Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:26 AM

Chapter 802

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Back to the office that the company specially decorated for him, Xiao Yunhai sat on the office chair, turned around, and then turned on the computer to watch the entertainment news.

"Gee, why did" battle of Red Cliff "change actors

Xiao Yunhai has just opened a web page and saw the headline report about the battle of Chibi.

Lee Shangming, the Korean superstar who originally played Zhao Yun, had to quit the "battle of Chibi" because of his poor health and needed to go to the United States to recuperate. He was replaced by a Korean artist, but his name was kept secret and was not released.

Seeing the news, Xiao Yunhai frowned and sneered in his heart.

We should know that Zhao Yun's role is so important in the romance of the Three Kingdoms. No matter who plays it, he will surely shine brilliantly.

Even if he is really ill and hospitalized, Li Shangming will never give up his role.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai dares to be 100% sure that Li Shangming has absolutely no problems. It is estimated that he has been brought down, and the person who replaces him is the culprit.

Such things, in the entertainment industry is too much, can be said to be common. Some actors even shot half of the film because they offended someone and were put down.

Xiao Yunhai sighed and shook his head: "it seems that even director Wu's films can't completely eliminate such things. Fortunately, I am going to invest in the production and director of the three in one way, otherwise I would be constrained by all aspects. "

Then, Xiao Yunhai pointed out some other reports, and found that most of them were the lace news of those idol stars.

Who is divided with whom, who has conflicts with whom, and who is with whom? Good guy, the whole mess.

Xiao Yunhai took the news as a joke and kept laughing at the same time.

"Bang, bang, bang."

While Xiao Yunhai was amusing himself, the door of the office rang three times.

"Come in, please."

When the door opened, Xiao Yunhai looked up and saw Zhang Guanghe, who had been waiting for him.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, I didn't disturb your work, did I?"

Zhang Guanghe shook his head and said, "where. I usually talk about business in the coffee shop, do not like the wine table, so there is no need to socialize. Ha ha, the main reason is that I have a limited amount of alcohol. I'm afraid that after drinking a little wine, my mind will not be clear and my opponent will have a chance to take advantage of it. Mr. Xiao, as soon as I entered the company, I heard everyone secretly talking about the staff building. Yes? Are you going to build a building for your employees? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said his plan. He said, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Guanghe said, "I totally agree with you. In this way, the loyalty and sense of belonging of our employees to the company will definitely rise by more than one level, and the cohesion will also be greatly improved. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you don't object. What's more, the reason why I came to you is mainly to discuss with you about things around 3D technology. "

Zhang Guanghe said, "I've heard Wu Hao. I'm not really for it


"Because our country has anti-monopoly laws. Once 3D technology appears, it is bound to be sought after all over the world, and numerous companies may swarm to it. What shall we do then? It's obviously impossible not to give authorization to any company, which will cause public anger. They will certainly sue us for industrial monopoly, and this is indeed an industry monopoly. We don't have a chance to win a lawsuit. But if we grant them the patent, the company we set up in the middle of the road can't compare with them in any case. Mr. Xiao, I think it needs a long-term consideration. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "what are you thinking about. It's obviously not reliable to hear what you say. Let's forget it. "

Xiao Yunhai is not a dictatorial person, and he really did not think about monopoly, even he did not know that China has anti-monopoly law.

After hearing Zhang Guanghe's explanation, he will not have that idea again.

It can also be seen from this point that Xiao Yunhai is not really a businessman.

Zhang Guanghe said: "Mr. Xiao, I just said something straightforward. Please don't take it to heart."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "it's OK. It doesn't matter if it's not. Ha ha, it seems that I did not choose you as the general manager of the dream. I've heard that I have gained a lot in recent months. "

Zhang Guanghe said with a smile, "I'm going to report to you."

He took out a few statistical tables from his briefcase and handed them to Xiao Yunhai, saying, "Mr. Xiao, this is the company that signed the patent contract with us after the year. There are 48 companies in total."

Xiao Yunhai took a serious look and was surprised to ask, "how come most of them are Japanese entertainment companies?"

"Japan's entertainment industry ranks second in Asia, second only to Huaxia, and much stronger than South Korea," Zhang explained. So a while ago, we have been focusing on Japan. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. It seems that the effect is very remarkable. OK, you can do it according to your work idea. If you have any problems that you can't handle, you can contact me directly. "Zhang Guanghe nodded and said, "I understand."

At this time, outside the office, Wu Hao's voice came in.

"Mr. Xiao and Mr. Zhang, it's time for us to go to the hotel."

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "let's have a good celebration today."

On that night, more than 300 people gathered in the hall of a five-star hotel and drank a huge amount of food.

Zhang Yuan's drinking capacity has never been very good. Before the banquet was over, he fell under the table.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunling also came. Xiao Yunhai asked Li Bing to send them to the villa first, and Xiao Yunling took care of him.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunhai came back.

Seeing Xiao Yunling sitting on the sofa in the hall, watching TV and wiping her tears, she was surprised and asked, "ling'er, why are you still crying?"

Pointing to the picture on TV, Xiao Yunling said: "the hero has worked hard to catch up with the heroine, but he doesn't want to get incurable disease. It's so hard. "

Xiao Yunhai Leng Leng, way: "do you think this kind of TV play is very good?"

Xiao Yunling looked at the TV without blinking, nodded and said, "of course, it's much better than what you shot."

Xiao Yunhai grinned bitterly, shook his head, and said, "now I understand why everyone has gone to make idol drama. With you idiots around, the ratings are not much lower. By the way, did Zhang Yuan tell you that he wants to invite you to Hainan for a visit? "

Xiao Yunling waved his hand and said impatiently, "brother, this is the last episode. I'll talk about it after watching it."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he was speechless and said, "I'm really possessed."

After the TV play finished, Xiao Yunling wiped her tears and asked, "brother, what did you ask me?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't get angry and said, "I asked if you want to go to Hainan with Zhang Yuan?"

Xiao Yunling said rightfully: "of course. But we have no money. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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