Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:56 AM

Chapter 823

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Before, Li shangmingka did not perform many times with Wang Guoan and sun Yanjun, and he thought that he had performed Zhao Yun's unique style.

Although Li Shangming was modest, he was also proud of his acting skills. He felt that his acting skills should be regarded as the best of the younger generation.

I didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai's vivid interpretation of Zhou Yu made him know what a real genius is.

The most important thing is that he is only 24 years old, much younger than himself. It is impossible to say that he will not be hit in his heart.

You don't need to be a good actor. Yunhai is a big pervert, so don't try to compare with him. "

Wang Guoan nodded and said, "yes. I have never seen an actor of his age who has this kind of acting skills in the movie world. To say that he is a genius is somewhat unfair to him. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm flattered by the two teachers. Although I know I'm great, we'd better not say it in front of me. It's too embarrassing "

" puffing "

"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all the people present couldn't help laughing.

After eating a few dishes, Wu Zixu suddenly put down his chopsticks and asked, "Yunhai, you are the best director of the Oscar. Through this morning's shooting, do you think there are any problems with our crew? Or, compared with your group, what aspects need to be improved? "

As one of the most famous directors in China, Wu Zixu didn't find it embarrassing to ask Xiao Yunhai such a question.

This "battle of Chibi" is Wu Zixu's first film to impact the world film world. Wu Zixu has no confidence whether it can be as famous as Jiao fangtao's "Xiaocui".

Worried about gain and loss, he put it up on the wine table.

Although it's a bit abrupt, we don't feel that there is anything wrong with it, because Xiao Yunhai does have the qualification to comment.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes at the dinner table are all looking at Xiao Yunhai, all of them want to hear the opinions of the Oscar best director.

Xiao Yunhai said, "director Wu, since you have said this, I will know everything. If there's something wrong, don't take it to heart. "

Wu Zixu rolled his eyes and said, "you should give me less preventive injections. My old man's mind is not so narrow."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, then I will say what I have to say. I don't think you have enough air. Including the props used in the set, the armor and weapons of the stars, the costumes of the group performers, etc., all made me feel somewhat unsatisfactory. I know that you must be concerned about the money, but if you want to make a real epic war movie, you can't save the money. "

Wang Guoan said: "Lao Wu didn't know that. He even made a budget seriously. If you want to achieve the effect you want, you need to spend at least 100 million more. When director Wu gave the list to the producers, they just looked at it twice and refused without hesitation. It's just a two word answer, no money. "

Wu Zixu sighed deeply and smiled bitterly. "Yun Hai, your movie has always invested in your own life, and everything has the final say of you. You don't have to tell anyone about anything. So you don't know what's going on with us directors. Speaking of it, I am also a bit famous in the circle. In the eyes of many artists, I should belong to the top layer of the gold tower. But it's not at all. The people at the top of the gold tower are always investors. "

"In the eyes of these golden owners, all directors and actors are just a tool for them to make money. It's more difficult to get money out of them than to go to heaven. Let alone a hundred million, even if it is a million, it will have to be carefully studied by the investors at a meeting. "

"Now, there are only two and a half directors in Huaxia that can make investors respond to their needs. One is you, the other is mo Kaixuan, and the other is Jiao fangtao."

Li Shangming asked: "director Wu, why is director Jiao fangtao half?"

Wu Zixu said: "because he has not fully proved his value."

Although Jiao fangtao won a very high box office by virtue of "Xiaocui", and even entered the top 100 of the highest box office films in the world, his ability was not fully trusted by those gold owners.

If he is going to make a second film, there must be no financial problems. As long as it is not too much, investors will not have a bit of constraints on him, after all, "Xiaocui" achievements there.

But whether there will be such treatment in the future depends on the box office of his second film. If it can continue to sell well, his future films are expected to attract all the film and television investors. On the contrary, if the box office fails, Jiao fangtao's investment unlimited treatment will disappear immediately.

Unlike Mo Kaixuan and Xiao Yunhai.

Mo Kaixuan was created with the success of dozens of films, while Xiao Yunhai proved his strength with several high ratings TV series and five high box office movies.

Therefore, even if they fail two or three times, it will not affect investors' confidence in them.Although Wu Zixu and Hong Tiancai have strong directing ability and fame, they are not invincible. They have failed several times before, and have never won eye-catching box office in the world. Therefore, they can not get the treatment of unlimited investment.

Of course, if Wu Zixu's two films "battle of Red Cliff" can be popular all over the world and earn more than $4 billion in total box office, then he will be half of the directors.

other directors will also have this opportunity, and the key depends on the results.

Wu Zixu asked, "Yunhai, what would you do if it were you?"

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to think about it, so he firmly said: "it's very simple, two words remake."

Xiao Yunhai's words made everyone silent.

Remake is easy to say, but it involves too many things. First of all, the funds. All the dramas made in the past month or so are invalid, which is equivalent to throwing 100 million yuan into the water. Secondly, there is the problem of the cast schedule. The shooting time of "battle of Red Cliff" is five months. Now it has been one and a half months. If you come back again, the actors may not have time.

There are many other problems, which are also very troublesome.

Therefore, after listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone admires Xiao Yunhai's atmosphere, but no one dares to take it.

After a long time, Wu Zixu shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "it's too difficult."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's just starting a new stove. I can pay for the 100 million yuan before. Unqualified weapons, armor, clothing, props, etc. can be made again. The biggest problem is the actors. However, as long as everyone here agrees, I believe that other actors will not lose our face. Next, as long as we improve the shooting efficiency, it will not take long to catch up. After all, the scenes have been finished and everyone has played them again. I can go to the military area command and ask the troops to come over. Then a large number of theatrical chores and props are employed and divided into two teams. One team is responsible for shooting, and the other is responsible for the preparation before shooting. It's not impossible to complete all the parts in three months with such a multi pronged approach. "

When they heard Xiao Yunhai's words, they all took a breath of cold air. At the same time, they secretly said, "it's really a great stroke of writing and great courage. No wonder we can become an international director."

You know, although Xiao Yunhai's words are simple, they will cost at least 150 million yuan more. But also need him to work hard for Wu Zixu, with Xiao Yunhai's present identity, can achieve this level, is really let people have to admire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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