Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:13 AM

Chapter 811

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Three people are talking and laughing forward, face-to-face with the Deputy Director Niu Gong.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "brother Niu, long time no see."

When Niu Gong saw Xiao Yunhai, his eyes lit up and said with a smile, "Yunhai, long time no see.". When you come, don't say a word, so that I can pick you up. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't know the way. Just come by yourself. I can't help you. "

Niu Gong was stunned, sighed and said, "if only you could serve as well as you."

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "what? Did Han Chenghui trouble you

Niu Gong couldn't help saying, "don't mention it. This year, I have been in three troupes. Unfortunately, every crew has Korean artists, and it is these people who have the most problems. Generally speaking, acting skills are just as good as the others. Han Chenghui brought twelve people at once. He said that there were still five people in the back. They asked all of them to stay in our hotel. Oh, Mr. Wang, do you think it is possible? We still have eight rooms in total, all of which are not enough for him. What's more, there are Yunhai, Miss Dong piaofeo and Mr. Zheng Ge. "

Qin Tao frowned and said, "what do you say, director Wu?"

Niu Gong said: "director Wu has been negotiating with him for a long time, so he almost got angry. Han Chenghui reluctantly agreed to have only two rooms. However, the conditions of his entourage cannot be inferior to ours. Hey, I'm so impressed. Yunhai, I think you are two rooms. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. We have three people in total. Two rooms are enough."

Niu Gong said: "great, I'll go to work first. Let's have a good chat in the evening

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, you are busy with your going."

After Niu Gong left, Qin Tao said angrily, "it's really outrageous."

Xiao Yunhai was puzzled and asked, "why does Wu guide want to be so used to Han Chenghui? I remember when shooting the great master, he didn't seem to have a good temper

Wang Guoan said: "there are four investors in this play. In addition to Tianhua, pengpai and brilliant entertainment companies, there is also Han Xueli, Han Chenghui's father. Originally, the role of Zhao Yun was Li Shangming, but for no reason, Han Chenghui suddenly replaced him, which made Wu's Qi very difficult at that time. Because Li Shangming has been filming for more than ten days. With such a change, all the front work is busy. "

Qin Tao sighed: "Wu director also has no way."

As they spoke, they came to the set.

Wu Zixu, who was setting the scene, saw Xiao Yunhai with a happy smile on his cold face and said, "you are here at last. Hehe, it's lucky that I made this call last night, or would you really have to wait until four days to arrive? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is no such thing. Even if you don't call me, I will come here today. It's mainly because the wife is not at home and sleepless at night. It's better to come to the production team. "

When Wu Zixu heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "you know the bullshit. How's the play going? "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "do you still need to ask? Director Wu, we are also a professional actor. The script has been printed in my mind for a long time. I'm not going to blow it off with you. Now let me write it from memory. I can't even make a mistake in punctuation. "

Wu Zixu clapped his hands and said, "that's what you said. I'll shoot you and Lao Qin tomorrow. Hehe, I'm really looking forward to Zhou Yu's meeting with Zhuge. "

Wang Guoan said: "ha ha, there's a good show to watch. It's estimated that those old folks will come here. Yunhai, don't lose your chain. "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "don't worry, no problem."

As soon as the voice fell, a strange voice came from behind Xiao Yunhai.

"Cowhide is very loud, but I don't know if I have any real skills."

Without looking back, Xiao Yunhai knew that Han Chenghui was talking, so he said with a smile: "Mr. Han, you should be glad that you are playing Zhao Yun. If you change to a role that has an opposite role with me, you will not be able to go down to a play. "

Han Chenghui snorted coldly and said, "you're not ashamed. I think you can only play with your mouth."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's better to play with your mouth than you are worthless. What else can you do but play big cards. It's said that when you shoot a play, more than ten entourage members come at once, and they all have to stay in five-star hotels. Mr. Han, don't you think it's too much? It's not a shit, but an assistant to wipe your ass


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Wang Guoan and Qin Tao nearby didn't hold back and laughed directly.

Wu Zixu did not smile, but he was very happy.

Just because of the room, Wu Zixu was so angry that he almost suffered from high blood pressure. Now Xiao Yunhai has brought this matter up, which can be regarded as a vicious breath for him.

Originally, the two important actors quarreled. As a director, he should be dissuaded. But this time Wu Zixu was extremely dissatisfied with Han Chenghui. Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was obviously better than Han Chenghui in satirizing people, he did not interrupt and let them argue.

Han Chenghui's agent saw that Xiao Yunhai was so aggressive that he could not help but angrily said: "we Chenghui is an Asian superstar. We are busy all day long. What's wrong with more team members?"Xiao Yunhai: "Asian superstar? Hehe, I'm really disrespectful. However, I want to tell you, not to mention the Asian superstar, even the world's superstar, to the "battle of Red Cliff" this crew can not play a big card, also not qualified to play a big card. What are the actors compared to? It's not pomp, it's acting. Do you understand? "

Han Chenghui was scolded by Xiao Yunhai, and his agent almost burst into anger.

In the entertainment industry for so many years, they have never been pointed at the nose in public scolding.

"Director Wu, we Chenghui came here to film, not to be scolded. Mr. Xiao is really too much. As a director, you should be in charge of it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are stupid. According to the contract, I am not an actor in the "battle of Red Cliff" crew. The reason why he came to film ahead of time was mainly due to the face of director Wu. Therefore, I am not in his charge now. "

Han Chenghui's face was hard to see. A cold light flashed in his eyes and said, "Xiao Yunhai, do you know that this play was invested by my father?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I just heard that. If it wasn't for your father, I would not have asked you to play Zhao Yun on the basis of your acting skills and character. "

Han Chenghui snorted and said, "do you think it's certain that you play Zhou Yu?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you have any means, you can use it. If you can get me out of the actor's seat, I think you have the ability. However, I want to warn you, do not threaten the crew with divestment. Because even if all four of you investors withdraw, I will be able to fill this hole. "

Han Chenghui was blocked and speechless. He looked at him coldly and said angrily, "let's see."

He was angry with the cast and left.

Wang Guoan patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "you boy is brave enough. Just came to the investor's son to scold a meal, with the words on the Internet, cattle force. "

Xiao Yunhai and I had a festival together. It's bad luck for this boy. He comes here to scold him. Director Wu, if the boy does too much in the future, you don't need to show him a good face. If he withdraws his capital, you can let him withdraw and I will make up for it. I've made a lot of money recently. I'm worried that there's no place to spend it. "

Wu Zixu nodded and said happily, "with your words, I will have confidence."

Xiao Yunhai is now a well-known billionaire in the circle. It is said that he invested more than one billion US dollars to shoot the Lord of the rings. He invited seven or eight Hollywood actors from the 40 million Club alone.

For him, investing in the battle of Chibi is only one-third of the Lord of the rings. It is not a matter at all. Even Wu Zixu still vaguely hopes that Han Chenghui's side will withdraw capital. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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