Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:59 AM

Chapter 821

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The two rushed to the studio and found that dozens of people had come, all crowded at the door of the room.

Wu Zixu is talking about drama in person. It is more appropriate to discuss it than to talk about it.

Wang Guoan, sun Yanjun and other seven or eight movie emperor class actors stood behind the surveillance machine. They had high status, so they could watch the match closely inside.

Li Shangming squeezed several times, but did not squeeze in. He happened to see the Deputy Director Niu Gong, who had a Guqin carried by him and came over.

"Go and go, give me a break." Niu Gong called out to the crowd.

Everyone looked back and saw that he was the deputy director in charge of the power of the production team. He quickly gave a way out.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Shangming quickly said to Niu Gong: "Niu Dao, long time no see."

Niu Gong turned his head and said happily, "it's Mr. Li. Last night, director Wu was still talking about you. I didn't expect you came so fast. "

Li Shangming said with a smile, "I love this role. Can't I come earlier?"

"What are you waiting for? Come with me and see director Wu. "

While laughing and joking, they directed some of the drama crew to carry the Guqin in.

The crowd at the door saw Li Shangming and began to whisper.

"Isn't this Li Shangming?"

"Yes, he is. Isn't he physically unfit to train in America? How come you're back. "

"Boss, you're not sick. If you believe it in official terms, you are too naive."

"Last time, Li Shangming should have been driven out by Han Chenghui. Now Han Chenghui has been expelled by director Wu, and the investor has become a cloud emperor who supports him 100 percent. Li Shangming, who has been filming for more than ten days, can naturally come back to play Zhao Yun."

"This guy is lucky."

"It's not luck, it's strength. Li Shangming's acting skills are very good. He won the praise of director Wu and other film emperors. Otherwise, the role would not fly back to his hands

Li Shangliang was very proud when he heard what they said.

After Li Shangming followed Niu Gong into the room, he glanced around and saw that director Wu was busy. Instead of disturbing him, he came to Wang Guoan and said hello to them respectfully.

Sun Yanjun patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I didn't expect it. Can you come back?"

Li Shangming nodded and said, "yes. I thought I had missed the role, but I didn't expect to come back here after half a month. I really want to thank all the teachers for letting me continue to play Zhao Yun. "

Wang Guoan laughed and pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "if you want to thank him, you should thank him most. Ha ha, the sea of clouds has become our big boss, and the life of the crew will be much better. "

Sun Yanjun said: "however, we Wu director's life is going to be sad."

Li Shangming asked in a puzzled way: "Mr. Sun, didn't you say that Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wu had a good relationship?"

"You misunderstand me." Sun Yanjun nuzzled his mouth to Niu Gong, who was placing the guqin, and said, "have you seen that Qin? When Yunhai came over in the morning, he found that the old one was no longer good, so he asked people to rent a Guqin directly from the piano shop outside. This kid is very strict with the play, and he never cares about money. In addition, he is an international director with sharp eyes. Do you think that with such an investor, can director Wu live a better life? "

Wang Guoan, who was next to him, said with a smile, "he found it all by himself. At the meeting yesterday afternoon, director Wu ignored Yunhai's opposition and directly appointed him as artistic director and deputy director, which brought about today's affairs. Otherwise, if you are a man of the sea of clouds, where will you take care of these? "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "however, this is good for our play. With the co-operation of the two top directors, I believe that the film we made will be popular all over the world. "

Looking at Xiao Yunhai, who is talking to Director Wu, Li Shangming suddenly feels unconvinced and says, "let me take a good look at what makes this Oscar director outstanding in acting.".

After a while, all the preparatory work has been completed, Wu Zixu came to the surveillance plane.

Seeing Li Shangming, Wu Zixu smiles and says, "Shangming, after shooting this scene, I'll let Niu Gong take you to sign the contract."

Li Shangming said gratefully, "thank you, director Wu."

Wu Zixu nodded and sat down on the chair dedicated to the director.

"Are all units ready?"

"No problem."

"It's all ready."


"good, the actors are in their places. "

Qin Tao and Feng Chuanying, an old actor who plays Lu Su, came to the door, while Xiao Yunhai sat in front of the piano.

"Scene 72, the first time, action"

as soon as his voice fell, Xiao Yunhai, dressed in white, looked like a spotless man, and instantly opened up his aura.He gently plucked the strings, his manner was leisurely and elegant, and his movements were more natural and beautiful. The whole person seemed to blend into the set.

Xiao Yunhai just sat there, did not say a word, but all people's eyes could not help staring at him, as if he was a natural luminous body.

Wu Zixu's eyes brightened and nodded with satisfaction.

"What a strong atmosphere. The other side didn't do anything. Just one gesture made me feel the flavor of antiquity. It seemed that I was facing Zhou Yu in the Three Kingdoms period. It was really amazing. " Li Shangliang's eyes shine, and his heart says.

Li Shangliang's acting skills are very good, and he has reached the stage of what he acts like. However, Xiao Yunhai is obviously more than one level better than him, reaching the realm of what is acting.

Although it is only a word difference, but the gap in the middle is no different.

Wang Guoan sighed in a low voice: "since the boy became a director, his progress is so great that it's hard to imagine. "

" it's so divine. " Sun Yanjun looked at Xiao Yunhai on the field for a long time and said these four words.

Wang Guoan said, "Lao Qin and Lao Feng are in trouble."

Even the two film emperors were shocked by Xiao Yunhai's performance, let alone other actors.

"Is this the strength of emperor Yun? It's terrible. "

"you see as like as two peas in the mind, his temperament, manners, movements, and manner."

"This is Zhou Yu. Although Mr. Zhu in the TV version did a good job, he was still far from the emperor."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. It's so fierce."

Wu Zixu frowned, turned and glared at them fiercely. They all shut their mouths.

Although Xiao Yunhai is playing the piano, he is only making a gesture.

He was a master of music in his previous life, but he had never been in touch with guqin, so the film still needs dubbing in the later stage.

Wu Zixu felt that Xiao Yunhai's posture was too beautiful, so he asked him to play for a while, so that he could use it as the material for editing.

"Lao Qin, Lao Lu, play." Feeling almost, Wu Zixu waved to the two people outside the door.

Xiao Yunhai's ears moved. It seemed that he heard something. He put down his hand and his eyes flashed. He looked at Qin Tao and Feng Chuanying who came in from the door.

"It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."

When Xiao Yunhai saw them, he put on a smile and stood up while talking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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