Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:46 AM

Chapter 81

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"Xia Xiaohu, what are you going to do

He Jin, who got the news, immediately rushed over and pointed to Xia Xiaohu and asked.

Don't say what strength it is now. Even if it's the king of heaven and Laozi, Xia Xiaohu will not worry at all. Coincidentally, he saw Xiao Yunhai behind He Jin and said angrily, "you dare come here. What did you do with Xu Qianqian last night

Xiao Yunhai saw Xia Xiaohu's newspaper with a smile and said, "last night, I just had a cup of coffee with Qianqian. What's the big deal. Those reporters and paparazzi always like to make things out of nothing. They will do anything to sell newspapers. You can believe such trivia. Xia Xiaohu, are you not ill? "

Huang Bo, next to Xiao Yunhai, has been very low-key in the crew. Now he can't help but stand up and say, "Xia Xiaohu, can you have a little heart? If you don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, I don't think you should mix in this circle. You are still a student now. You are not only representing yourself, but also representing our Yanjing Film Academy. Look at you. Do you have any more of the style of our school? "

Huang Bo's words were like adding fuel to the fire. Hearing Xia Xiaohu's ears, he lost his sense in an instant. He said angrily, "you and Xiao Yunhai are birds of a feather. Maybe you three were all together last night."

Xia Xiaohu finished, the people around the scene were shocked. Xu Qianqian tears still hanging on her face, listened to Xia Xiaohu's words, did not say anything, walked past is a slap, cry and cry: "Xia Xiaohu, you son of a bitch." Then he covered his face and ran away.

Huang Bo was also a disaster free. He pointed to Xia Xiaohu and said, "Xia Xiaohu, I thought you were a character. Now I know that you are such a thing. Today, I really convinced you. "

Hearing the news, the actors and staff also looked at Xia Xiaohu like a fool.

He Jin was even more dissatisfied with Xia Xiaohu. He said to Zhao Gang, the deputy director sent by Hongda entertainment company to supervise the financial affairs: "Lao Zhao, I let him into the crew because of your company's face. Today, you have to give me an account. I don't want to see such an actor. I haven't even heard of it. I'm really open-minded. I can't shoot this morning. I'll take it later. Qin Yunyi and Huang Bo immediately go to make-up and shoot you first. "

Zhao Gang apologized while pulling some confused Xia Xiaohu away.

Xu Qianqian was angry run, Xia Xiaohu was taken away by deputy director Zhao, two people's play today is certainly impossible to shoot. As a result, he Jin moved the play of tomorrow to today. For this reason, the crew delayed for two hours before all the preparations were completed.

Deputy director Li Xu called on the crowd and said, "now start shooting, actors are in place, and all departments are ready."


Since Qin Yunyi got the help of Xiao Yunhai, his grasp of the role of Chu Liuxiang is getting better and better. Basically, every play with him is once.

However, as the opponent of Huang Bo is very obvious problems.

Although he spent a lot of energy for this role, he even recited the whole script lines thoroughly.

However, when he stood in the middle of the set, facing the camera and people's eyes, he suddenly became at a loss. His face was extremely stiff, and his brain was blank. He could not even remember his lines.

Although he Jin, the director, was in a bad mood, because he had no experience in filming for the first time, he just said softly: "Huang Bo, you need to relax a little, don't be so nervous. Think about your performance in the audition, and try again."

Huang Bo nodded and closed his eyes. He seemed to be looking for the status of Hu Tiehua. After a while, he said, "director, I have no problem."

He Jin gave a sigh and looked at Li Xu, the deputy director.

Li Xu understood and yelled, "attention, action"

it's a pity that Huang Bo thought very well, but his performance was completely different. No matter the lines, expressions or movements, they were all the same as his daily practice, as if he could not act in an instant. The second time it failed.

In this way, Huang Bo has ng five times in a row. The more he wants to perform well, the more he can't give a satisfactory performance. Finally, he doesn't even know where to put his hands.

The supporting actors and group actors were whispering.

"In this kind of acting, I dare to play such an important role as Hu Tiehua. It's really thick skinned."

"Oh, the pearls cast their shadows. If I were to play it, I would be better than him. I don't know how many times? "

"Forget it, people can get the role because there is something behind it. This is called the strength is not good, the background comes together, but we have the strength, but only the back. Hehe, there's no comparison. "

They did not deliberately lower their voice, so Huang Bo could hear clearly and his face looked even more ugly.

"Shut the hell up. After that, anyone who dares to chew his tongue on the set will get out. " He Jin was furious and scolded at the crowd. Everyone was silent. Especially those schadenfreudes, quickly buried their heads, for fear that the director would trouble them.He Jin then turned his head and looked at Huang Bo and said angrily, "Huang Bo, what are you doing? What did you learn in Yanjing film academy? Even such a simple play can not pass. What was your state in the audition? Did you eat it all? I tell you, don't think you have to sign a contract. There are many people who want to replace you. Five minutes. I only give you five minutes to adjust. If you can't, you can give me where to go back and forth. "

Huang Bo was scolded by He Jin in front of all the people, and he couldn't stop apologizing. If there was a hole in the ground, he had to get into it.

After apologizing to director he and the crew, he found a corner to figure out his role.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, came to Huang Bo and said to Huang Bo, who was looking down at the script, "neck, do you remember the script?"

Huang Bo looked up and saw Xiao Yunhai. He nodded and asked for help. He said, "I remember it all, but I forgot it when I went on stage."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "you are called the new barrier. I play well in my daily practice, but when I see the camera, I shiver all over, and then I feel inexplicably nervous. I feel as if I can't control my body. Let alone my expression, I can't even say my lines. "

Huang Bo nodded and said, "yes, that's right. That's what I feel. Third brother, is there any way to overcome it? "

"No Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "this needs you to rush over by yourself, no one can help you."

Huang Bo said in a hurry: "but I just feel nervous, as if the body was pressed by something, and I feel uncomfortable all over."

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's because you have too much in mind. Things outside affect your heart, so you can't really put the role of Hu Tiehua in your heart."

"Huang Bo, don't pay too much attention to external things. Those things are nothing. As long as you calm your mind and bring yourself into Hu Tiehua's world, there will be no problem at all. You must remember that you are Huang Bo and Hu Tiehua. You and he are one. "

After carefully listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Huang Bo's eyes were a bit at a loss, and there was a trace of understanding. He murmured: "I am Huang Bo and Hu Tiehua."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and walks away quietly.

When Xiao Yunhai and Huang Bo were talking, he Jin had been observing here. When he saw Xiao Yunhai come back, he quickly asked, "how about it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there should be no problem. In the final analysis, Huang Bo is just a new player. When he comes on for the first time, he is bound to be a little nervous. I'm sure he'll get back in shape , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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