Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:33 AM

Chapter 797

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Sure enough, out of the meeting hall, Xiao Yunhai was immediately surrounded by reporters.

Taking advantage of this time, Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing secretly get on the car.

It took half an hour for Xiao Yunhai to answer reporters' numerous questions, which got rid of them.

When I got home, it was already ten thirty in the evening.

Yu Yuexian and Zhao Wanqing invited more than a dozen young actors, including Huang Bo, Zhang Guoyang, Zhang Xinyi, Deng Yue, Chen Jie, Lin Hui, Huang Bo and Chu Chao.

There are several others that Xiao Yunhai doesn't know.

Seeing him back, Huang Bo opened a bottle of champagne without saying a word and sprayed it directly at Xiao Yunhai. Other people also learned from Huang Bo and drenched Xiao Yunhai into a drowned rat.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what are you doing?"

Huang Bo said with a smile: "of course, it's to celebrate the third brother's sweeping golden cup award ceremony."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I would rather not celebrate this kind of celebration. I'm so angry that I have to take pity on my suit of tens of thousands of yuan. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Deng Yue said: "fourth, you are too stingy. "Inception" has sold for more than six billion dollars, and even cares about a piece of clothes. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "what do you know. I tell you, a mosquito is meat, no matter how small it is. "

Yu Yuexian said, "OK, no kidding. Let's drink to the great success of langyabang and its sweeping golden cup ceremony. "


Everyone played in the villa until one o'clock in the morning, which left one after another. Huang Bo lived here directly in Xiao Yunhai.

Because tomorrow morning, they need to catch a plane and get back to the crew as soon as possible.

The next day, the major media have reported on the golden cup TV ceremony.

"Langya list" won 11 awards and swept the golden cup TV Festival in China

"Lang Ya Bang" was very brilliant, and the scene was full of songs after Yun Huangqing, which moved the whole audience. "

"Xiao Yunhai's golden cup is incomparable."

"After Xu Qianqian lost her golden cup film, the bar got drunk."

"Huang Meiling broke the golden cup record and won the film queen's crown as the best newcomer."

"The langyabang was defeated by the legend of Shooting Heroes and swordsman, and Tian Junhao was livid."

On the Internet, Xiao Yunhai's fans sent countless congratulatory posts, congratulating Xiao Yunhai for his complete victory.

Xiao Yunhai left all the interaction with fans to Li linger, while he and Huang Bo rushed to Chongqing incessantly, which was applauded and welcomed by the crew.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "now hurry up to film. In the evening, the whole drama group will go to a five-star hotel and have a good meal."


The crowd cheered even louder.

That night, Xiao Yunhai took more than 200 people to a luxury hotel and opened 15 tables in a hall. The atmosphere was very warm.

People come to propose a toast to Xiao Yunhai in an endless stream. Fortunately, he did not drink in the name of having children. Otherwise, even with his super high drinking capacity, it is estimated that he would not be able to find the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Xiao Yunhai wanted authentic Maotai liquor, so although everyone drank a lot, he didn't delay shooting the next day.

So step by step after half a month, under the joint shooting of Xiao Yunhai and Ruda, the crazy series of films were all killed.

That night, after drinking shaqing wine, Xiao Yunhai called Ruda, who had drunk clear water all night, into the room.

"Brother Lu, you have made great contributions to the completion of the crazy series of movies so quickly. When it comes out, I'll put your name on the list of directors, even if it's our co director. "

Ruda quickly waved his hand and said, "Yunhai, don't do this. The deputy director is the deputy director. I just listen to your arrangement. Write me in. I'm guilty of it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the preparation work of these two plays are all done by you. At least one fourth of the parts are shot by you, which is more than enough as the second director. You should not refuse this matter. Senior brother, what do you think of the box office of these two films? "

Ruda thought for a while and said, "conservatively, each one can reach at least two billion."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "my minimum goal is to make two plays more than five billion. With their quality, as long as we don't encounter movies like inception, we should have no problem. Once these two plays are popular, you can become famous as a director. Senior brother Lu, do you want to come to our Hanhai film and television investment company? "

Ruda was stunned, and then said with surprise, "of course I want to go, but I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you are not qualified, how many directors can be qualified in China. Although we have only been in contact with each other for more than a month, I admire your talent and ability. A few days ago, I once told Wan Qing that you have all the potential to become a famous director in China and even in the world. What you lack is just an opportunity. "Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Ruda's eyes turned red. Quite a few scholars felt that they were dead for their confidants. He said, "Yunhai, thank you so much for taking me so seriously."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's not necessary."

Xiao Yunhai stood up, took out a script from under his pillow and said, "elder martial brother Lu, I've been idle for a few nights. I've written a movie script called" dear ". It's a movie about crusading. I'm very careful about the director's ability and the actor's acting skills. I don't know if you're interested? "

"Dear" was adapted and filmed by Chen Kexin, a famous former director, according to the real events. It was indeed a double success at the box office. At that time, it received numerous praises, and its score remained high.

Xiao Yunhai gave the play to Ruda, but he had no idea.

Hearing that Xiao Yunhai personally wrote a script for himself, ludaton stood up excitedly.

He can't help but be excited, because Xiao Yunhai's plays are definitely valuable and have no market in the entertainment industry. It is said that someone once was willing to spend 100 million yuan to buy a script from Xiao Yunhai, but he refused without hesitation.

Apart from a few TV plays, Xiao Yunhai has never written a screenplay for any director.

But now, he even gave the script that other directors dream of to shoot. This kind of kindness is too heavy for Ruda.

Ruda's hands trembled as she took the script.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "elder martial brother Lu, don't be so. This script is just a first draft. If you think it's good, you can make a good change. If you don't think so, give up and go for a better book. In a word, no matter what kind of film you want to make, there is no problem in terms of funding, but the only thing is that the actors must be suitable. "

Ruda nodded and said, "I understand."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, let's talk about it tonight. You've been working hard these days. Go back and have a good sleep. Let's go back to Yanjing tomorrow. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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