Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:02 AM

Chapter 819

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Taking advantage of Wu Zixu's phone call, Xue Tianhua said, "Yunhai, now there are only two investors left. How do you think it is appropriate to allocate the investment share?"

Xiao Yunhai had a solemn look on his face and said, "Mr. Xue, I think this film" battle of Red Cliff "may be very dangerous. I think so. You can quit at all. I will take all the investment. When you can, the movie will pay and you will suffer. "

Hearing this, Xue Tianhua laughed and said, "there is no such thing as this. I have no less confidence in this play than you. At the beginning, the ratio of our four companies was 2:2:3:3, while Tianhua film and television media company only accounted for 20%. Now that the other three have left, I think we should adjust the ratio to 5:5. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "that's no good. I have to account for at least 70 percent."

Xue Tianhua said: "your appetite is too big, right? The investment in this play is at least 1.8 billion yuan, and 70% is 1.2 billion yuan. Are you really afraid of losing money? "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "with the ability of director Wu and the performance of our actors, I can't guarantee whether we can conquer the world film world. But if you want to be popular in Asia, there should be no problem. 7: 3. How about that ratio? "

Xue Tianhua thought for a moment and said, "well, a gentleman has the beauty of success. Since you attach so much importance to this play, and our company's capital chain is not very abundant, then I will give it to you. But how do you calculate your pay? "

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai signed a contract with the crew that his remuneration would be converted into 7% of the box office profit. Now that he has become an investor, Xue Tianhua has made such a big concession. It would be inappropriate to follow this contract again

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "Mr. Xue, generally speaking, my salary is 40 million US dollars for a play Now the interest rate is about 100 million yuan. Although the battle of Chibi is divided into two parts, I only accept one, that is, 100 million Chinese dollars. You make up 30 percent of that, that's 30 million. "

Xue Tianhua said with a smile: "one hundred million can invite you, an international superstar, to act in two plays. It seems that this is cheap and I have made a lot of money. OK, I'll have your agent contacted tomorrow to get your pay settled. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "No. We'll sign a new contract, and when you inject money into the crew, we'll have to pay 30 million more. "

Xue Tianhua nodded his head and said, "it's good to avoid trouble."

Wu Zixu, who had already finished the call, said with a smile, "have you finished dividing the stolen goods?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's finished. Director Wu, Xue and I can always make a lot of money, but we all depend on you. "

Wu Zixu said: "you say so, I feel the burden on my shoulders again a lot."

As soon as Wu Zixu's voice dropped, the door of the conference room opened. Niu Gong came in with the leaders of the various departments of the production team and more than ten actors including Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun, Qin Tao, and Lin Yongzheng.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Guoan couldn't wait to ask, "director Wu, what's the result? How much impact does it have on our shooting? "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "in addition to Mr. Xue, the other three investors have withdrawn their capital."

Sun Yanjun saw Wu Zixu's mood seemed to be very good. He moved his heart, looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "it seems that our Xiaoda rich man has made a move?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, stood up, clasped his fist and said, "dear teachers, I am now the largest investor in our production team. I have invested 1.2 billion yuan in it. Therefore, please support director Wu more in future shooting, and strive to make our two plays popular all over the world."

When people learned that Xiao Yunhai had become an investor, they were shocked by their spirits and showed their smiling faces one after another.

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "that's great. Without the agitation of some people and the strong support of Yunhai and Mr. Xue, we have absolutely no problem with our crew. "

Qin Tao nodded and said, "yes. For example, today, we have all of them. If this is not enough to make the battle of Chibi a classic, then we people will simply find a piece of tofu to kill us. "

Sun Yanjun asked: "since Han Chenghui has gone, who are you going to play Zhao Yun, director Wu?"

Wu Zixu didn't think about it, so he said, "who else can there be? It must be Li Shangming. "

Before, South Korean film and television star Li Shangming plays Zhao Yun to let Wu Zixu, sun Yanjun, they are very satisfied. Li Shangming is better than Han Chenghui both in character and in acting. I don't know how many times. Unfortunately, due to the background can not compare with Han Chenghui, was casually found a reason, helpless end.

Although Li Shangming only filmed for more than ten days, with his excellent performance, he has finished filming the most important part of Zhao Zilong's battle with Changbanpo. Now the crew of "battle of Chibi" has nothing to do with Han's father and son. Wu Zixu naturally hopes that Li Shangming can return to the crew and continue to shoot other parts.

Sun Yanjun nodded and said, "in this way, we don't need to remake the battle of Changbanpo. We just don't know if his company is willing to release people?"Xue Tianhua said with a smile: "Li Shangming's HK entertainment company has a cooperative relationship with Yunhai's dream special effects company. As long as Yunhai asks people to call their company and talk about it, it should be OK."

Xiao Yunhai said, "it's easy to do. I'll have HK entertainment contacted immediately after the meeting. "

The next meeting lasted for more than an hour. Everyone talked about the shooting of the crew with your words and I. the atmosphere was very warm.

Wu Zixu is very clear, this is Xiao Yunhai this new investor brings.

After shooting TV dramas such as "Xiao Ao Hu Hu Hu", "Legend of Shooting Heroes", "love apartment 2", etc., who do you want to ask Chinese directors who they like to cooperate with most? No doubt they will choose Xiao Yunhai.

Maybe it's the director's reason, so Xiao Yunhai's support for the director is the greatest. He asks for money and people to give him. And the most important thing is that he never interferes with the director's work, and he doesn't force other investors to cram people into the production team.

In addition to sending several financial personnel with no real power to take charge of the accounts, Xiao Yunhai basically did not care about other things. Even when he was filming the legend of the shooting Eagle hero, he did not even go there once.

In this way, it is equivalent to giving the director the greatest right to make the film and TV series perfect according to their own will.

Now, the crew is in the hands of Xiao Yunhai, which is definitely different from the situation of the previous four investors. Therefore, everyone is full of confidence in the next shooting of the crew, which will be so excited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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