Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:04 AM

Chapter 818

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Han Xueli frowned and was about to speak when Wu Zixu opened his mouth.

"As a director, the most terrible thing is that you can't control the crew. Since Wu Zixu said it in front of everyone, I would not take it back. I can't do things that change day and night. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I don't have to say anything about my business. Let me apologize. It's impossible for the sun to come out in the West

Han Xueli frowned, patted the table hard, and said coldly, "then you are determined to do the right thing with me? Isn't it? "

Wu Zixu said: "Mr. Han, no one wants to fight against you as an investor. If you want the crew to go on smoothly, you have to leave. "

Wu Zixu's words are tough. Han Chenghui's behavior has gone far beyond his bottom line. With Xiao Yunhai's financial support behind him, Wu Zixu has no fear of Han Xueli.

If you want Han Chenghui to rejoin the crew, hum, there is no door.

Han Xueli didn't expect Wu Zixu to be so stubborn that he almost burst his lungs with anger.

Han Chenghui's face beside him was even more difficult to see. His eyes flashed with cold light, his chest heaved violently, his hands clenched, and his knuckles turned white. If Han Xueli had not been here, I'm afraid he would have stood up and cursed Wu Zixu.

Peng Huaibin, the boss of surging entertainment company, said: "director Wu, Han is always an investor in films. Isn't it inappropriate for you to do so? "

Xiao Yunhai looks at Peng Huaibin and knows that he and Han Xueli must have some kind of agreement in private before he can speak for each other.

In this regard, Xiao Yunhai is not angry, this is a very normal thing.

Wu Zixu said, "there's nothing wrong with it. If the actor is not suitable, the director should change. Otherwise, the film will be delayed or the effect will be bad, which will affect the box office performance of the whole film. "

Wu Chenghui is here to make a big model. I'm a director. I don't know what's going on. Who are you cheating on here

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "Han Chenghui, if you don't understand, it means that your directing realm is not enough. In order to make a really good film, directors, actors, lighting, photography, art, drama and so on, all of us have to work hard at one place. Even if it can not achieve the expected effect. If the whole crew is fighting with each other all day long, and you don't like me and I don't like you, the play is doomed to die. "

Han Chenghui sneered: "if you leave, I promise not to make trouble."

Xiao Yunhai said, "what do you mean is that if I don't leave, you will still do it, right?"

Han Chenghui said angrily, "don't misinterpret what I mean."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "your temper is really only suitable for the director who gives orders, not the actor who listens to the director's orders."

Han Xueli said, "well, I'll say for the last time that one of the three conditions is indispensable, otherwise I will withdraw my capital. I don't know what the other managers said? "

Although he asked, he looked at Peng Huaibin, hoping that he could follow suit and support himself.

Peng Huaibin looked at Xiao Yunhai with some misgivings and said, "I think it's disrespectful for our investors to do so. If President Han withdraws, I will quit. "

Han Xueli smiles on his face.

Xue Tianhua said: "Mr. Han and Mr. Peng, would you like to think about it again. The prospect of this play is very good. It's a pity if you give up. "

Although the words were polite, they chose Wu Zixu and Xiao Yunhai for their meaning. As the only boss who knows Xiao Yunhai's background, he must follow Xiao Yunhai closely.

After Xue Tianhua finished, they all looked at the brilliant general manager Chu Heng.

Chu Heng took a sip of tea and said, "for the battle of Chibi", I have always been very optimistic about it. But when something like this happened, I felt a bit of danger. To be on the safe side, I opt out. Mr. Xue, Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao are really sorry. "

After Chu Heng finished, Wu Zixu frowned, while Han Xueli and Han Chenghui showed a victory smile.

In addition to Xue Tianhua, the four major investors withdrew three at once, and 80% of the funds went wrong. If they were placed in the general production team, they would certainly fall apart.

Han Xueli said with a little pride: "director Wu, I can take a step back. There is no need for Mr. Xiao and Miss Dong to apologize in public. As long as they present my son with a cup of tea, I can continue to inject money. Of course, the other two conditions remain unchanged. "

Although Han Xueli said to Wu Zixu, everyone's eyes were on Xiao Yunhai.

Dong Piao Piao is a girl. Obviously, he takes Xiao Yunhai as his lead. It can be said that Xiao Yunhai's decision at the moment represents the final result.

Holding up a cup of tea, Xiao Yunhai sipped it gently and said with a smile, "Mr. Han, do you think your son is qualified to drink my tea? Mr. Chu and Mr. Peng, since they have decided to withdraw their capital, will the actors of your company withdraw along with them? "

Chu Heng and Peng Huaibin looked at each other, and Qiqi shook his head and said, "they have already signed a contract. Whether they leave or not will be up to them. It has nothing to do with us."They are very clear in their hearts that if they ask the company's actors to withdraw after withdrawing their capital, they will completely offend Wu Zixu and Xiao Yunhai.

Wu Zixu is just a director, but there is also a Xiao Yunhai in it.

Their company has just signed a two-year special effects patent contract with dreamland and set up their own special effects team. They don't want to be embarrassed by the relationship between Han Xueli and Han Chenghui and Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai nodded, stood up and said with a smile, "that's good. Since President Han, general manager Chu and general manager Peng all decided to withdraw their capital, the stall left by the three was taken over by Xiao Yunhai. Mr. Xue, will you not object? "

Xue Tianhua knew this for a long time and said, "of course, I will not object. But I'm asking for more investment. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "let's close the door and discuss the next thing. Three bosses, anything else? If it's OK, we won't have three in our crew. "

Han Xueli's eyes shot a knife like eyes and said coldly, "Mr. Xiao is really daunting. I wish you a great success in your film."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for your blessing. We will try our best."

Han Xueli was very angry at Xiao Yunhai's words. He clenched his fists and looked at Xiao Yunhai deeply for a long time. He seemed to keep his appearance in mind. Then he turned around and left the conference room with a ferocious Han Chenghui.

Peng Huaibin and Chu Heng also stood up, apologized to everyone, and then left with several producers.

After the crowd left, Xiao Yunhai touched his face and said, "have you seen Han Xueli's eyes when he left? It's just too affectionate. Have I become handsome again recently? Even Han Xueli can't help but take a fancy to me. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Xue Tianhua, Wu Zixu, Dong piaofeo and others in the office looked at each other, and then burst into a burst of laughter.

Wu Zixu laughed and pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "you boy, I'm convinced."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I was just joking because the atmosphere was a little dignified. Well, since the eyesore has gone, let's have a meeting ourselves. "

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "I think it's better to call in all the chief creators of the crew and hold a forum together. The purpose is very simple, just four words, unity of thought. "

Xiao Yunhai hit a ring finger, way: "do so."

Wu Zixu said: "I'll let Niu Gong inform you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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