Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:41 AM

Chapter 792

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Originally, Xiao Yunhai wanted to take the initiative to talk to him for a few words. After getting to know each other, he could see that the other side was expressionless and aloof. Xiao Yunhai immediately put out the idea.

Zhao Wanqing seemed to know Xiao Yunhai's bewilderment, so she went to his ear and whispered, "my husband, this man is Han Chenghui, a top Korean artist. His father is the president of South Korea's Xingguang Electronics Group, and he has a lot of energy. Han Chenghui made his debut at the age of 16. He swept the Korean music world with three high-quality music albums. Later, he began to make films and TV plays, and now he has become a director. Last year, he directed a film "palace chaos", which won 18 billion won box office in Asia, which is almost 2.6 billion yuan in Chinese currency

Xiao Yunhai whispered, "have you shown it in China?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I was blocked by the film and Television Bureau because it involves many extraordinary scenes. Although Han Chenghui is very handsome, he is actually a personal scum. He likes to play with women. It is said that many Korean female artists have a special relationship with him and their private life is extremely erosive. If it wasn't for his father's power, he would have been cleaned up. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and nodded. He couldn't see that this guy really responded to the saying that people can't be judged by their appearance.

Since he is not a fellow, Xiao Yunhai naturally does not want to provoke him.

But to his surprise, Han Chenghui said something to him: "Mr. Xiao, are you in the wrong seat?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and looked at the sign. It was really written Zhao Wanqing. He said, "there is no mistake. This is my seat."

Han Chenghui frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you think I can't read? It should be Miss Zhao Wanqing sitting here. How could she become you? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and asked, "Mr. Han, do you know who I am, Miss Zhao Wanqing?"

Han Chenghui said: "even if you are a good friend, you can't break the rules casually. It's disrespectful to the people nearby. I think you'd better trade it back with Miss Zhao. "

Obviously, although Han Chenghui knew Xiao Yunhai, he didn't know the relationship between him and Zhao Wanqing.

If Zhao Wanqing hadn't told him secretly that Han Chenghui, a noble man, was a man with a beast's heart, Xiao Yunhai might have thought that he was doing this to maintain the rules of the award ceremony.

But now that he knows the bottom line of the other party, his attempt to change seats with Zhao Wanqing is somewhat wordless and clear.

Xiao Yunhai is very clear about his wife's charm.

So Xiao Yunhai changed his brand with Zhao Wanqing, put it on the table and said with a smile, "is it ok now?"

Han Chenghui angrily said: "are you deliberately teasing me?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't Mr. Han feel that he is too broad? What does it have to do with you when we change seats? Don't worry, I won't affect you. "

Han Chenghui said coldly, "Mr. Xiao, do you want me to say it clearly? I don't like sitting with you, so please leave. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He didn't understand that he and he didn't seem to know each other. How could he speak so impolitely.

He didn't know that Han Chenghui didn't just like him, but he hated him very much.

As Asia's top movie and TV song star, Han Chenghui is indeed outstanding in ability, talent and popularity, with more than 100 million fans in Asia.

Last year, he was even more Trinity. He wrote, directed and acted in the movie "court chaos", with the box office reaching 2.6 billion Chinese dollars. It can be said that throughout Asia, there are few artists who can compare with him.

But in his complacency, Xiao Yunhai was born suddenly.

He is also a star of film and TV songs. He is even three years younger than himself, but his achievements are far more than his own. This makes Han Chenghui, who thinks highly of himself, how can he stand it.

Since ancient times, literature has no first place and martial arts have no second place.

The reason why he didn't like Xiao Yunhai, in the final analysis, was just out of jealousy.

When Xiao Yunhai heard Han Chenghui's words, his eyes narrowed slightly and his tone turned cold. He said, "I don't like it. You can tell the organizer to transfer to another place."

Han Chenghui said, "why don't you be reasonable. Why should I change seats? Can't you and Miss Zhao Wanqing change seats

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Miss Zhao Wanqing doesn't like sitting with you either."

Han Chenghui said coldly: "why do you say so?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "are you sick. It's none of your business for us to change seats. "

Han Chenghui a Leng, way: "you are husband and wife?"

Since the great success of Xiao Yunhai's Jingwu hero, Han Chenghui has paid close attention to him. If you ask him to talk about Xiao Yunhai's achievements, he can almost make them count. However, Han Chenghui is really unclear about other aspects of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. So please don't make trouble here. "Han Chenghui was about to speak when a staff member suddenly came up and said, "Mr. Xiao, Ms. Zhao, can you come out for a moment? Chairman Shen has something to discuss with you. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at Han Chenghui, nodded and said, "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing followed the staff to the backstage and met Shen Qiu, who was talking to a middle-aged man in his forties.

Shen Qiu's expression did not seem to be very good-looking. He nodded to the two people first, which was a greeting. Then he asked the middle-aged man in a deep voice: "can Cui Minxian come over?"

The middle-aged humanist: "his agent said that he would be able to make it, but he was not sure he could catch up with the performance time. If you can push his performance back, that's fine

According to the process of Jinzun TV Festival, the later you go, the heavier the awards and the higher the ratings.

Originally, Cui Minxian's program was arranged before the best supporting actress award, but now, he can't say it, which makes Shen Qiu furious.

The middle-aged man is Gong Sheng, the live director of this award party. If there is such a big mistake, it is natural to consult Shen Qiu.

When Xiao Yunhai heard Cui Minxian's name, he immediately thought of the Korean star he had driven away in "run, brother." he said in his heart, "playing a big card to the golden cup award party, this guy is really stupid."

Xiao Yunhai doesn't believe that the other party can't come. It's estimated that Xiao Yunhai wants to put his own program behind when the audience rating is the highest. That's why he came up with such a stupid trick. Xiao Yunhai is too clear about his little mind. It's not that there are no stars in his previous life.

Shen Qiu has been in the circle all his life. Naturally, he can guess his purpose.

Hehe, you can't live if you do evil.

Shen Qiu took a breath and suppressed his anger. He turned to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing and said, "Yunhai, Wanqing, you have heard that there is something wrong with Cui Minxian's program. I hope you can help me with the performance. I know it's unfair to you, but we really have no way out. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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