Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:28 AM

Chapter 801

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After Zhang Yuan left, Wu Hao took Xiao Yunhai around every floor until he reached the top floor. Xiao Yunhai did not see Zhang Guanghe.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai asked, "why didn't you see Mr. Zhang's office?"

Wu Hao pointed to the room on the far left of the 12th floor and said, "that's general manager's office. Today, he took people to negotiate with several entertainment companies in South Korea. Hehe, over the past few months, dozens of companies have signed patent contracts with us, all of which were negotiated by Mr. Zhang himself. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that there is no mistake in choosing him as the general manager. Come on, take me to Zhang Yuan. "

To the sixth floor of the screening hall, Zhang Yuan gave Xiao Yunhai a 3D glasses.

Xiao Yunhai looked over and over and found that there was no difference between this thing and the previous life.

Xiao Yunhai put on his glasses and Zhang Yuan turned on the movie projector. Suddenly, a sharp arrow came out of the screen and shot at Xiao Yunhai quickly.

Xiao Yunhai saw many 3D movies in his previous life, and he was almost immune to this thing, so he didn't have any reaction on his face, so he continued to look at the pictures behind him.

Zhang Yuan looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise and whispered to Wu Hao: "boss Wu, is the film ineffective? Why doesn't brother Xiao seem to feel anything? "

Zhang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "we have tested it dozens of times. How can there be any problem. I think it may be that Mr. Xiao is good at Kung Fu, so he is not afraid of these cold weapons. "

Ten minutes later, after watching the film, Xiao Yunhai took off his sunglasses, rubbed his eyes and said, "the effect is good, it's lifelike, but the brightness is a little low, and the pupils will feel tired. This is just a few minutes, I feel a little sour eyes, if it is a two-hour movie, it is estimated that not many fans can fully survive

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "brother Xiao, you are right. Now the glasses are just a semi-finished product, and we will improve it. However, the technology is mature and you can apply for a patent. I think it won't be long before we can make more comfortable glasses

Xiao Yunhai said, "what about the camera?"

"We are going to contact a camera manufacturer, and we need to work with their technicians," Zhang said

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "don't contact me. Buy one directly. When 3D technology matures in the future, we will make our own products and sell them. There are also glasses, cameras, screen accessories and so on. We make them ourselves. What do you think? "

Wu Hao was stunned and said, "of course that's good. As long as it is a monopoly, there must be a wide range of financial resources, which may cost a lot of money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are we short of money now? To buy these factories is only one billion or two billion. We can think of them as dream subsidiaries. When will Mr. Zhang come back? I want to talk to him about it. "

"I'll call and ask," Wu said

Xiao Yunhai nods.

While Wu Hao and Zhang Guanghe were talking, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Zhang Yuan, did you go out to play with ling'er?"

Zhang Yuan shook her head and said: "recently, because 3D technology research has entered the most critical moment, we have not met for half a month. They usually text or chat online at night. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "you guy, no matter how busy you are, you have to spare time to accompany your girlfriend. Even if it's a meal together. Women, we need to coax men

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "I'll go to linger tomorrow and play with her for a few days."

How about two tickets for Hainan to fly to Hainan and let me fly to xiaoyunhai

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up and said, "of course, thank you, brother Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "what can I thank you for?"

Wu Hao finished the phone call and said to Xiao Yunhai, "Mr. Zhang can be back at about five o'clock."

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, I'll wait for him in the office. Boss Wu, Zhang Yuan, please let me know. I'll treat you tonight. Please all the staff of our company and the students of Tsinghua University go to the five-star hotel to have a good time. Remember, you can bring your family. Of course, you can bring your own girlfriend

When he said the last sentence, Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan naturally understood his meaning and nodded.

In the following time, Xiao Yunhai went to various offices and talked with the technicians for more than half an hour, and carefully inquired about their difficulties in work and life.

When he heard that someone needed to take more than two hours to get to work in the company, Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "this problem is easy to handle. I have a good relationship with Yu's real estate. I asked them to build several residential buildings next to our company, even if it was our employee community. But you need to pay for the house yourself. "

"But we can't afford it?"

"Yes. Our company is in the third ring road. A house of 50 square meters needs at least one million yuan. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry. Yanjing house prices are basically fried by real estate developers, I will only ask for your cost price. A house of 100 square meters is estimated to be about 500000. "

"It's so cheap."

"Mr. Xiao, let's build some large square buildings."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he was immediately enraged. Pointing to the young worker who was talking, he said with a smile: "I remember that you said that Yanjing house is expensive. Why do you want a big house now? Do you have money or not?"


"ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed.

The young man's face turned red and said angrily, "it's not that the house is cheap."

Xiao Yunhai said: "you can rest assured. The area of the house should be at least 120 square meters, so that you can live comfortably. The price is set at 3000 yuan per square meter. If not, the company will give you the rest of the money. "


"Long Live president Xiao."

"Xiao Zongtai is awesome."

The whole studio was in a state of jubilation.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't be happy too early. I'll put the scandal in front of me. This is our staff building. One person can only buy one set and can't buy or sell it. Once someone leaves the company, we buy the house back at its original price and sell it to other employees in need. We will make it clear in the contract. "

"Yes, it should be."

"Mr. Xiao, there are still people who want to leave such a good company. You are joking."

"That's right. If you don't go, you're a fool."

What Xiao Yunhai wants is the sense of belonging of the employees to the company. Hearing what they said, he put on a bright smile and said, "OK, go to work. This evening, let's relax. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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