Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:32 AM

Chapter 798

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Ruda agreed, got up and walked out.

Before going out, he suddenly turned around and bowed deeply to Xiao Yunhai, but he didn't say anything in his mouth. Then he closed the door for him in Xiao Yunhai's surprised expression.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said in his heart, "this elder martial brother Lu is a very interesting person."

On June 28, Xiao Yunhai held a simple youth killing conference, and then he boarded the airliner back to Yanjing with Luda and Huangbo.

On the plane, Xiao Yunhai looked at his red and swollen eyes and said with a smile: "elder martial brother Lu, didn't you sleep well last night? You look like you are very haggard. "

Ruda shook the script in her hand and said, "with it, it's strange to sleep well."

What do you think of the script

Ruda said: "wonderful, very wonderful. When I saw it for the first time, I couldn't help but shed tears. However, it is not easy to make a good film. You're right. It really tests the abilities of directors and actors. I even think that even some golden cup award-winning film Queens can not necessarily take down a few characters inside. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do you want to shoot it?"

Ruda made a move to protect the script and said, "of course. Such a good theme, such a good play, I can not bear to give it to others. If it's done, maybe we can get several Golden Cup awards next year. However, the investment may not be small. It's OK to say that the key is the actor's pay. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the problem that money can solve is not a problem. Let me tell you a way. After you join Hanhai, you just need to tell the company that I wrote this script, and I'm willing to invest no matter how much money it costs. Then Hanhai will certainly sell iron and steel to support you. "

Indeed, Xiao Yunhai's vision in the industry is well-known, so far, has not done any loss making business.

In particular, the play was written by Xiao Yunhai himself, so Hanhai would never miss this good opportunity to make money.

Huang Bo beside said with a smile: "third brother, director Lu, do not know if there is a role suitable for me?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and said, "if it is ten years later, you boy is really suitable for playing the leading role. Now, I'm afraid it's hard. "

Huang Bo's eyes brightened and said, "brother three, you just said it was difficult, but it doesn't mean I don't have a chance, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you boy, don't catch the loopholes in my words. What's the use of telling me? It's Lu who is really in charge of this play. "

Elder martial brother Lu Bo said: "it has nothing to do with me. Is that right, elder martial brother? "

Ruda nodded and said, "of course. Huang Bo, from the image point of view, you just need to make it older when you make up, and there will be no problem. But if you don't have children, I'm afraid it's hard to perform that heartbreaking feeling. "

Huang Bolian said, "that's not necessarily true. It's impossible for our actors to have the same experience as the characters in the movies. Elder martial brother, we are alumni and colleagues of a company right away. Give me a chance. The fat water doesn't flow to other people's fields. "

Ruda said with a smile: "no problem, I can give you an audition. However, I'd like to tell you in advance that the actors who rob this role with you may be the ones with the strongest acting skills in the Chinese entertainment industry. You'd better have a psychological preparation. "

Huang Po patted his chest and said confidently, "great. I like to fight with the masters. That's interesting. "

Xiao Yunhai praised: "courage is commendable. If you can really get the role, maybe next year's golden cup movie emperor will be you. "

Huang Bo's eyes brightened and said, "elder martial brother Lu, would you please give me a copy of the script first, and then I can go back and have a careful study."

Ruda looked at the smiling Xiao Yunhai and said, "OK. Remember to keep it well. Don't lose it. "

Huang Bo said happily, "you can rest assured that there will be no problem."

After getting off the plane, Xiao Yunhai first sent Ruda and Huangbo to Hanhai film and television investment company. With Huang Bo in, Xiao Yunhai was very relieved about Luda's joining Hanhai, so he didn't go up and asked Li Bing to send him home.

Last night, Xiao Yunhai had already called Zhao Wanqing and told her that she would be back before noon. Therefore, when Xiao Yunhai came in, Zhao Wanqing was busy cooking in the kitchen and did not hear his voice coming back.

Xiao Yunhai came to the kitchen and crept up to Zhao Wanqing's back. Suddenly, he hugged her and said gruffly, "beauty, play with me."

Zhao Wanqing was suddenly attacked by Xiao Yunhai. She was shocked. Then she seemed to feel the familiar breath on Xiao Yunhai. She said with a smile, "Sir, can I ask you to prepare some wine and vegetables with you first?"

Xiao Yunhai's hands accurately stroked Zhao Wanqing's towering chest, and said in a narrow color: "what's the meaning of eating? What I want most now is you

Zhao Wanqing broke off Xiao Yunhai's evil hands and turned around. She said, "now, you can go out and take a bath and change your clothes. Do you hear me?"Xiao Yunhai listened and immediately gave her a salute and said, "yes, chief, make sure to finish the task."

While eating, Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, I went to the old man the day before yesterday. Before leaving, my mother-in-law asked me, what happened to the square dance songs you promised to write for her? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "she still remembers. OK. When I've finished "Crazy Stone" and "crazy racing car," I'll get her two songs

"Have you got a look?"

"Of course, not to see who your husband is?"

In the past life, Xiao Yunhai has heard many square dance songs. The most famous ones are "the most dazzling national style" and "free flight" by the legendary combination of Phoenix.

As long as the square dance, these two songs must be selected.

"What kind of songs?" asked Zhao Wanqing? Is it suitable for me to sing? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "your voice is too soft. What I need is a female singer with Mongolian grassland characteristics and full of tension. These two songs are antiphonal songs, so we need a male singer who can sing rap to cooperate with her

"Have you found the right singer?" Zhao Wanqing asked.

Zhao Wanqing is not dissatisfied with her husband's failure to give her songs to sing. She is very clear about Xiao Yunhai's character. If it is really suitable for her, Xiao Yunhai will never give the song to others.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "why don't I introduce you to a pair of combinations. They have appeared in the super singer competition, but the results are not very good. But their singing left a very deep impression on me. In particular, the woman, with a loud and broad voice and a strong national flavor, was finally signed by our Teana records company. Unfortunately, the company did not find a suitable song for them to sing. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wait a moment, I'll watch their game video on the Internet. If it's appropriate, I'll give them the songs."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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