Published at 11th of May 2022 05:48:01 AM

Chapter 820

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Just after the meeting, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Chu Heng.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry. We have signed an agreement with Mr. Han Xueli to shoot ten films and TV plays in three years, so I have to withdraw funds to show my support for him. Please don't be surprised. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, you are serious. Is this the same reason for Mr. Peng? "

Chu Heng said: "yes. However, they are much earlier than us. Surging entertainment is shooting an idol drama and the two films that will be finished immediately. They are all jointly invested by them

Xiao Yunhai said: "Han Xueli has a big appetite. He should be ready to enter the entertainment industry. Mr. Chu, to tell you the truth, I am very confident in the battle of Chibi. The withdrawal of their capital is undoubtedly a great opportunity for me to take charge of the play. I thank you for your time. How can I blame you. It's a pity that Xue didn't return it, otherwise I would be a sole proprietorship. Hehe, after this play is released and sold well, don't blame me for robbing your play. "

Chu Heng laughed and said, "how can it be? As long as you don't think I'm with Han Xueli, I'm going to be right with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm not so small."

After talking with Chu Heng, Peng Huaibin calls in. Like Chu Heng, he explains to Xiao Yunhai why he supports Han Xueli.

Seeing that they were so careful, Xiao Yunhai felt that his dream special effects company had become a great company now.

Hawaii, USA.

A handsome man in his thirties was reading an entertainment magazine under the sun umbrella.

Today's sunshine is very good, many people come to surf, many foreign beauties see the man that Yingwu extraordinary appearance, secretly look at. A few brave women even came directly to invite him to play, but he was politely refused by the man.

"Good news, Shangming. Don't go on holiday. Let's go. Let's go back. "

This young man is Li Shangming, who once played Zhao Yun. The speaker is his brother and his agent, Li Shangliang.

Li Shangming put down the magazine and said helplessly: "brother, I really don't want to work any more recently. Please let me have a good rest."

Since being forced out of the "battle of Chibi" crew by the head of KH company, Li Shangming is not feeling well.

As one of the South Korean film and television stars, Li Shangming is different from Han Chenghui and Cui Minxian. He is on his own efforts and superior acting skills step by step. In South Korea, where idol dramas are rampant, Li Shangming is a lotus flower that grows out of mud but not dyed. Although he is handsome, he has never shot idol drama and never published lace news.

Can rely on the strength to walk to today, his hard work can be imagined.

Li Shangming has been preparing for the performance of "battle of Chibi" for three months. He has read the romance of the Three Kingdoms back and forth for more than eight times, searched the Internet for numerous materials about Zhao Yun, and invited a gun master to teach him how to shoot.

Such careful preparation made Li Shangming feel like a fish in water when he arrived on the set. Whether it was a literary or martial opera, he performed with ease, and was praised by the director and those film masters. At the same time, Li Shangming also learned a lot from these old artists.

What he didn't expect was that after only ten days of filming, the company let him give up the role.

When Li Shangming received the news, he was confused and had a big fight with the deputy director of the brokerage department who informed him. Then the director of the company's brokerage department, the vice president in charge of film, and the vice president in charge of television all went to the battle, but did not persuade Li Shangming to come back.

We should know that Li Shangming is a top star in South Korea, and his annual profit can reach hundreds of millions of Chinese dollars. Therefore, even the top management of HK company should have a good talk with him. If it had been for other stars, it would have been taken back by force.

Finally, the boss of HK entertainment company called in person. Li Shangming knew that the matter was irreparable. At the same time, he also learned from the boss that the initiator was Han Chenghui.

Although Li Shangming hated in his heart, his background and backstage were not as good as others, so he had to go back reluctantly.

To claim to go to America to recuperate is actually just a holiday.

Li Shangliang held a notebook computer and put it in front of Li Shangming. He said, "look at the news."

Li Shangming glanced at the title at random, and his spirit was greatly improved. The title of the webpage said: "the battle of Chibi" has made waves again, Asian superstar Han Chenghui has been expelled from the director, and Xingguang Electronics Group, surging entertainment company and brilliant entertainment company have withdrawn their capital. "

Looking at the whole report, Li Shangming suppressed his excitement and said, "brother, when did this happen?"

Li Shangliang said with a smile: "only two hours have passed since the withdrawal of the three major companies. Just now, Niu Gong, the deputy director of "battle of Red Cliff", called me and said that director Wu hoped you could continue to play the role of Zhao Yun. Would you like to go there? "

Li Shangming said excitedly, "do you still need to say? Definitely. It's just amazing to be able to play against so many Movie Masters. ""But..." Li Shangming frowned and said, "will the company let me go? Will they stop me from going because they are afraid of Han Chenghui? "

"I just contacted the company, and the company's opinion is up to you," Li said

Li Shangming was surprised and asked, "aren't they afraid of Han Xueli and his son? Why did you agree to let me go this time? "

Li Shangliang said with a smile: "after the divestment of the three major companies, Mr. Xiao Yunhai, the best director in Hollywood and the protagonist of our film, has become a new investor. He asked dream special effects company to call our HK brokerage department and said that Mr. Xiao Yunhai personally invited you to perform Zhao Yun. As you know, our company has just signed a special effects patent contract with dreamland, and Mr. Xiao's economic strength is no worse than that of starlight Electronics Group, so the company has left the decision-making power to us. "

Li Shangming said happily, "what are we waiting for? Hurry up and go to Yanjing. Brother, give me your cell phone. I want to call director Wu. "

Li Shangliang was also very happy to see that his brother, who had been depressed for many days, had changed his spirit. He said, "let's go back to the hotel and fight again. I've already reserved a ticket to leave at 2 p.m. and arrive in Yanjing tomorrow. "

The next day, when the two brothers arrived at Zhuozhou film and Television City, it was just nine o'clock in the morning.

Instead of going to the hotel, he went straight to the set.

As soon as they got off the bus, they saw many people scurrying towards the studio, as if something had attracted them.

Li Shangliang took one of them by the arm and asked, "brother, can you tell me what happened to the crew of battle of red cliff?"? Why do you all run so fast? "

The man was not angry and said, "are you a member of our crew? I don't even know that. I tell you, today is the summit match between the world's superstar cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai and the film Emperor Qin Tao. Can you say that we are not excited? Let me go now, and don't delay my going to see a good play

After the man left, Li Shangliang looked at Li Shangming, whose eyes were shining. He said, "shall we call Niu Gong and let him come out to meet us?"

Li Shangming shook his head, took a big stride and said, "what else can I do for you. Let's go straight there. I really want to see if Mr. Xiao, who is younger than me, has any real skills under his hands? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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