Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:15 AM

Chapter 810

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At eight o'clock the next morning, Li Bing drove Xiao Yunhai and Sima Qian to Zhuozhou film and television city.

Zhuozhou film and television city set, countless groups of actors are sitting there eating breakfast.

They got up at four o'clock in the morning and made a small war drama. They were sleepy and hungry one by one, and the food was delicious.

At this time, a great wall luxury van of the crew slowly drove in, and everyone's eyes were nailed there.

Because this car is the best one for the crew. As long as you go out, it means that you must pick up a big star.

"Who? It won't be the emperor. "

"Maybe. It's said that the release dates of the two films of emperor Yun have been set, and it's time to come and make films. "

"Well, if only I could play a role in the play of emperor Yun. Even one line will do. "

"Bah, if you want to be beautiful, you have a line. Do you know how many people go through the back door to get a face in his movies? If you want to be in his crew, it's like a pie in the sky that just hits you. "

"Yes. He's the only real international superstar in China. He's paid hundreds of millions for a single play. "

While everyone was eating and chatting, the car stopped steadily.

Soon, the door opened.

When they looked, they saw a man with sunglasses and about 1.85 meters in height walked out of the car.

A young group actor had a good look at it and said, "no, he is not the emperor of cloud. It seems that he is the top Korean star, Han Chenghui."

"Oh, I see. It was him who replaced Li Shangming as Zhao Yun."

"Ha ha, it seems that the Korean performing arts circle is as competitive as our Chinese performing arts circle."

"Look, my God, it's so grand."

It turns out that after Han Chenghui got off the bus, more than ten entourage members, such as makeup artist, stylist, bodyguard, driver, assistant and so on, stood behind Han Chenghui with a pair of sunglasses and a straight waist.

An old group of actors sighed: "see, this is the momentum of Asia's top stars."

Everyone can't help nodding and admiring Han Chenghui.

In the distance, Wang Guoan, who plays Cao Cao, saw this situation and said with a smile to Zhuge Liang and Qin Tao, "now, Niu Gong is going to be in trouble."

"Why?" Qin Tao asked

Wang Guoan said, "there are less than ten rooms left in our hotel, and this gentleman brought so many accompanying people. What do you think you can do?"

Qin Tao frowned and said, "just let them live in other places, won't it?"

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "Lao Qin, you haven't filmed these two years. You don't know what these top young artists look like. They look at their faces more than anything else. You're kidding them by letting them live somewhere else

"But the boy is a bit bold. Which of the actors in the crew of "battle of Red Cliff" is worse than him? It's really naive to come here to show off. "

Qin Tao said: "it's said that South Korea is very fond of doing this. Especially those idol stars, do not take a dozen or twenty people, are embarrassed to go out

Wang Guoan nodded and said, "I heard about it. Ah, in fact, it's not only Korea now, but also the ethos of our Chinese entertainment industry. There are few young actors who really put their heart into the play

They sighed for a while, and Qin Tao suddenly said, "who is this? It's not like our crew's car. "

Wang Guoan looked over and saw a black SUV with a license plate of 6868 stopped and said, "it can't be the boy in Yunhai, right? I heard from director Wu that this guy also came here today. "

Qin Tao said, "yes. I remember that he was recently the spokesperson for Bawei

The group performers on the side started shouting again.

"What a car. I'll bet that with its momentum, it can't be won without hundreds of thousands. "

"Bah, what kind of eyes do you have. I'll tell you, this is the best off-road vehicle produced by Bawei, with a minimum of 3 million. "

"Is it the one that emperor Yun spoke for?"

"That's right."

"It should be the emperor. Ha ha, let's see how grand the emperor of cloud is? As the most outstanding international star in China, at least it can't be worse than Han Chenghui. "

The door opens and Xiao Yunhai comes out of it.

Looking around, Xiao Yunhai saw Wang Guoan standing there from a distance, so he waved and walked to him with a smile.

"Why, how can we get down alone?"

"No. Is that too low-key? "

"I don't think even a second-line star can match that in terms of such a display."

"What do you know. This is the real superstar. Because they don't need to show their status as superior to others. Artists like emperor Yun can afford to hire even 100, 1000 and 10000, not to mention a dozen or twenty entourage. It's just that they don't need it. Where he goes, people's eyes will be focused. This is the confidence, this is the strength. ""Yes. This is just like those masters in martial arts novels. The more low-key and introverted they are, the higher their martial arts skills will be. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai had come to Wang Guoan, hugged him, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Mr. Wang himself came here to wait for me. Oh, ah, I will be moved to tears. "

Xiao Yuntao can't help laughing when he hears it.

It was the first time that he met Xiao Yunhai. He once thought that an international superstar as young as he should have a strong atmosphere, which is very difficult to get close to.

However, he did not expect that people not only did not pay attention to ostentation, but also spoke with ease and humor, which was beyond Qin Tao's expectation.

Wang Guoan said with a smile, "you boy, don't do this. Don't I know the bad water in your stomach? You think I feel guilty when you say that. I tell you, there's no way. I just came here. I didn't want to wait for you here. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "well, I'm wrong. Ah, just warm heart, now the moment dropped 50 degrees, become pull cool pull cool

Wang Guoan couldn't help laughing and said, "don't talk nonsense here. Let me introduce you to Zhuge Liang and Qin Tao, your opponent. "

Xiao Yunhai stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Qin."

Qin Tao didn't take big at all, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you can look up to me, just like Mr. Wang, call me Yunhai. Mr. Xiao's words are a little awkward to hear. "

Qin Tao listened, also did not decline, smile way: "OK, after I call you cloud sea."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai is such a good talker, Qin Tao's heart has been hanging is also completely let down.

It's not that Qin Tao will be afraid of him. It's mainly because they have a lot of opponents. If Xiao Yunhai is a bad host, then Qin Tao will suffer.

"What about your team?" Wang asked? Why didn't you come? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I'm not a female star. I'm not a female star. Why do I take so many people to shoot?"

Wang Guoan and Qin Tao look at each other and see the appreciation in each other's eyes at the same time.

Qin Tao said in secret: "no wonder that when they talk about Xiao Yunhai, they are full of praise. Such a mentality and style is really rare. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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