Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:21 AM

Chapter 806

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Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Kerry shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's not easy to innovate. You know what? "Alien remains" actually lost to a 20 million dollar small investment film in China. Ha ha, this hit us too hard. The big eight film companies got together and held a whole day's meeting, but no measures were put forward

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you should work hard on the script. Don't always focus on any blockbuster, even if it is a small investment drama, as long as the story is wonderful, it can still run across the world. "

Kerry said thoughtfully, "I understand. It's a pity that few people in Hollywood can write movies as wonderful as your Infernal Affairs. "

Speaking of this, Kerry suddenly looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Before he opened his mouth, Xiao Yunhai seemed to know what he was going to say. He waved his hand and said, "you'd better not make my idea. I don't have the skills to write a script that suits you. "

Kerry complimented, "you are so modest. I don't know your ability yet? As long as you work hard and use your brain a little, writing a script is not easy. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "come on. No matter how high you put it on me, it's no use. "

Kerry sighed and said, "it seems that we can only start with the famous writers. By the way, listen to Jesse, the big four publishers in Europe have offended you? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Do you think I'm too kind? Why do people always bother me

As soon as Jesse heard it, she almost spurted out the coffee in her mouth and said, "Xiao, can we not be joking? A guy who wants $800 million in hush money says he's too kind. God, if this is good, then I am not an angel. "

Kerry was there laughing as if he had heard some funny joke.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you guys are so unsympathetic. Hehe, I think they will send someone to teach me a lesson. "

Jesse looked at Kerry and asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "this afternoon, I didn't receive a call for mercy. Don't you think there's a problem? "

Kerry frowned and said, "it's not common sense. With the virtue of these people, it is impossible to hand over so much money. Xiao, I'll call the company now and ask them to shoot some bodyguards to protect you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "No. I'm idle and bored, and it's the best if someone comes to me. "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's indifference, Jesse advised, "Xiao, I know you know Chinese Kung Fu, but the national conditions of America and China are different. Those people are not unarmed, they have guys in their hands. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I know. Don't worry. No one can hurt me as long as it's not a rocket launcher or something. Besides, we're just guessing. It doesn't have to happen. "

Kerry said, "what if they did?"

Xiao Yunhai held out five fingers and said, "that's 500 million dollars. Each family has to give me 500 million dollars, or I'll let them die. "

Kerry laughed and said, "I hope they don't do such stupid things."

That said, Kerry called and asked the company to send some bodyguards.

Although Xiao Yunhai didn't say anything about Kerry's concern, he was very grateful in his heart, and his eyes were more warm than usual.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai drove home, followed by a black car, which is Kerry sent to protect him.

Nothing happened along the way. Xiao Yunhai thought that he was a little nervous.

Came to the door of the villa, Xiao Yunhai got off to express his thanks to several bodyguards and watched them leave before entering the villa.

Out of the parking lot, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It seems a little too quiet at home.

Usually, when he drives in, iver, the housekeeper, will come to the parking lot immediately, but now he is not even a shadow.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said in his heart, "I didn't expect these people to be so bold that they ran to their own homes. Don't they know it's against the law? Next, even if you kill them all, the law of the United States will only judge itself as self-defense. "

Xiao Yunhai bent down, picked up a few small stones from the ground, put them in his hands, and then walked into the hall.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai's housekeeper, iver, and two servants were tied up by more than a dozen tough guys.

On the sofa in the living room sat a gentle young man, drinking coffee slowly.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, two bodyguards with guns pointed their pistols at his eyebrows.

Although pointed at by the gun, Xiao Yunhai's face still has no change.

With his current Kung Fu, it is not difficult to kill these people.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at the young man at the head, and suddenly felt familiar. After thinking for a long time, I remembered that this is not Randall who is looking for Zhao Wanqing and Lin Hui to make a movie?Randall saw that Xiao Yunhai seemed to recognize himself. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Hello, Mr. Xiao. It's nice to see you again."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said with a smile, "but I don't want to see you, especially on this occasion. Mr. Randall, you shouldn't have come this evening. "

Randall shrugged and said, "no way. I can't disobey our boss's orders. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I didn't expect that there were people in the four major publishing houses in Europe to have contact with your 3K party. It really surprised me. How much did they give you? "

Randall did not hide anything and said, "two hundred million."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's really good to exchange two hundred million for my eight hundred million. Mr. Randall, if I give you four hundred million, please go back. What do you think? "

Randall said, "no, we can't break the rules. Mr. Xiao, you are a world-famous director, and we don't want to be enemies with you. Just give them back at once

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "didn't you find it?"

Randall said with a wry smile: "the villa is too big. Where do you want us to find it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that big houses have the advantages of big houses. To tell you the truth, Mr. Randall, Xiao Yunhai has no intention of being an enemy of your party, but it does not mean that I am really afraid of you. I don't know if you have thought that if you can't leave me tonight, I'm afraid that the Party of 3K will disappear completely tomorrow. "

Randall's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "is Mr. Xiao scaring me? I know you're good at Kung Fu, but I don't believe you can shoot high. Mr. Xiao, you are a big shot who can get billions of dollars in box office with a movie. Why offend us just for a few hundred million dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "how can I offend you. Randall, have you heard of Hongmen? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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