Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:09 AM

Chapter 814

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After reading it, Wu Zixu patted the table and scolded: "this Han Chenghui is really unreasonable? This video is obviously sent by him, and has also undergone post-processing, highlighting the aggressiveness of the sea of clouds and making himself a victim. It's really shameless. By the way, what's going on with this video? "

Niu Gong frowned and said, "director Wu, this picture is so clear that it's obviously not taken by mobile phone."

Wu Zixu flashed a trace of murder in his eyes and said in a deep voice: "it's not a mobile phone. It must be our crew's camera. Very good. I have repeatedly ordered that we are not allowed to take pictures on the set, let alone reveal anything about the crew. Some people are really brave. Niu Gong, you can go to laogeng later and ask him to check it for me. Who in the end took this video. Once it's found out, let him pack up and get out of here. "

Niu Gong nodded and said, "OK, no problem."

"By the way, what happened to the hotel? Didn't I ask you to prepare two rooms for him? Why does he want to live outside? "

"Mr. Wu, I just came back with you. The specific situation is not very clear, but I have handed the keys of both hotels to his agent, Jin Xianyou, and said hello to the hotel. It should be OK. He didn't mean to trouble our crew

Wu Zixu is very confident about Niu Gong's ability to handle affairs, otherwise he will not always use him as his deputy director.

Wu Zixu sneered: "that's Han Chenghui. He's looking for trouble. Hum, does he think this is South Korea? Do whatever you want. Where is the sea of clouds now? "

Niu Gong said: "I'm having dinner with Wang Guoan. I've already called him and he should be back in less than five minutes. "

At this time, Wu Zixu's door rang again.

"Director Wu, I'm Yunhai. I'm looking for you when I come here."

Niu Gong opened the door to Xiao Yunhai and said, "director Wu is also looking for you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "is it for Han Chenghui?"

Wu Zixu looked at the expression on Xiao Yunhai's face and said, "you boy, you can really be calm. It's burning. I don't see you in a hurry. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. It's useless to worry. I have to say, this guy is not a willing to suffer. In the morning, I scolded him, and he sent the video to the Internet. In the afternoon, he wants to change his room with Piao Piao, but is refused by sister Yingxue on the spot, so he moves out directly. Hehe, does he think he's a housekeeper

Niu Gong asked: "he and Miss Dong Piao want to change rooms? Why? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hands and said, "I don't know."

Wu Zixu snorted and said: "during this period of time, it has been said that Korean stars like to play big names. I didn't believe it. Especially after seeing Li Shangming's good performance in the crew, I feel that it is a false message. Now it seems that there is no reason for this. Yunhai, what are you going to do? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'll go back and send a post on my homepage and explain it. As you know, my iron powder is very effective

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "OK, your affairs are handled by yourself. I need to speak out. Next, I have to straighten out the discipline of the crew. "

Back in his room, Xiao Yunhai turned on his computer and watched the video. He shook his head and said, "the trace of this clip is too obvious. At this level, we can upload it to the Internet. "

Open his home page, Xiao Yunhai published such a post.

"The first day I came to Zhuozhou film and Television City, I met a Korean fool before I started filming. I have met each other at the golden cup TV Festival, but unfortunately I get along with each other very unhappily. Even so, there's no need to sneer at me on set. Don't say my acting skills are OK. Even if it's really bad, it's your turn to judge what's in your way. "

"And, anyway, you are also a director who has directed films. I heard that in Asia, you have also made more than 2 billion box office. But I really can't see how high you are. The video was obviously post processed, and it was very rubbish. Even the students of Yanjing Film Academy could do better than this one. If that's your true level, I'm really disappointed

"Today's entertainment industry is full of pomp, especially the stars of a certain country who come to China. They all have high eyes and want to take a strengthened company's entourage to shoot a play. To tell you the truth, I can't see this phenomenon anyway. Of course, not all stars in a certain country are like this. Li, who played Zhao Yun some time ago, is very good. It's a pity that after more than ten days of painstaking shooting, he finally left for some unspeakable reasons. There's no way. Who's going to let him be tough backstage. "

"Ha ha, I seem to have said too much, and I think I will offend many people. But it doesn't matter. As long as you support me, that's enough. "

After Xiao Yunhai's post was sent out, fans who had been waiting for idols to fight back immediately took action. Only half an hour, they reprinted tens of thousands of times, and all the well-known forums were captured by them.No way, Xiao Yunhai has too many fans. As long as one tenth of the people are online, there will be nothing else.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you. How can emperor Yun teach people when he's free."

"The emperor is right. There are a lot of stars in South Korea who like to play big names and are not friendly to their fans

"It's crazy to think about a star with more than ten entourage. No wonder the emperor does not like him. "

"What I find most ridiculous is that someone even said that emperor Yun's acting skills are not good. My God, is he blind?"

"I think the emperor's scolding is a little light. It should be heavier."

"Support the emperor, those Korean fans wake up."

Of course, as an Asian star, Han Chenghui has a large number of fans. In particular, this year, he made an idol drama. Once broadcast, the response was strong, and the highest ratings reached 7%. At the same time, popularity soared, and the number of fans jumped from millions to tens of millions.

Seeing that their idols are attacked by Xiao Yunhai and his fans, these Korean fans are not happy and have launched posts on the forum.

"Most of our Huige's entourage is playing big names and joking. There are people who are bigger than him. Why don't you talk about them

"From the video, it is clearly that Xiao Yunhai is aggressive there. Huige is so angry that he has not said anything."

"Xiao Yunhai bullies Huige at will because he is an international superstar. It's unreasonable."

"Xiao Yunhai is arrogant and arrogant in ordinary days. It has not been published once or twice in the newspaper. Now not only do not change, but also become more and more serious, such an idol, who likes who is stupid. "

The two sides argued fiercely online. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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