Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:53 AM

Chapter 824

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Wu Zixu took a sip of tea and looked at Xiao Yunhai with gratitude in his eyes. He asked, "what do you think of Yunhai's opinions?"

Zhuge Liang and Qin Tao, who had made a lot of scenes, first said: "I strongly support Yunhai's proposal. As long as I can shoot a real classic, even if I can remake it ten times, I'd love to. "

Wang Guoan nodded and said: "at our level, what we need most is not money, but works that can be worshipped by later generations. No, I agree

Sun Yanjun, Qin Tao and others have also made statements.

With the support of this group of film emperors and old opera bones, as long as Wu Zixu nods, the matter is settled.

After they finished speaking, they all cast their eyes on Wu Zixu.

Wu Zixu patted the table and said in high spirits: "well, since everyone agrees, we'll fight. Yunhai, it may cost you more this time. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "all the problems that money can solve are not problems. The extra capital of more than one billion may bring me a profit of one billion or even two billion. I'll go to Mr. Xue and I'm sure he will approve of it. "

Wang Guoan laughed and said, "what are we waiting for? Let's drink to the success of the battle of red cliff."


In this way, at the initiative of Xiao Yunhai, the whole "battle of Red Cliff" crew recruited a number of crew members, and invited many famous costume designers and props division in the industry to tailor clothes, weapons and armor for the characters With Xiao Yunhai's huge financial support, Wu Zixu did everything he should do to the extreme.

Taking advantage of the lack of drama, Xiao Yunhai took the drama team and props group to other places to set in advance, even if it cost twice as much.

In such a cost free operation, only half a month, all the preparatory work has been completed.

"It's crazy. This is the craziest crew I've ever seen," Qin Tao sighed during a drink

Li Shangming nodded and said with admiration: "for this film, Mr. Xiao really took money as paper. In a short period of half a month, 60 million Chinese dollars were spent on props and costumes made again. It is really admirable. This is the attitude of making movies. "

It's not just the stars, but the other people at the bottom of the crew.

Since Xiao Yunhai became an investor, although everyone is busy and tired every day, his salary is twice or even three times as much as before, and his food is much better than before.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai drove away a few people who only knew how to complain but didn't know how to work. After that, the atmosphere of the whole crew was greatly changed. Usually, everyone came and went in a hurry, and no one was free to work.

With Xiao Yunhai's full assistance, Wu Zixu's shooting work is naturally very smooth, and the shooting speed is as fast as flying.

At 4 p.m. on July 24, Xiao Yunhai finished the work of the crew and returned to the hotel ahead of time.

He made an appointment with He Feng, sun Xiaoyue and Wang Guorong, the hosts of happy Sunday, to have a short interview.

Yesterday, under the leadership of deputy director Ruda, the crew of "Crazy Stone" recorded a program that needs to be broadcast tomorrow night.

Xiao Yunhai was too busy to have time to go by, so the TV station thought of the location interview method.

Back at the hotel, the lobby manager came over and said, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. He from Mango TV station, they have arrived. Would you like to go there now?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and asked, "where is it?"

The lobby manager said, "small meeting room on the 12th floor, please follow me."

Xiao Yunhai said thanks and followed the other party to the 12th floor.

Just out of the elevator, Xiao Yunhai saw he Feng who was calling in the corridor.

"Yes, no problem."

He Feng saw Xiao Yunhai, waved to him with a smile, and soon hung up the phone.

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile, and he Feng friendly embrace, way: "teacher he, really sorry, let you run all the way over."

He Feng hehe said with a smile: "since I know, is this afternoon a good treat for us to eat?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. After recording the program, we will have dinner in Yanjing. It's not far, it's only an hour's journey. "

He Feng said: "the guest follows the Lord. We'd like to have a meal of your director Xiao, even if it's steamed bread and pickled vegetables. "

He Feng's words are not all jokes.

The young man in front of me is really amazing. I remember that when I participated in happy Sunday for the first time, he was just a first-line artist.

Now, in just two or three years, the other side has become the most famous director in China and won the Oscar for best director. The three films have won more than 15 billion US dollars at the box office, which is just a miracle.

When he Feng met Xiao Yunhai for the first time, he thought that he would certainly have a good development in the future, but he also decided that he did not expect that the other side would develop so fast, which was almost the same as the speed of the rocket.Originally, he Feng was still worried that Xiao Yunhai would put on airs and make a face on the small host of his variety show after he became an international superstar.

After seeing each other now, he Feng found that the other side had not changed at all. He respected himself and showed a closeness, which made he Feng very pleased and admired him at the same time.

Let alone a young man in his twenties. Even if a man of his age has made such achievements, I'm afraid he can't help feeling a little elated, but the other party is very calm and does not have the slightest arrogance. This mentality alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Xiao Yunhai said: "eat steamed bread and pickles? Mr. He, are you kidding? I can't afford to lose that man. At the very least, we have to fry two more eggs. "

He Feng couldn't help laughing, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and saying, "you're not changed at all. You're as funny as before. They are all international stars. Can we speak a little more grandly? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then add a hot and sour potato shreds, enough atmosphere."

The voice of two people's speech, the other two hosts in the room, sun Xiaoyue and Wang Guorong, were called over.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, they both smile at the same time.

Maybe Xiao Yunhai is different from the past. When they say hello, they seem to be unable to let go. Otherwise, with sun Xiaoyue's careless nature, he would have been in a mess with Xiao Yunhai.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai didn't want to see his friends seeing him so much, so he said with a smile, "sister Xiaoyue, when did you become so quiet? It's not like sun Xiaoyue I know. "

Sun Xiaoyue seemed to feel a little bit stiff, rolled her eyes and said, "who made you an international star? I was scared by your aura. If you want to play big cards with me, that sister will have no face

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "a big beauty like Xiaoyue, which star dares to play big with you. You say, I'll help you find his theory and ask if he is blind? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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