Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:05 AM

Chapter 817

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Han Xueli was surprised to see the public's attitude towards Xiao Yunhai. He secretly said, "this young man seems very complicated."

After being polite, Xiao Yunhai and Dong Piao sit next to Wu Zixu.

Han Chenghui, who has been staring at him, hummed: "it has been 20 minutes since I called you. Your efficiency is too slow."

Xiao Yunhai tilted his eyes, glanced at him, and said with disdain: "what identity do you have, you dare to question me."


When Han Chenghui heard this, he stood up and glared at Xiao Yunhai.

But Xiao Yunhai did not even look at him, picked up the tea in front of him and sipped it gently.

One is calm, the other is furious and has not yet spoken. Both of them have made high judgments.

Chu Heng and other people secretly said: "no wonder Xiao Yunhai can't fight. Han Chenghui's city government is really too poor. "

Han Xueli frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, are you too good to see nobody else?"

Xiao Yunhai gave a smile and said, "Mr. Han, I think it's appropriate for you to put your words on your son. It's better to keep a low profile when shooting in China, especially for super large groups like "battle of Red Cliff". In terms of identity, status and acting, your son is not in the cast. But he is one of the biggest brands. He doesn't speak through his brain. The most ridiculous thing is that he still wants to use the media to suppress our entire production team. Hehe, it's because you are one of the investors. Otherwise, director Wu drove him away yesterday. "

Han Xueli narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped Han Chenghui, who was ready to speak. He said, "Mr. Xiao is really overbearing, and his eloquence is also first-class. No wonder Chenghui was trained like that on the video? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Han, it's meaningless for you to say this. We should pay attention to a reasonable word in everything. If it wasn't for your son who would speak ill of me when he met, I wouldn't have bothered to talk about him

Wu Zixu snorted and said, "the video was obviously processed. Can't Mr. Han see it? Even if you can't see it, I can tell you the whole story. If you don't believe me, there were more than a dozen people on the scene at the beginning. You can ask any one of them. "

Han Xueli had known the whole story for a long time. Of course, he was not willing to discuss it in front of the public. He said, "we have no meaning in discussing these things. No matter what's wrong with Cheng Hui, it's too much for Wu to be angry with him in front of all the people in the drama group, and even to dismiss him from the crew? There's a saying in China, it's called "looking at Buddha's face without looking at monk's face.". How can I say that I'm also an investor in this movie? You're not giving me face to do this? "

Wu Zixu frowned and said, "Mr. Han, there is one thing I want to make clear. It's true that you're an investor, but that doesn't mean your son can do whatever he wants. It took me a year to prepare the script for this play, which is top-notch in any respect. As long as I take pictures according to my ideas, I will definitely be able to make a steady profit. Your investment accounts for 30% of the shares, which also means that you will enjoy 30% of the profits. For you, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. Face is given to each other, Han Chenghui in front of the media gossip, nonsense, never thought to give me face. I've been filming all my life, and I've never had that actor dare to hit me in the face outside. "

Wu Zixu said more and more angry, and his voice became louder and louder. Finally, he slapped him directly on the table.

The atmosphere of the whole conference room suddenly became tense, and the air seemed to be full of gunpowder.

In South Korea, Han Xueli is one of the most famous business leaders. Wherever he goes, he gets flowers and applause.

In recent years, the entertainment industry has become more and more developed. Han Xueli has made a lot of money for him by investing in many films and TV plays.

Which of the directors did not flatter him when he met him, for fear that he would not be happy. No director dared to talk to him like Wu Zixu.

Thinking of this, Han Xueli couldn't help his anger any longer. He patted the table with a bang and said angrily, "director Wu, is this your attitude to talk to me? I'm an investor. I'm the one who gives you money to film. At least you should give me some respect. "

"Respect? Ha ha, Mr. Han, it's better to teach your son how to respect others. " Wu Zixu pointed to Dong Piao next to him and said, "send your agent and some big men to the girls' rooms and change rooms with them. Is that respect for others? "

Han Xueli was furious: "I spent so much money, can't I let my son stay in a satisfactory hotel room?"

Wu Zixu said, "of course. But can't you have a good discussion with them? "

Han Chenghui said coldly: "director Wu, your crew deliberately left me a room 603, 604, really think I am a fool, do not understand Chinese culture?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "fortunately, the rest are not the third and fourth floors. Otherwise, I'm afraid Mr. Han doesn't even have a place to live. "Seeing that the two sides did not give in to each other, Xue Tianhua quickly stood up and made a comeback.

"Mr. Han, Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao, all of you should calm down first. I think that's the end of the matter. Let's discuss how to solve this problem? "

Chu Heng nodded and said, "yes. It doesn't help to keep arguing. Mr. Han, what do you mean? "

Han Xueli obviously had a draft for a long time and said, "it's very simple. 1、 Director Wu takes back the order to drive Chenghui out of the crew. Second, Mr. Xiao and Miss Dong have to apologize publicly in front of the whole crew. Third, Miss Dong piaofeo wants to change rooms with Chenghui. "

As soon as Han Xueli's words were said, everyone was stunned.

What's up?

Is this the attitude of dealing with things?

Are you kidding?

Han Xueli's appetite is too big.

Dong Piao Wang to Xiao Yunhai, these three conditions, apology, room change all related to her, but the problem is that she does not want to agree.

If Dong Piaopiao really does, then her face will be lost. How can she mix in the entertainment industry in the future.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and laughed at her, pointing to himself and Wu Zixu, which meant to make her calm and not be impatient and not to express opinions casually. With himself and Wu Zixu, there won't be any problems.

Dong Piao Piao nodded slightly to show that he understood.

I didn't expect that the first speaker was not Wu Zixu, but Xue Tianhua.

"Mr. Han, I think the second and the third are too much. Piao Piao is the leading actress of Tianhua film and television media company. Even if the play is not filmed, we can never promise to apologize and change rooms. Once spread out, Piao's development will be greatly affected, which will be very detrimental to our Tianhua company. "

Xue Tianhua knows that Xiao Yunhai is the son of the Xiao family. He has a very good relationship with Dong Piao, which may be his outer room.

Therefore, he has been very concerned about Dong Piao's every move in the company, for fear that she has any dissatisfaction. A few days ago, she also changed her contract to increase her profit ratio with the company from 4:6 to 7:3.

Naturally, the purpose is to maintain a good relationship with Xiao Yunhai through Dong Piao. At that time, Xiao's family will be in the sky, and Tianhua film and television media company will have a backing in government departments. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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