Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:52 AM

Chapter 825

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Sun Xiaoyue found that he was still the Xiao Yunhai who could play a joke. He was happy and quickly recovered his own witch nature. He said, "teacher he, brother Wang, do you hear me? A big director is a big director, who dares to express his real inner thoughts. Unlike you, you know that I am beautiful, but I am afraid that I will laugh at you and dare not say it. Well, how can the gap between people be so big? "

After that, she ignored the disgusting He Feng and Wang Guorong, walked up to Xiao Yunhai, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "young man, with your superior eyesight, crazy movies can definitely sell well."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "how many films are Xiaoyue going to make to support me?"

Sun Xiaoyue's face changed and coughed: "that Let's talk about it later. Mr. He, the film crew is ready. We can go in and record. "

He Feng said: "it doesn't matter. You can wait a moment. Just say you're going to pack a few games? We're all waiting for your answer. "

Wang Guorong echoed: "yes. A great director said that in spite of his conscience, you have to show it. "

Sun Xiaoyue ouch, covered his stomach, and said: "I feel a little uncomfortable, need to go to the bathroom, you go to prepare, I'll be right here."

With that, he slipped away without waiting for everyone to speak.

He Feng said with a smile: "it's an Iron Rooster, and he's not a hair."

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, no kidding. I'll call Wan Qing. We won't go anywhere tonight, so we'll have dinner at home. What about?

He Feng's eyes brightened and said, "of course. Isn't it the famous empress Qinghou who cooks in person

If you want to go to an artist's home, you have to be a trusted and close friend. In particular, with the status of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, ordinary people don't even want to enter their door.

Xiao Yunhai can invite the three of himself to the past, which shows that he really regards the three of himself as good friends.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Wanqing's cooking is OK. Don't worry. You can eat it. However, several other staff members will not be able to go there. After all, it's inconvenient. I'll ask the assistant to invite them to eat Quanjude's roast duck. "

He Feng said with a smile, "OK, I'll tell them."

Entering the conference room, he Feng took the issue book from the file bag and handed it to Xiao Yunhai, so that he could have a look at the questions inside, so that he could not answer them conveniently?

Xiao Yunhai probably took a look, closed the script and said it was OK.

Soon, the recording began.

Xiao Yunhai is sitting behind a tea table with three hosts beside him.

After a few polite words, he Feng said with a smile: "sea of clouds, how long have we not seen each other?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's been more than a year. I remember the last time I was on if you are the one. I'm sorry this time. I originally agreed to go to mango TV station to participate in the recording of "Happy Sunday". As a result, there are too many things for the crew of "battle of Red Cliff", so I really can't leave. "

Sun Xiaoyue said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. You haven't even publicized your movie crazy stone, so we're still very balanced. "

Everyone laughed.

Wang Guorong asked, "director Xiao, are you so confident in your films? I didn't even attend a press conference. Many friends on the Internet say that you are not serious about your works and some are too arrogant. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I'm sure I have great confidence in my own films. No matter what you do, believe that you will succeed. This is the premise of doing a good job. As for not being serious and being too arrogant, I don't think so. Like this crazy stone, I really don't have time. In the battle of red cliff, I am both the leading role and the deputy director. I need to help director Wu do a lot of tedious work. Therefore, I can only ask another director, Ruda, to lead the propaganda team. There is nothing that is not serious or too arrogant. "

"So you admit that you and Mr. Ruda directed these two films together?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. Why don't I admit it. Senior brother Luda graduated from the director department of Yanjing Film Academy, and his ability is very strong. From the preparation of the film to the final shooting, he paid silently behind his back, and one third of the plays were shot by him, and they were very good. So, in the late stage, I put his name in the director column

"Huang Bo said in the program that you are a tyrant. He complained that when you were on the set, he was disowned by six relatives. He reprimanded him several times. Other actors were also scolded by you. Do you know if there is such a thing?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I admit that. The actors of "Crazy Stone" and "crazy racing car" are very grounded. In addition to Huang Bo, although we may be less famous, but the acting skills are very good. The relationship between Huang Bo and me, as we all know, is an iron friend of dormitory in the school. He is not handsome, but he has a talent for acting. In "crazy racing," he is the absolute protagonist, and I am the most strict with him. Because the supporting roles inside are very powerful, and the role settings are very brilliant. If he does not play well and is covered by several supporting actors, the whole play will become a failure. And our relationship is so close, so sometimes when I'm in a hurry, I'll give him a rude rebukeHow many box office hits do you think is crazy about stone

"The play is a comedy with black humor, focusing on a group of small people fighting bravely around a stone. It is very different from the previous comedy, from the trailer, you should also be able to see. As for the box office, I'm afraid to say, because I'm not sure whether the two films can be taken together and the fans' appetite. At 7:00 p.m. on July 26, "Crazy Stone" is about to be premiered. I hope it can bring you a different view of the film. Please support this movie. "

The three hosts took turns and chatted with Xiao Yunhai about "Crazy Stone" for a long time. When they felt almost the same, they talked about other things.

"A while ago, there have been some rumors about you on the Internet. It is said that you are arrogant and domineering in the "battle of Red Cliff", which strongly drove away the Asian king of heaven and held Han Chenghui. As a person, I believe it should not be. Can you tell us the real reason in our program? "

He Feng asked this question. Before that, he had already passed through xiaoyunhaigou alone. Xiao Yunhai thought about it for a while, and thought that he should give his fans an account, so he agreed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "since Han Chenghui left the crew, the Internet has been speculating about me, and there are countless rumors of various versions. Just Han Chenghui's fans hacked my homepage, and there were hundreds of thousands of my posts. I have responded online, so I haven't said anything more. Rumors stop with the wise. Since I stepped into the entertainment industry, Xiao Yunhai has never taken the initiative to cause trouble, never played a big card, never maliciously attacked others. Only this Han Chenghui, his behavior, makes me really difficult to accept. "

"Not to mention anything else, just the video now being transmitted on the Internet can be seen by the discerning eye as soon as it is edited. Even a cause and effect are not, with a few words I reprimand him, caused hundreds of thousands of people's network attacks, it is really uncomfortable

"In previous programs, I once said that artists are not saints. They all have their own shortcomings and shortcomings. What we want to show you is just the side we want to show you. You can appreciate our works, but don't be crazy about adoration. Appreciation is rational, but worship is too blind. "

"I have already made it clear on the home page that I will not repeat it. The whole crew of battle of Chibi knows it clearly. I only hope that you can have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and not to follow suit. "

Soon, Xiao Yunhai's interview was over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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