Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:58 AM

Chapter 822

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Zhou Yugui is the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty. He has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hand. When he sees outsiders, he can't be too close.

Although his temperament is still elegant, but between the eyebrows, there is a sense of coolness.

Xiao Yunhai is a perfect fusion of the two contradictory temperament: the bookish spirit without the power to bind the chicken and the decisive military popularity to kill and attack.

"Zhou Yu, this is the real Zhou Yu." Lin Yongzheng sighed softly.

"The elder martial brother is really good." Dong Piao Piao says in his heart.

Xiao Yunhai's momentum directly affects Qin Tao and Feng Chuanying who are coming slowly.

The farther forward, the more heavy their steps will be.

"The momentum is too strong." Both of them said in secret at the same time.

Qin Tao is a little better, his face has always maintained Zhuge Liang's calm manner, a pair of eyes full of wisdom, giving people a sense of strategizing.

But Feng Chuanying is not good.

Lu Su, as he plays, should bring Zhuge Liang in with a happy face and introduce each other to Xiao Yunhai in a loud voice.

As a result, he was influenced by Xiao Yunhai, and his face was stiff and unnatural.

Although the problem is not big, but as an old actor who has been acting on the set for a lifetime, how can Feng Chuanying not know that his play has been taken away by Xiao Yunhai.

So he made a decision and raised his hand directly.

Wu Zixu quickly called out: "Ka"

in the first scene, Xiao Yunhai just said a line and had to stop.

Wu Zixu knew Feng Chuanying's problem, so he didn't say anything. He just let everyone rest for five minutes.

Feng Chuanying took a deep look at Xiao Yunhai, then gave him a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Xiao, it's really powerful."

Since Xiao Yunhai finished filming Infernal Affairs, it has been said in Chinese circles that his acting skills have been in the same realm as Liang Hui, the God of film. Although he is really good in Infernal Affairs, Feng Chuanying, as an old playwright, does not believe it.

He thinks that a 24-year-old young man, without the accumulation of life and dozens of plays, how can his acting skills reach the level of Liang Hui.

But just this fight, let Feng Chuanying instantly understand that the other side is really talented.

Wang Guoan personally handed a glass of water to Feng Chuanying and said, "old Feng, what do you feel?"

Feng Chuanying said: "there is no empty scholar under the high reputation. Liang Hui and I have also played opposite roles. Compared with him, I think Mr. Xiao is more domineering. "

"Lao Qin, how about you?"

Qin Tao spread out his hand and said with a bitter smile, "my palms are full of sweat. From the moment I stepped into the arena, the momentum of the sea of clouds has been affecting me. It seems that I can't help reminding me that he is Zhou Yu. Although I reluctantly rushed out, but the momentum is already falling behind. Even if old Feng doesn't stop, I will ask for a time-out soon. "

Sun Yanjun nodded his head and said, "I just felt that when you played Zhuge Liang, you were forced by the sea of clouds."

When several performing arts groups were discussing the play just now, those supporting actors outside the venue began to whisper.

"Yes, the emperor of cloud is so powerful."

"Yes. Just one face-to-face, let Mr. Qin and Mr. Feng have to come down to readjust, acting is really no one. "

"Worthy of being my idol."

"If only I could have half the acting skills of emperor Yun."

Five minutes later, the acting battle between the three began again.

After being caught off guard by Xiao Yunhai at the beginning, Qin Tao and Feng Chuanying quickly adjust their state. It's the old opera bone, and their acting skills are not to be said.

No matter the lines, expressions or actions, he performed his own role incisively and vividly, and performed a wonderful match with Xiao Yunhai.

However, Wang Guoan and others still see that Xiao Yunhai's performance is more vivid.

After the first scene, all of them spontaneously clapped for the performance of the three.

"It's amazing. It's really good."

"The interpretation of the three really makes me feel as if I have returned to the Three Kingdoms."

"Zhou Yu's elegant and elegant demeanor, Zhuge Liang's strategy and Lu Su's consideration of the overall situation were all performed by three teachers. I seem to know how to act in the future?"

"Who do you think is the best in this?"

"I think it should be the emperor. Because when I saw him, I really felt that this one was not emperor Yun, but Zhou Yu. But when I saw Mr. Qin and Mr. Feng, I didn't feel like that. "

"You think the same as I do, and I feel the same way."

In front of the surveillance plane, Qin Tao and Feng Chuanying watched the play from the beginning to the end, and they couldn't help laughing at each other.

Feng Chuanying's face looked a little bleak and sighed: "old, really old, after the world of young people."

Qin Tao nodded and said with deep sympathy: "it is really admirable that Yunhai can perform Zhou Yu to this extent. The most important thing in acting is "God". If Feng and I played the role of three-point charm, then the sea of clouds at least accounted for eight points. The remaining two points can't be performed unless you can really see Zhou Yu himself. The acting is done. "Xiao Yunhai, who just came by, heard two people's words and quickly waved his hand and said, "don't say so, two teachers. I'm a little embarrassed."

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "Yunhai, these two old guys are always above the top of their eyes. They never agree with others in acting. This time, I can make these two old guys sigh that you are not as good as you are. "

Qin Tao snorted and said," Lao Wang, if you don't accept it, you can try it on the court. "

Wang Guoan said triumphantly: "although we are rivals in the play, there is no rival drama. So, I'm afraid it's no good for me. But old sun can. "

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "in a few days, I will go to battle in person to try how powerful Zhou Yu is in Yunhai?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "teachers, please let me go."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Next, Xiao Yunhai filmed three scenes in a row, so that all the scenes needed to be used in this set were finished.

At lunch, under the introduction of Wu Zixu, Xiao Yunhai met the top Korean star Li Shangming.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Li, your name really makes me feel like thunder. These two days, Mr. Wu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Sun and Mr. Qin have been praising how excellent you are and how sorry you are to leave. I was still thinking about waiting for a chance to get to know each other. I didn't expect that this opportunity came so quickly. "

Li Shangming sighed: "several teachers have been flattering me. Today, after seeing Mr. Xiao's marvelous acting skills, I know what it means to have people outside of people, and to have heaven outside the sky. Compared with Mr. Xiao, Shangming is really ashamed. "

Li Shangming said this not politely, but with emotion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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