Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:12 AM

Chapter 812

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Xiao Yunhai stayed on the set for half an hour, then followed Niu Gong back to the hotel.

On the bus, Niu Gong said happily, "Yunhai, I heard you scolded Han Chenghui, didn't you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's good not to beat him."

Niu Gong patted his thigh and said, "it's really a relief."

"Brother Niu, have you found the right hotel?"

"Yes, it's right next to where we live, barely a four-star."

Xiao Yunhai light Yi a, way: "Han Chenghui does not say to want five stars?"

Niu Gong made a cut and said, "he wants to be beautiful. I went to the person in charge of the producer, and they negotiated and finally set the four-star standard. Even so, the representatives of the other three investors are full of opinions. Especially when I told them on purpose that when you brought only two people here, their faces went black. Han Chenghui how cattle, can you have this world-class superstar cow? Even if you only have two rooms, why does he want so many? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "brother Niu, you have more ghosts than before."

Niu Gong sighed: "I know my level. I can't make movies and TV series in my life. I can do some chores, be an assistant director running errands, and make a living."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not easy to deal with these messy things of the crew."

Niu Gong nodded and said, "yes. However, I have been working in this field for more than ten years, but I have some experience. At least, I have never had a big trouble. Yunhai, you are a world-class director now, and you have to take care of you in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "look at what you said. If you like, I'll sign you into Hanhai. If you want, I'll sign you into Hanhai. If you want to, I'll sign you into Hanhai. How about if you want to

Niu Gong's eyes lit up and said, "OK. You don't mean to tease me, are you? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what do I tease you for. It's still early to go to Hanhai headquarters with me after shooting the film. "

Niu Gong said happily: "Yunhai, thank you so much. In this way, I am an organized person. Ha ha. "

When he comes to the hotel, Niu Gong asks for the keys of two rooms from the service desk and takes Xiao Yunhai to Room 606 on the sixth floor.

Niu Gong said: "I know you are coming, so I have reserved the best room for you. The windows have been open for a long time, the air has been ventilated for several days, and the bedding has been exposed to the sun, which is much better than Han Chenghui

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brothers are brothers. Thank you. Where is the Chamberlain's room? "

"Next door, Room 608, are auspicious numbers."

"What about Han Chenghui?"

"Together, but 603, 604."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and laughed. He pointed to Niu Gong and said, "brother Niu, that guy has offended you, the chief manager of life. He has been down for eight generations."

Niu Gong said with a smile: "I'm just doing business. All right, you can do it yourself. Lunch, you can go directly to the restaurant on the third floor. It's all buffet. It's very hygienic and delicious. If you have anything, let's call. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, you go busy."

After Niu Gong left, Sima Qian burned a pot of boiling water, took out a box of tea from the trunk, helped Xiao Yunhai soak it, and then made up his bed and put all his luggage away. Then he went to Room 608 with Li Bing.

When Xiao Yunhai was idle and bored, he took out the script and read it again. Constantly simulating the situation in the mind, the expression on the face also changes with the development of the story, like a chameleon.

Today, Xiao Yunhai's acting skills have reached the stage of master performers, ranking at least in the top three in the Chinese entertainment industry. In addition, his temperament is not much different from Zhou Yu. He is both literate and martial arts. He is both scholarly and murderous. He has no difficulty in acting. He can be called as a natural performance.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai did not eat in the hotel, but took Sima Qian and Li Bing to a snack street. When shooting the romance of the Three Kingdoms, Xiao Yunhai was very familiar with this place. He knew exactly where to eat.

After a meal, Xiao Yunhai barely had enough to eat, but Sima Qian and Li Bing couldn't stand it for a long time.

Back to the hotel, Xiao Yunhai was about to open the door when he heard a familiar voice coming from Room 601 on the far left.

"We've put everything away. Why should we let it out?"

His voice was clear and clear, and implied anger. Xiao Yunhai immediately recognized that the speaker was su Yingxue, his former agent.

Dong Piao plays Xiao Yunhai's wife Xiao Qiao in the battle of red cliff. It's not many, but the opponent is better than one. In addition to Xiao Yun overseas, there are Wang Guoan, Qin Tao, Wu Jun and others. The pressure is not generally great.

Some time ago, Xiao Yunhai couldn't come to film because he was shooting a crazy series of movies, so Dong Piao had not been informed.Last night, Wu Zixu learned that Xiao Yunhai could join the group today, so he immediately called the relevant actors, and Dong Piao was naturally among them.

Dong floats to, as the agent Su Yingxue must also follow.

Li Bing and Sima Qian also recognized that the speaker was su Yingxue. Qi Qi looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"Come on, let's go over and have a look, see who ate the ambition leopard gall, dare to bully sister Xue and Piao Piao."

With that, Xiao Yunhai took two people to Room 601.

Before they got to the door, the three heard a man in the room say in half raw Mandarin: "this lady, I'm Mr. Han Chenghui's agent. I... "

Before he finished speaking, Su Yingxue interrupted him directly and said, "I don't care whose agent you are. I want to change rooms with us. Don't say the door. There are no windows. Now please go out at once, or I will call the police. "

Xiao Yunhai heard this, his face showed a smile, light voice: "it seems that we are superfluous."

Han Chengqing's agent came out for a while. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, his face was even more ugly.

Today, he and Han Chenghui had a bad time for eight lives. Xiao Yunhai scolded him in front of the public on the set. Now he wanted to change his room, but was reprimanded by a beautiful woman. Jin Xianyou was almost infuriated.

In South Korea, who dares not to give their face, let alone change the house, even if they are driven out, no one dares to say anything.

Now to China, do anything is not smooth, Han Chenghui and his temper is very bad, as a result, the temper of these Chinese stars is even worse, even bigger than themselves.

That's ridiculous.

Xiao Yunhai three people stand in the middle of the corridor, and do not give them way.

Jin Xianyou's heart is dark hate, bit his lips, nothing to say, with people gray from both sides of the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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