenly said: "Mr. Xiao, some people on the Internet said that last night's event was just a show, the purpose was to promote the crazy series of films. What's your opinion on this?"

Hearing this reporter's words, Xiao Yunhai stopped, turned his head and looked at the reporter, solemnly said: "please help me to send a post to the people who say such words on the Internet, and tell them that this is not a joke. Use a child's life to promote the film, ha ha, even this reason can come out, I have to say, they are scum in the scum, thinking dirty, people despise. What's more, my films don't need this kind of publicity. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai also walked into the studio.

Huang Bo immediately welcomed him, gave him a big hug, and said: "third brother, you are too cow. My respect for you is like the continuous river water, and also like the water of the Yangtze River..."

Xiao Yunhai immediately interrupted his words and said: "get out of here. I invented your words. Can you be creative? "

Huang Bo said with a smile, "I'm not as literary as you are."

Lu Yi, Wang Li and others all came over and gave Xiao Yunhai thumbs up.

Lu Yi said, "director Xiao, you are really a man in Northeast dialect. You are pure."

Wang Li also said: "director Xiao, in the critical moment of that kind of electric light flint, you can still save the child intact, that is, you can do it. It can be seen from this incident that your character is really bad, because at that time, as long as there was a little hesitation, the child would not be saved. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "do not sing praises to me. Let's start working quickly and strive to end the battle in half a month."

"No problem," they all said

Unfortunately, the plan is not as fast as changing. The holding of China golden cup TV Festival forced Xiao Yunhai to leave the crew and return to Yanjing.

This time, Xiao Yunhai has nominated numerous awards with Langya list, including best director, best TV play, best actor, best supporting actor, best actress, best supporting actress, best screenwriter, best editing, best photography, best theme song, best action design, etc., and all of them are hot spots.

After the golden cup organizing committee announced the shortlist, although netizens were shocked by the number of nominations for Langya list, no one raised any objection to it.

As a TV series that breaks the ratings record and is popular in Asia, Langya list is worthy of being shortlisted for these awards.

Even if it sweeps all the awards, you won't be surprised at all, because it's really an excellent work.

In addition to "Langya Bang", the "Legend of Shooting Heroes" and "swordsman biography" are also popular. Xiao Yunhai will compete with Du Hongtai and Tian Junhao for the best director, Jiang Yaokun and Li Xun for the best actor, while Zhao Wanqing needs to compete with Huang Meiling and Xu Qianqian for the best actress.

It can be said that the whole golden cup TV Festival is basically the world of these three TV dramas. Although other TV dramas are also excellent, they are not as bad as a little bit.

As time flies, the golden cup TV Festival opens on June 12.

The vice president of the song, Xiao Yunqiu, had to call back in advance to perform the theme of the song.Fortunately, there is Ruda in the crew. After so many days of independent shooting, Xiao Yunhai is completely relieved of him. Before leaving, he directly assigned Ruda three-day shooting task, so his departure would not affect the filming of the film.

To my surprise, the organizing committee not only invited him to perform on stage, but also invited Zhao Wanqing to the stage, so that their husband and wife could sing the theme song and episode of Langya bang one after another.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to the cultural theater for a rehearsal.

In the afternoon, there were more than 200 fans from the media, and there were always more than 200 fans.

In the hotel room, Xiao Yunhai sat on a chair, looked at the list in his hand and said with a smile, "wife, am I out of date. I don't know so many stars this year. "

Zhao Wanqing took over, looked at it and said, "you are a busy man. You don't have time to watch TV. A lot of people above are the hot young idol stars. There are also some Korean artists who have come to China for development. In the face of the Golden Cup awards, they will naturally show their faces. I tell you, Korean idol drama and Chinese idol drama are in full swing. According to media reports, from June last year to June this year, nearly 100 idol dramas have been broadcast on TV stations in a short period of time. There are countless stars coming out of it. So it's not surprising that you don't know them. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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