Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:44 AM

Chapter 82

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After five minutes off, the crew began shooting again. Huang Bo seemed to have figured out something. The whole person seemed to relax a lot. Imagine what Xiao Yunhai said to her, and then he entered the world of hutihua.

As a result, Huang Bo showed her expression with her expression, lines and actions, and Hu Tiehua's prodigal feelings, and no trace of his performance was seen again.

The stage fright problem has passed, and Huang Bo seems to find the best way to play the role of sulongrong. The rest of the performances are perfect.

In the afternoon, Zhao deputy director with xiaxiaohu and xuqianqian returned to the drama group. Xiaxiaohu bought a lot of fruit, which is to express his deep apology for the drama team. As the nephew of Hongda entertainment company, he didn't want to be too nervous about the relationship with xiaxiaohu. He said two words, even if he said it.

As for xuqianqian, also did not know what magic xiaxiaohu gave her, not only did not separate ways, but more like paint. When xiaxiaohu looked at xiaoyunhai, his expression was full of pride.

In the next day, Xiao Yunhai, regardless of whether there is play or not, will follow every day, learn how to put props, how to arrange the machine space, how to adjust the lighting, how the actors adjust, etc. at the same time, he also went to various departments to help, lighting group, art group, photography group, recording group all have his activities.

In the past, he mixed up the drama groups for decades, and had a general understanding of all aspects of filming film and television series. Now, after several days of in-depth study, he has a more sober understanding of the work of various departments and laid a good foundation for his future career as a director.

The shooting of the legend of Chu Liuxiang is divided into literary and martial arts. In the aspect of literary drama, after several days of running in, everyone has made great progress. Xiaoyunhai is the most prominent, and the nickname "one pass" is given.

In the field of martial arts, because everyone has not been trained professionally, it is very slow to shoot. But xiaoyunhai is still a passing.

He had a hard time. In addition to the experience of previous times, no matter how difficult the action director Yang Lei set him, Xiao Yunhai could accomplish more perfect than Yang Lei. This makes Yang Lei very injured. Finally, all the action plays, Xiao Yunhai, are designed by himself.

Just as Xiao Yunhai was about to finish his play, he suddenly got the director's phone call and told him to go to the meeting room on the third floor of the hotel at 9:00 in the evening. It was said that Zhao Gang of Hongda entertainment company had a very important personnel transfer to announce.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and felt something wrong.

Today, when filming on the scene, xiaxiaohu repeatedly smiles at his own pride. He felt a little confused at that time. Now, Xiao Yunhai thinks that the other party should be going to take the hand.

At 8:50 p.m., Xiao came to the conference room and found that most of the main creators came except for what to guide.

Zhao Gang of Hongda entertainment, Li Rongqi of pengpai entertainment, Qin Yunyi, caipingya, and vice director Li Xu have all been sitting in their respective positions.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming in, Li Xu stood up and pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Mr. Xiao, come and sit."

Xiao Yunhai greeted others and sat down at Li Xu's side and asked tentatively, "brother Li, what is the content of today's meeting? How did you drive so suddenly? "

Li Xu shook his head and said softly, "I don't know."

Xiao Yunhai frowned, looked at the unpredictable Zhao Gang opposite him, and Zhao Gang smiled at him.

At nine o'clock, he Jin stepped into the meeting room.

"Now that everyone is here, let's have a meeting. Mr. Zhao, what is important to you now? "

Xiao Yunhai, in his heart, didn't expect to know the purpose of the meeting even if he had any strength.

Zhao Gang took up the cup and drank tea slowly and said: "I asked him to call all of you to the meeting, mainly because I felt that some actors were really unsatisfactory in the performance of the film. With a responsible attitude towards the crew, I think we should take measures. For this reason, I have discussed with Mr. Li, and he also agrees with my proposal... To change the actor. "

Li Rongqi nodded with cooperation and said, "I agree with Mr. Zhao."


Zhao Gang and Li Rongqi's words were like a deep-water bomb burst out suddenly, and shocked all the main creations here for a while.

It's only a few days, and I'm going to change actors. I'll go home.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like sword stabbing Zhao Gang, and he finally knew where the problem was.

As the original author of the legend of Chu Liuxiang, Xiao Yunhai is in a super position. No matter how to move, Zhao Gang never dared to move him.

In this world of intellectual property rights, writers, producers and original writers are highly respected by the outside world.

Once Chu LiuXiang's author is expelled from the crew, it will be a big event and will be criticized by the media. So Xiao Yunhai didn't worry about himself.

What he really worried about was his brother Huang Bo.Huang Bo didn't get a good rest all night because he had a bad stomach last afternoon. His performance today is not ideal. In a play, 17 times in a row, created the most of the crew, which made him angry and scolded Huang Bo.

Now it seems that things are coming to him.

Xiao Yunhai looks at He Jin, who is sitting in the first place. At this time, he Jin's face is gloomy and is about to wring out of the water.

Zhao Gang and Li Rongqi did not even discuss with themselves in advance, but put the matter on the table. In their eyes, there was no director of their own.

He Jin looked at Zhao Gang and asked, "who do you want to change?"

Zhao Gang said: "I think we should replace Huang Bo who plays Hu Tiehua. We all know the importance of his role. At first, our company objected to the role of a new comer. I feel that he has neither fame nor played a role, so it is very inappropriate to give him the role rashly. Sure enough, looking at his performance today, a simple part has been stuck more than ten times in a row. I think it's necessary to change an actor to perform. "

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai's conjecture was not wrong. They had no way to get themselves down, so they tried to brush off Huang Bo, who had made friends with him.

It seems that Huang Bo's diarrhea yesterday should not be accidental.

Otherwise, it would not have happened.

There was a brief silence in the conference room, and the air seemed to freeze together.

He Jin glanced at Xiao Yunhai and found that the other side did not show any surprise in the face of this unfavorable situation. He Jin was still calm as water and calm as a mountain.

He is very clear, Huang Bo can get this role, is completely recommended by Xiao Yunhai. Now, if we take Huang Bo as an example, we will lose Xiao Yunhai's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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